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  1. People also ask

    • A strong sense of self, because you can’t be with someone who doesn’t know who they are.
    • Honesty, because your relationship won’t survive without it.
    • Joy, because if you’re going to survive through the struggles, you need to be with someone who makes you happy.
    • Integrity, because you can’t be with a person you don’t respect.
    • Humility. A very wise person once said that the roots of humility and humiliation are the same: being on your knees. If you get pushed into that position, you will feel humiliated.
    • Fairness. Agreements and the rules that define them are mutually chosen by both individuals in an intimate partnership. Fairness is the commitment to either live by those sacred alliances or to opt for renegotiation if they no longer support the relationship’s ideals and principles.
    • Translucence. Honesty, authenticity, and transparency are the bedrock of trust. They predict whether your partners will be who they say they are. Gaslighting and ghosting do not exist in these relationships.
    • Courage. It is often scary to take the risks needed to challenge oneself and others in a long-term relationship when the consequences might be hard to bear.
    • They Respect Your Beliefs and values.
    • They Help You Grow as A person.
    • They Trust You, and You Trust them.
    • They Love All of You (Even The Flawed parts).
    • They Make You Chuckle Or Have Giggle Fits.
    • They Are Okay with The Occasional Night in.
    • They Make Time Together A priority.
    • They Have A Life Outside of Your Relationship.
    • They Express Why They Appreciate you.
    • They Are Willing to Make Compromises.

    The person you marry doesn’t have to agree with you on every issue, but even so, you must have a mutual respect for each other’s core beliefs and values. How could it be possible to keep on loving a person you don’t respect? Spoiler Alert: It’s not.

    The person you marry should help you evolve into a better version of yourself. That doesn’t mean they should belittle you with insults or tell you that you’re not “good enough,” because positive transformation cannot happen without total acceptance of who you are; but your partner should challenge you to step up your game in every aspect of your li...

    The person you marry shouldn’t be snooping through your phone, private messages, or browsing history. If they are concerned about a specific issue, they should confront you about it without mincing words or sneaking behind your back.

    The person you marry should be in love with you—not their idea of who they think you should be. If they can’t accept you without attempting to mold you into another person, you would be wise to look for love elsewhere.

    The person you marry should make you feel happy and fulfilled, not sad and stuck. You should be able to smile at each other for no good reason (other than the fact that you’re so happy to be together), and you should have inside jokes that no one else in your social circle “gets.”

    The person you marry has every right to expect the occasional date night, road-trip, vacation, or adventure of their choosing; however, they shouldn’t feel like you always have to be doing something in order to enjoy your time together. They should be perfectly content to snuggle up with you in bed and enjoy a rare moment of silence together, with ...

    The person you marry needs to make time for you, because even the best relationship cannot survive without proper care and attention.

    The person you marry shouldn’t expect you to spend every waking moment with them, because you have hopes and dreams beyond the scope of your relationship. And besides, two people can only spend so much time together before getting fed up with each other, so a little bit of space will be good for both of you.

    The person you marry should make a point of expressing why they appreciate you, how they feel about you, and what physical qualities about yourself that they find attractive, handsome, sexy, or hot. It’s easy to feel your partner doesn’t care without the occasional compliment, so make sure they truly appreciate the role you play in the story that i...

    The person you marry shouldn’t be a weak-willed pushover who bends to your every whim, but that doesn’t mean they get to be stubborn. It is rare that one half of a couple is 100% right or wrong in any given argument. The answer usually lies somewhere in the middle. Your partner should be willing to talk through any given issue with you and make a c...

    • They share emotional intimacy. Sharing a strong emotional connection with the spouse can be one of the important qualities in a partner. You and your spouse share a deep connection when you share emotional intimacy or an interpersonal relationship.
    • They show physical affection. For most people, physical affection is a must in a healthy relationship. Touch makes us feel loved by our partners and builds sexual chemistry.
    • They respect you. Love is about more than the warm and happy way you feel around your partner – but one of the qualities in a partner that everyone should prioritize is respect.
    • They exhibit unwavering commitment. One of the qualities in a partner one will admire is their unwavering commitment to their spouse. A partner who is not loyal will leave you feeling insecure.
  2. Feb 18, 2024 · What makes us feel safe, understood, and deeply connected? In this article, I’ve put together a list of all those qualities. It’s a close look at what it takes to not only keep the spark alive but to let it grow into a lasting flame.

  3. Mar 29, 2023 · What are the signs of a healthy relationship? These are the most important qualities for a relationship to truly be healthy and strong.

  4. Mar 15, 2024 · Below are ten signs that indicate you’ve found a good life partner, emphasizing the qualities to look for in a partner that contribute to a healthy and happy relationship. 1. Effective communication. A good partner communicates openly, expressing thoughts and feelings clearly and listening actively.