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  1. Matthew 7 Questions and Answers, Judgement and Good Fruit. Day 1. 1. Read Matthew 7:1-2. What does it mean to judge? What kind of judging is Jesus talking about in these verses? To judge is to form an opinion or conclusion

  2. Matthew 7:1-12. I. Judging Others (1-6) Discussion Questions. What does it mean “do not judge?” Are Christians forbidden from ever judging others? What does it mean to judge others? Who is the judge? If we are not supposed to judge others, then do we just ignore their sin? So what kind of attitude should we have about judging?

  3. 1. How does Jesus' caution against judging others influence your interactions with people? 2. Reflect on the metaphor of the speck and the plank. How does this speak to self-examination? 3.

  4. Dec 31, 2006 · First, we will look at eight encouragements to pray in Matthew 7:711. Second, we will try to answer the question of how we are to understand the promises that we will receive when we ask, and find when we seek, and have the door opened when we knock.

  5. To illustrate these surprising truths, Jesus asks two rhetorical questions. What man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? (v 9) (Rhetorical reply: No man among us would do that.)

  6. 1. Read. Luke 18:9-14 and discuss ways that this parable illustrates what Jesus is teaching in Matthew 7:1-5. 2. Verse 6 is a bit of a puzzler. One thing that helps to get what it is saying is to learn what else the New Testament has to say about dogs and pigs (swine).

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  8. Matthew 7:7-11. Admonition to prayer : presupposes deferred answer to prayer, tempting to doubt as to its utility, and consequent discontinuance of the practice. A lesson more natural at a later stage, when the disciples had a more developed religious experience.