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      • Omkara is the primordial sound from which the whole universe was created. Om is also called the shabda Brahman – God as sound/vibration. Yoga theory says that by following the thread of Om during meditation back to more and more subtle levels of awareness, the yogi regains union with Brahman.
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  2. Dec 21, 2023 · Yogapedia Explains Omkara. Omkara is the primordial sound from which the whole universe was created. Om is also called the shabda Brahman – God as sound/vibration. Yoga theory says that by following the thread of Om during meditation back to more and more subtle levels of awareness, the yogi regains union with Brahman.

    • Pranava

      It is an important symbol in yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism and...

    • What Is Om?
    • Definition of Om
    • Pranava Is God
    • Pranava Is Atman
    • Om Mantra Japa
    • Om Meditation
    • Bottom Line

    Om Meaning

    Pranava, Omkara, and Ekakshara are the other names of Om. Pranava means that transcends Prana. Prana is the life force. It is Atman who transcends Prana. Pranava denotes Atman. Omkara means Om-ness. The suffix ‘kara’ is commonly added to letters when they are separately spoken of. For example, when the letter ‘A’ is separately spoken of, it is termed ‘Akara’. Similarly, Om is termed as Omkara. Ekakshara means ‘mono-syllable’. Normally, vowels are skipped in the counting. Om contains Makara on...

    Origin of Om

    It is a sacred sound for Hindus. Om has its place not only in Hinduism but also in other major religions. For example, ‘Amen’ in Christianity, and ‘Amin’ in Islam. Also, It is the sacred word in Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. It is not only a sacred sound or word but a sacred symbol too. It is also used as a mantra or the sacred or mystic syllable. There exists hardly any mantra without Om. A voluminous literature on Pranava exists in Sanskrit and other vernacular languages like Tamil, Telug...

    Interpretation by Indologists

    Some Indologists including Max Muller in the name of research have tried to interpret Om as the mere word of affirmation. Such attempts were made with the ulterior motive of diluting the significance of the sacred syllable. According to the German Scholar Max Muller, Om is the contraction of the word ‘Avam’ which means “Yes, It is”. Swami Sankarananda proposed that the origin of the word was from the ‘Soma’ which is a liquid of sacrifice of Vedic time. Persians pronounce the letter S as H onl...

    Katha Upanishad(1.2.15) defines om as below. It means the word that which is taught by all Vedas as the prime goal, for which all penances are undertaken, and for which disciplines like celibacy are practiced, that word is concisely om. Pranava is God

    According to Vedic Scriptures, it is the primordial sound that existed before creation. It is the sound that transcends all the sounds. It is the substratum of all words that manifest as sounds. Also, It pervades all forms of the world, animate or inanimate. It is the manifestation of Brahman in the form of sound. It is nothing but Brahman, the ult...

    According to Mandukhya Upanishad, Atman has four aspects and Turya-Atman is Omkara-Atman. Mundaka Upanishad instructs ‘omityevaṃ dhyāyatha ātmānaṃ’ which means ‘Meditate on Om as Atman’. Om Itidam Sarvam(All this is Om) is the declaration of Taittriya Upanishad. The basic tenets of Vedanta are: All is Brahman, Atman is Brahman, and Consciousness is...

    We have seen that Omkara is God, Brahman, Consciousness, and the whole universe. Pranava is also a means to attain God or liberation. It is used in Mantra Japa, as an object of meditation, and also as an aid in Pranayama. Pranava is the Beeja (seed) Mantra like Hrim, Srim, etc. Also, it is the supreme mantra of liberation. Japa is the repetition or...

    In his commentary on Brihadaranyaha Upanishad, Sri Sankara advocates the meditation of Pranava as a means to attain Brahman. Furthermore, Mahanarayana Upanishad says ‘One should meditate on Atman chanting Pranava’. Mundaka Upanishad and Prasna Upanishad convey the same message. According to Mandukhya Upanishad, Atman has four states: waking state, ...

    Om is God. It is the Self. Om is the universe. It is Consciousness. To attain liberation, one should resort to Pranava. It is the dispeller of all obstacles. Varaha Upanishad says that Pranava destroys all sins and impurities. In the same tone, Yoga Tattva Upanishad says that all previous accumulations of sins are removed for him who utters Pranava...

  3. Om represents the eternal oneness of all that is, and is the ultimate goal of yoga: to become unified in body, mind, and spirit. Om reminds us that everything around us, including ourselves contains aspects of the divine. As we make the sound of Om we acknowledge the connection we have to all things. The History and Universality of OM.

  4. Omkar gives us Moksha, liberation, the ultimate freedom. The last line Omkaraya Namo Namaha means we offer our salutations to the Omkar. How to chant Omkar: AUM can be chanted slowly or quickly. Each method is as good as the other and you must experiment yourself to find out your own preference.

  5. Jagaritasthano vaisvanar-okarah prathama matra: The Jagaritasthana, or the waking condition of the Atman, called the Visva, or Vaisvanara, is the first syllable of Om – Akara. Apteradimatvadva: 'A' is comparable, in a very peculiar way, with the first phase of the Atman.

  6. Om is regarded as the basis of every other mantra in the Hindu religion. Many Hindu scriptures such as the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have detailed descriptions about the meaning of Om. Moreover, in every Hindu religious activity, the chanting of Om is essential.

  7. Udgeeth Prananaya or Chanting of Om or Omkara, soothes the mind and induces a meditative state. Udgeeth is also known as Omkara Japa.