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  2. Aug 19, 2024 · Its perfectly okay to kiss on the first date if you and your partner are both up for it. If you both enjoyed the date, feel a romantic connection, and want to see each other again, go for it! However, you definitely don't have to kiss your date if you don't want to. Go with your gut and try not to overthink it. Should you kiss on the first date?

  3. Dec 3, 2022 · Deciding whether or not to kiss on the first date is tricky, but experts say to just trust your instincts. “I don’t think there’s any right or wrong when it comes to kissing on the first...

  4. Nov 22, 2023 · Should you kiss on the first date? We explain the signs of a good first date, whether you should kiss, and what to do if it’s not going well.

    • Overview
    • Expect to share a kiss within the first 3 date
    • Go for a kiss when the moment feels right to yo
    • Watch for flirty body language during the dat
    • Wait for an intimate moment in a quiet, private plac
    • Lean in closer to subtly test the water
    • Ask if the other person wants to kis
    • Tell them directly that you’d like to kis
    • Give them a peck on the cheek if you want to take it slo
    • Try giving a goodbye kis

    Have you been waiting for the perfect time to share the first kiss with your date, but you aren’t sure if you’re ready? While you ultimately get to choose when you have your first kiss, there are a few ways to know if it's the right time. Keep reading for a ton of helpful tips about how to plan your kiss and find out if the other person is interest...

    You’ll usually feel a romantic spark after getting to know the person.

    If you want a quick way to see if you’re compatible, try smooching within the first few dates.

    Some people want to kiss right away on the first date, but others just need a little more time getting to know each other. Just remember that it’s completely normal if someone wants to wait longer if they have different values or beliefs.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with kissing on the first date if you really like the person and they’re into it!

    There’s no right time, so let your kiss happen spontaneously.

    If you try choosing a specific time for your first kiss, you may start feeling a little anxious waiting. Take a breath, relax, and just pay attention if you’re feeling that romantic spark.

    If you’re having a fun time and sharing a laugh with your date, try leaning in for a kiss to see how they respond.

    Only kiss people if you feel a connection with them so you don’t lead them on.

    If they make eye contact or touch you, they want a kiss.

    Watch how your date acts around you to see if they’re giving you any signals. A light brush against you, a lot of eye contact, or them playing with their hair are all signs that they’re into you.

    If they’re biting their lip or looking at your lips, then it’s a sure sign they want you to make a move.

    Try brushing against them to see if they respond. If they try to pull away, wait to make your move since they may need to get to know you a little better first.

    A little privacy makes your first kiss feel more special.

    Even if you really feel the urge to kiss someone, it could make them feel a little uncomfortable if you’re out in public. Step over to somewhere a little more private so you have a chance to enjoy the moment without anyone disturbing you.

    For example, if you’re at a party, you may go outside for a few minutes or find a room without a lot of people.

    As another example, you may try going for a kiss as you’re walking your date back to their car.

    The other person will lean in for the kiss if they’re in the mood.

    As soon as you start leaning in, you’re telling the other person you want to kiss them. Stop just in front of their face so they can go in for the kiss if they feel the same way.

    Asking someone is respectful, but it may sound old-fashioned.

    Consent is really important for making sure that the other person feels comfortable. While it may seem like your date wants to kiss from their body language, it never hurts to ask if you’re feeling nervous or anxious. That way, you give the other person a choice without forcing them into a decision.

    This shows confidence but gives the person a chance to say no.

    If you’re feeling really passionate but don’t want to sound too aggressive, tell them exactly how you’re feeling. That way, you make your intentions really clear, but your date still gets to choose if they want to kiss you.

    This lets the person know you’re interested without too much pressure.

    Even if you really like someone, it’s completely normal to feel nervous about your first real kiss. If you still want to give them a kiss but aren’t ready for a full makeout session, try a quick peck on the cheek instead so they know you’re still into them.

    If you don’t want to be the one to make the first move, kissing your date on the cheek might give them the courage to kiss you back.

    Depending on your culture, a kiss on the cheek may feel a little more platonic than romantic.

    End the date on a romantic note so they know you’re interested.

    Saying goodbye is a perfect time to let your date know that you want to see them again. If you’re feeling the spark at the end of the date, linger for a second before you say goodbye. Say something like, “I had fun,” or “I’ve really loved spending time with you,” to make the moment more romantic and urge your date to make their move.

    • Mary Grace Garis
    • Work through the nerves. Feeling nervous about a kiss on the first date might not just hold you back from experiencing a positive physical connection; it can make things uncomfortable should you choose to lean in.
    • Check in on their body language. Keeping an eye on your date's body language can help you determine when the time may be right for a kiss and if your date is also interested, says Lawless.
    • Ask for consent. This simple step may seem a little weird at first blush, but it can help ensure you and your date are comfortable. "You can simply say, 'I've had such a great time with you tonight.
    • Keep it simple. While there may be a lot of pressure to make a first kiss memorable, it's not necessarily the time to try out different types of kisses.
  5. Oct 30, 2023 · Fair warning: Even if you kiss on the first date, that doesn't signify that you'll have another date with this person.

  6. Benefits of kissing at first date. Kissing on the first date 💋 has its benefits! Kissing is an expression of your feelings, and sharing a kiss on your first date can add a lot of excitement for your future romance 💖 with your date.