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  2. May 11, 2023 · Couples counseling is a type of psychotherapy that includes marriage counseling, premarital counseling, and family therapy (Gupta, 2021). It is typically a short-term form of counseling that can help partners improve their relationship at any stage.

    • Photo Show & Tell. Right. We literally just finished saying to put your phones away 😆 We’ll make an exception for this exercise, just be sure to switch them to Do Not Disturb mode.
    • The Revealing Game. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit facing each other. Make eye contact and take a few deep breaths together.
    • Six-Second Kiss. Here’s a fun connection quickie you can easily do any time, any place: Kiss. Hold the kiss for 6 seconds (or more).
    • Relationship Check-In. Sit somewhere comfortable where you can relax and talk openly for 20 minutes – 1 hour. Begin with your ‘celebrations’ – what’s working in your relationship?
    • Listen carefully and respond appropriately. Proper communication needs the total participation of both parties. One of the vital communication tips for couples would be to allow your partner to talk as you actively listen to all the complaints, appreciations, and concerns.
    • Evade personal reproach. Avoid any form of personal criticism through insults, inappropriate body language, shouting, and yelling. You may have a point, but the way you communicate has an effect on the way your partner conceives the information.
    • Understand one another. Seek your partner to listen to you without judging you. Psychologists recommend appreciation first in a bid to drive a point home.
    • Use the right tone. Are all of you emotionally stable when getting into a discussion? A quarrel regarding a sensitive issue can turn into a disaster only because you failed to use the right tone.
    • Compassion. Are you only seeing one side of the story? "One of the techniques I use in couple therapy is called 'circular questioning' where I ask one partner about the other’s experience of, say, something that’s happening between them," explains Lamb.
    • Patience. "One of the causes of impatience in relationships is, I find, that each of the partners wants the other to be like themselves," says Lamb. "Patience involves making space for your partner to be the way they are; negotiating the way your partner impacts you at a feeling level rather than at a 'this is how it or you should be' level.
    • Teamwork. "Teamwork, by definition, involves cooperation and this usually means compromise," says Lamb. "Surprisingly, many couples who come to me for help with their relationships list 'teamwork' as one of the positives in their relationships.
    • Forgiveness. No one is perfect—not even your partner. "In a relationship between two fallible human beings, both partners are going to get things wrong on a regular basis," says Lamb.
    • Validation Exercises. Validation is important in any relationship. We all want to feel validated in life. In your relationships, validation can make you feel secure when you open up and are vulnerable.
    • Positive Language Exercises. When couples speak to one another with positive communication styles and language, conversations tend to be more well-received.
    • Active Listening Exercises. Sometimes we might come across as if we have a need to be right. Active listening can be an excellent way to change this. In an exercise also known as uninterrupted active listening, you don’t interrupt your partner while they’re expressing their needs or feelings.
    • Extended Eye Contact Exercises. Extended eye contact is a powerful way to learn about how your partner truly feels. In this non-verbal exercise, neither partner speaks.
  3. pinpointed nine skills that, if learned, can help couples communicate more effectively. As you read through the 9 Skills and their definitions in Table 1, check to see if You (Y) and/or your Partner (P) are doing them. Please remem-ber that every couple has a degree of these Don’ts in their relationship.

  4. Jan 16, 2024 · Communication is the basis for a healthy marriage. It’s how you and your spouse connect, share your thoughts and views, and settle disputes. Relationship communication skills take work for everyone. Some couples will have to work on their communication skills in relationships for years.