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  1. Partitions by HASH is a very bad idea with datetime columns, because it cannot use partition pruning. From the MySQL docs: Pruning can be used only on integer columns of tables partitioned by HASH or KEY. For example, this query on table t4 cannot use pruning because dob is a DATE column:

  2. Jan 27, 2024 · Learn how to partition tables by range, hash, key, and list in MySQL 8, using practical examples. Partitioning can improve query performance, maintenance, and indexing.

  3. Here's a demo of partitioning in the way you describe: mysql> create table table_to_partition ( my_timestamp int unsigned primary key ) partition by hash(my_timestamp DIV (60*60*24)) partitions 3; mysql> insert into table_to_partition values (unix_timestamp(now())); mysql> insert into table_to_partition values (unix_timestamp(now()-interval 1 ...

  4. Feb 27, 2021 · 1 Answer. Sorted by: 0. I would use PARTITION BY RANGE(TO_DAYS(DateOrder)) and use weekly partitions. This would be about 15 partitions, which is a nice balance between speed and space.

  5. Jul 5, 2024 · MySQL table partitioning divides large tables into smaller, more manageable sub-tables, each with its own storage engine, indexes, and data. This approach improves query performance, reduces index size, and enhances data management, especially for large tables.

  6. Learn how to partition tables in MySQL 8.0 using different types of partitioning functions and storage engines. Partitioning can improve performance and manageability of large data sets.

  7. People also ask

  8. TABLE can be used with partitioned tables for repartitioning, to add, drop, discard, import, merge, and split partitions, and to perform partitioning maintenance. Simply using a partition_options clause with ALTER TABLE on a partitioned table repartitions the table according to the partitioning scheme defined by the partition_options.