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  1. Mar 10, 2011 · Speaking for the community of people who watch math talks, I would love to see more beamer themes! :-)) But you can start by customizing one. Kuler is a nice Adobe web app to find color schemes.

  2. No matter how hard I search, I cannot find any information on creating a Beamer theme from scratch, as opposed to LEGOing it together from the built-in inner, outer and color themes, maybe modifying one or two beamer templates by using cryptic commands without explanation.

  3. Closed 10 years ago. Improve this question. I am preparing a presentation in Latex Beamer class. Previously I had used the themes Antibes, Berkeley, Warsaw and Progressbar. I want to try something different now. So, what are the best themes that I can use ?

  4. May 20, 2016 · Perhaps people more expert than me will say that this is not a good method, but I used it two or three times and I think it works pretty well. The required code is: \usepackage{tikz,calc} \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{logo}{logopolito} \setbeamertemplate{background}{.

  5. Using these two points you only need to know the relative path from your .tex to your .sty; and then can organise the stuff easily. A quick example: on a given drive D, you have your .tex in D:/beamer/files and you put some themes in D:/beamer/themes, then to use a given theme mytheme from the file beamerthememytheme.sty in D:/beamer/themes ...

  6. The Beamer Theme Matrix gives you a quick overview of some of the already existing color themes (they correspond to columns in the matrix); the beamer manual also gives a description of the available themes. A little example using spruce. \documentclass[xcolor={dvipsnames,svgnames}]{beamer} \usetheme{CambridgeUS} \usecolortheme{spruce}

  7. Beamer appearance cheat sheet is a very useful cheat sheet when it comes to customize the look of beamer documents. To get the layout you are interested in, I would modify the template for the headline as follows: \hbox{%. \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=2.5ex,dp=1.125ex]{palette quaternary}%.

  8. May 26, 2012 · 9. This might be similar as above. I wanted a quick solution. Adding these to a blank preamble, I got a pure black theme. \setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=white} \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black} \setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white} Share.

  9. Nov 9, 2014 · If you're looking for all possible font themes you can use, or looking for what's in those themes becaue you want to roll your own, you won't find this in the definition of \userfonttheme. The themes are defined in their own files named beamerfonttheme‹themename›.sty ; beamer's own come in a subdirectory themes/font , but that's not neccessary: \usefonttheme is a very thin wrapper around \usepackage .

  10. Dec 22, 2020 · You may like metropolis or blackboard (see SamCarter's blackboard here) or power-point based themes. Also have a peek at the beamer theme matrix or another beamer theme matrix. As fellow Sergio Cavero said, this site is not suitable for this kind of open-ended/opinion-based question. If you have a specific question on styles, you can ask it here.