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  2. Sep 19, 2024 · What if I told you that you are a genius? You’d probably tell me I’m crazy. But there actually some little-known signs that could mark you as a genius, or at least part of the way there. Let’s take a look. 10 signs you’re actually a genius 1) You dont fit in a box

    • You’re A Perpetual Daydreamer. If your mind is constantly wandering off into a world of your own, guess what? You might be a genius! Some people might consider daydreaming as a sign of a short attention span or even laziness, but that’s not always the case.
    • You Love to Read. Ever since you were little, you were always the one with your nose stuck in a book. Reading not only provides an escape but also feeds your insatiable curiosity about the world.
    • You’re a Night Owl. Most people love the comfort of their warm, cozy beds at the end of the day. But for me, that’s when my brain truly comes alive. I’ve always been a night owl, preferring the quiet solitude of the late hours to think, dream, and create.
    • You Question Everything. As a potential genius, you probably have a natural curiosity that leads you to question everything around you. You’re never satisfied with just accepting things at face value, and always want to dig deeper to understand the ‘why’ and ‘how’.
    • Your intuition often hits the bullseye. Intuition is a fascinating thing. It’s that gut feeling we sometimes get, prompting us to make decisions or steer our behavior in one direction or another.
    • You’re constantly curious. The thirst for knowledge is a common trait among geniuses. Leonardo Da Vinci, Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla—all these great minds had one thing in common; they were incredibly curious.
    • You enjoy your own company. I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy the company of a genius, right? Jokes aside, being comfortable in one’s own company is a sign often linked with high intelligence.
    • You’re highly adaptable. Do you quickly learn the ropes, adapt your strategies, and excel? If that’s a big yes, then it’s time you give yourself the credit you deserve.
    • You talk to yourself, a lot. Yes, it’s a most common trait that the majority of intelligent personalities are relating to. You are always thinking about something you are passionate about.
    • Your weekend plan is alone. But, an exciting indeed. While other ones are waiting hard for the weekend, and still have no ideas what to do on weekends.
    • You sleep last…But wake up first. You really put that much into the work, even though it’s a late night. You work till late because you don’t want to leave it incomplete.
    • You daydream a lot. Your mind is always running and sending you exciting projects to work upon. Like you have whole strategies to implement to achieve your dreams, you also can see everything happen with your imagination only.
  3. 1 day ago · 3. They rise to meet challenges. VideoFlow | Shutterstock . Meeting hardships head-on and getting back up when they've been knocked down are signs of a genuinely brilliant person that can't be faked.

  4. Aug 8, 2023 · While there is no singular formula to define genius, there are several telltale signs and traits that set brilliant minds apart from the crowd. In this intriguing exploration, we delve into these...

  5. Dec 10, 2023 · Now, how do you know if you’re actually a genius and not just smart? Well, there are some telltale signs. And trust me, it’s not just about your IQ score. In this article, I’ll walk you through these indicators in an easy-to-understand manner. Let’s get started. 1) You’re a problem solver