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30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace. Material source: 30 days of JavaScript
Congratulations on deciding to participate in 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge. In this challenge you will learn everything you need to be a JavaScript programmer, and in general, the whole concept of programming.
Change 30 Days Of JavaScript to 30 Days Of Python using replace() method. What is character at index 15 in '30 Days Of JavaScript' string? Use charAt() method. What is the character code of J in '30 Days Of JavaScript' string using charCodeAt() Use indexOf to determine the position of the first occurrence of a in 30 Days Of JavaScript
Check if a day is weekend day or a working day. Your script will take day as an input.
📘 Day 20 📙 Day 21 📙 Day 22 📙 Day 22 Table of contents DOM(Document Object Model)-Day 2 Creating an Element Creating elements Appending child to a parent element Removing a child element from a parent node Exercises Exercises: Level 1 Exercises: Level 2 Exercises: Level 3 📙 Day 23
const now = new Date console. log (now. getDate ()) // 4, because the day of the month is 4th, day(1-31) Getting day Let's extract or get the day of the week from a time object.
📙 Day 30 Exercises Exercise: Level 1. Create the following animation using (HTML, CSS, JS) Validate the following form using regex. Exercise: Level 2 Exercise: Level 3. 🌕 Your journey to greatness completed successfully. You reached high level of greatness. Now, you are much greater than ever before.
You have just completed day 13 challenges and you are 13 steps a head in to your way to greatness. Now do some exercises for your brain and for your muscle. Exercises
An old cliche says an apple a day keeps the doctor way has been replaced by a banana a day keeps the doctor far far away. ' const matches = txt. match (pattern) console. log (matches) [ "Apple" , index: 0 , input: "Apple and banana are fruits.
The scope let and const are the same. The difference is only reassigning. We can not change or reassign the value of the const variable. I would strongly suggest you to use let and const, by using let and const you will write clean code and avoid hard to debug mistakes. As a rule of thumb, you can use let for any value which change, const for any constant value, and for an array, object, arrow function and function expression.. 📔 Object