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  1. Dictionary
    op·er·a·tions re·search
    /ˌäpəˈrāSHənz rəˈsərCH/


    • 1. the application of scientific principles to business management, providing a quantitative basis for complex decisions.
  2. Jul 20, 2022 · Operations Research Definition. Some of the well-known operations research definitions are as: Moarse and Kimbal (1946) defined OR as a scientific method of providing the executive department a quantitative basis for decision-making regarding the operations under their control.

  3. Operation Research is concerned with the application of the principles and the methods of science to the problems of strategy. The subject of operation research was born during Second World War in U.K., and was used for military strategy.

  4. Operations research attempts to provide those who manage organized systems with an objective and quantitative basis for decision; it is normally carried out by teams of scientists and engineers drawn from a variety of disciplines.

  5. Operations research (OR) is an analytical method of problem-solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of organizations. In operations research, problems are broken down into basic components and then solved in defined steps by mathematical analysis.

  6. Operation research. The term Operation Research (OR) related to military operations during the Second World War. Scientists used various techniques to deal with strategic and tactical problems during the war.

  7. What is Operations Research? The Simple Answer: Operations Research (OR) is a discipline of problem-solving and decision-making. It uses advanced analytical methods to help management run an effective organization. Problems are broken down, analyzed, and solved in steps. Identify a problem. Build a model around the real-world problem.

  8. Jan 3, 2023 · Operations research is a scientific discipline that involves using mathematics and analytical principles to aid problem-solving and decision-making for organizations. Learning more about operations research can help you use it to make more informed business decisions.

  9. Operations research (British English: operational research) (U.S. Air Force Specialty Code: Operations Analysis), often shortened to the initialism OR, is a discipline that deals with the development and application of analytical methods to improve decision-making.

  10. The meaning of OPERATIONS RESEARCH is the application of scientific and especially mathematical methods to the study and analysis of problems involving complex systems —called also operational research.

  11. Operations research is a scientific discipline that is concerned with numerical decision issues that typically involve the division and control of finite resources. Such issues occur, for example, in the activities of industrial firms, banking entities, healthcare groups, transit systems, energy and resource companies, and governments.