1. a large number of people or things: "a multitude of medical conditions are due to being overweight"Similara lota great/large numbera great/large quantityhosthordemassmountaindrovesswarmarmylegionseaabundanceprofusionscoresquantitiesinformal:lotsloadsmassesstacksheapstonsdozenshundredsthousandsmillionsbillionszillionsshedloadslewgazillionsbazillionsgobsswagvulgar slang:shitload
▪ the mass of ordinary people without power or influence: "placing ultimate political power in the hands of the multitude"Similarcrowdgatheringassemblygroupassemblagecongregationflockthronghordemobrare:concoursethe common peoplethe populacethe publicthe peoplethe massesthe rank and filethe crowdthe commonalitythe commonaltythe third estatethe plebeiansthe hoi polloithe mobthe proletariatthe common herdthe rabblethe riff-raffthe canaillethe great unwashedthe ragtag (and bobtail)prolesplebsOppositethe elite
▪ the state of being numerous:"they would swarm over the river in their multitude"
Word OriginMiddle English: via Old French from Latin multitudo, from multus ‘many’.