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The best way to get from Nagpur to Pune is to fly which takes 2h 4m and costs ₹4,600 - ₹15,000. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs ₹650 - ₹2,600 and takes 12h 4m, you could also train, which costs ₹430 - ₹11,000 and takes 15h 10m.
Distance between Nagpur and Pune is 620 kilometers (385 miles) in India. Also calculate the driving distance and how far is it the travel time.
The Distance between Nagpur to Pune by road is 734KM. The aerial distance from Nagpur to Pune is 620KM.
Pune is approximately 650+ kms from Nagpur. The fastest way to reach Pune from Nagpur is by Flight. It takes approximately 2 hours. The cheapest way to reach Pune from Nagpur is by Train Via Jalgaon which would take approximately 17 hours.
Air Travel Distance between Nagpur and Pune is : 661.06 km / 410.77 miles. Given below is the road distance between Nagpur and Pune. If more than one route is available, alternate routes will also be displayed. The map given below gives road map and travel directions to reach Pune from Nagpur by car or bus.