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  1. AutoDockTools (ADT) is the graphical user interface to set up, launch and analyze AutoDock runs. Learn how to use ADT features, such as viewing molecules, assigning charges, setting up bonds, grids and parameters, and reading in results.

  2. Download AutoDock4, a free software for molecular docking and virtual screening, for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. Learn how to install, use and cite AutoDock4 and its graphical user interface AutoDockTools.

  3. autodock.scripps.eduAutoDock

    AutoDock is a software for predicting how small molecules bind to a receptor of known 3D structure. It consists of two generations of software: AutoDock 4 and AutoDock Vina, and a graphical user interface called AutoDockTools.

  4. › wp-content › uploadsAutoDock Version 4

    Jul 28, 2014 · Learn how to use AutoDock and AutoDockTools for automated docking of flexible ligands to flexible receptors. This guide covers the theory, methods, file formats, and protocols of AutoDock, with examples and references.

  5. autodocksuite.scripps.eduAutoDock Suite

    AutoDock Suite is a collection of methods for computational docking and virtual screening of ligands to biomolecular targets. It includes AutoDock4, AutoDock Vina, AutoDock-GPU, and other tools and resources for structure-based drug discovery.

  6. Learn how to use AutoDock 4 and AutoDockTools (ADT) to perform molecular docking experiments. This tutorial covers the basics of ADT, docking parameters, grid maps, visualization, and analysis of docking results.

  7. AutoDock4 is a free open source software for docking and virtual screening of small molecules to macromolecular receptors. It uses a grid-based lookup table of interaction energies and a genetic algorithm search method.

  8. This tutorial will introduce you to docking using the AutoDock suite of programs. We will use a Graphical User Interface called AutoDockTools, or ADT, that helps a user easily set up the two molecules for docking, launches the external number crunching jobs in AutoDock, and when the dockings are completed also lets the user

  9. AutoDock Vina is one of the docking engines of the AutoDock Suite, designed and implemented by Dr. Oleg Trott. It uses the same PDBQT file format as AutoDock and can be used with AutoDock Tools and PyMOL.

  10. › wiki › AutoDockAutoDock - Wikipedia

    AutoDock is a software for protein-ligand docking, widely used in drug discovery and research. It has a successor, AutoDock Vina, and several third-party tools and improvements.

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