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  2. Oct 27, 2016 · What makes a perfect friendship? How do we find and keep friends who encourage and strengthen who we are? How do we maintain friendships with the demands of our jobs, family, and other...

    • Supportive. Whether it's a cheering squad on the big day or a comforting shoulder during tough times, a supportive friend is there, enriching the friendship with strength and encouragement.
    • Loyalty. Loyalty is about standing up for each other, being there in times of need, and never betraying trust. This quality strengthens the bond and wraps you in a comforting blanket of security.
    • Honesty. Honesty lets you see each other without distortions. A sincere friend doesn't sugarcoat the truth or hide behind fake compliments. It’s this transparency that builds a genuine relationship.
    • Empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share a friend's feelings. It's putting yourself in their shoes and offering support. Empathetic friends make us feel seen, offering a safe space to communicate.
    • They’Re Kind
    • They’Re Honest
    • They’Re Individual
    • They’Re Adventurous
    • They’Re Playful
    • They’Re Protective
    • They’Re Trustworthy
    • They’Re Nurturing
    • They Listen
    • They’Re Helpful

    You’d think this was a given for any type of human interaction, but kindness is often overlooked. We’ve likely experienced that “bend over backwards” kind of kindness that, to be honest, makes people a little uncomfortable. The kindness of a good friend is more the “stand with you” variety. Rather than give you the shirt off their back, they’ll mak...

    Another of the main qualities of a good friend is that they will let you know when they’re hurt by you, confused by you, see you being foolish, and can tell when you’re hiding. A lot of people don’t want to do any of these. It’s easier for them to hide behind “I don’t want to hurt your feelings.” Thing is, good friends share. Even pain. Discomfort ...

    A sense of identity creates amazing bonds. Good friends aren’t trying to become you, they’re fully-realized unto themselves. Their sense of individuality plays off your own, and even enhances areas in both of you that may have gone unnoticed before. And while dreams, goals, and temperaments are often similar, even the best symbiotic friendships kno...

    Boredom is the absence of stimulation, be it mental, emotional, or physical stimulation. Good friends satisfy all three of those areas; they’re adventurous in that they like to do things, think things, feel things, and share in those things with you. This doesn’t necessarily mean mountain climbing or bungee jumping; a trip to a new restaurant will ...

    If not for good friends, milk would never have snorted from your nose in junior high; you wouldn’t have half as many stories about the things you did in college; half of those stories wouldn’t involve nudity in one fashion or another, and today, as adults, there’s still a chance of liquids snorting from your nose. Except now it’s wine. Friends play...

    Jimi Hendrix was probably thinking about a good friend when he came up with the lyric, “I stand up next to a mountain, I chop it down with the edge of my hand.” Good friends aren’t protective of you in a self-interested, possessive way; they’re protective of you, all the oddly shaped, precious, intrinsic bits that make up your traveling soul, becau...

    There are people we trust only as far as we see them. Those don’t make good friends. Then there are those whom we’d place everything that makes us “us” into an egg, give it to them, and allow them to race on pogo sticks across a booby-trapped, rubble-strewn field while we sip lemonade during the wait for them to return it. We trust our good friends...

    Yes, a good friend holds your hair aside for you while you perform the gutbucket serenade, but she also makes sure you’re eating enough, getting enough rest, sinking into bubble baths at least once a month, and listening wide-eyed as you recount to her your latest achievement or newfound goal. Good friends become friends, parents, lovers, doctors, ...

    Compassion and empathy combine to make our good friends excellent listeners because, honestly, who wants to project “Me, me, me” all the time at anyone? It’s good to be silent and allow our friends to fill us with themselves, as they do with us. Another key characteristic of a good friend is that they listen to your hopes, fears, questions, dreams,...

    A good friend has your back. Not in a pinch. Always. If you’re tired, they take on your load. If you need help figuring something out, they’re your research partners. They neither tally nor begrudge, and if one task is done and you need them for more, they have no problem being there. Period.

    • A. Morningstar
    • Let's You Be Yourself. Various social pressures and fear of judgment or rejection prompt people to mask their true selves. With a good friend, you can let your guard down.
    • Can Keep a Secret. Sometimes you need to talk about a sensitive topic because you need to vent or want advice. You don't have to worry about a good friend being the source of gossip.
    • Shows Empathy. A good friend feels your emotions alongside you. Your friend takes on the burdens that you feel and helps to carry the load. Among the characteristics of a friend, this one makes the most difference when you're under stress.
    • Is Loyal to You. When a friend does not impose unreasonable conditions on the friendship, you see loyalty in action. Such a friend sees himself or herself as on your side.
    • They live with integrity. A friend with integrity acts in alignment with their values and commitments. They have strong moral principles and will speak or act when someone violates these principles.
    • You can trust them. A good close friend is honest and speaks from the heart with good intentions. They tell you what you need to hear in a respectful and loving manner, so it doesn’t feel hurtful.
    • “Dependability” is their middle name. There’s no time for fair-weather and flaky friends. A good friend respects this, trying their best to show up, keep promises, and do what they say they’ll do.
    • They’re loyal. While blind loyalty is never great, since it might cause you to overlook red flags and toxic traits, great friends are generally loyal to their people — unless these people aren’t great friends back.
  3. Mar 23, 2015 · How does your Friendship Quotient measure up? Here are 13 key personal traits that strongly influence friendship quality.

  4. Jun 2, 2022 · 6 qualities of true friendship. There are several characteristics that can help us distinguish close friendships from casual social ties. Identifying the essential traits of true friendship can also help you determine the social connections that are important to you and enable you to nurture lasting friendships. So, a true friend: 1.