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  1. Dec 29, 2022 · He’s the Devil of his word. Watch all seasons of Lucifer, streaming now on Netflix! Follow Netflix India on:Website: https:...

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  2. Lucifer closed out its three-season Fox run — and nearly the series itself — with the helluva reveal that fans had been long awaiting, when Detective Chloe Decker laid eyes for the first time...

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality
    • Powers and Abilities
    • Weaknesses
    • Physical Appearance
    • Family
    • Trivia

    Lucifer Morningstar, formerly known as Samael as well as his nickname, the Light-Bringer, is the titular protagonist of Lucifer. He is an Archangel and the younger identical twin brother of Michael. Following a failed rebellion against his Father, Lucifer was banished from Heaven and forced to oversee the torture of damned Human souls for eons as the Ruler of Hell. During his time as the King of Hell, Lucifer tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, leading to Eve and her husband Adam being banished to live on Earth for the rest of their lives. After some visits to Earth, He would reunite with his old friend, Lilith in 1946 to help her find her ring. Lucifer was ultimately gifted the ring, along with Lilith's Immortality. Widely known as the Devil or Satan by Humans, Lucifer is blamed for the sins of mankind.

    On one of Lucifer visits to Earth in 2011, he assisted Amenadiel in finding his necklace and eventually decided to abdicate his throne to become a nightclub owner in Los Angeles, operating an establishment called Lux. He forced his eldest brother to oblige due to the deal he made with him to help find his necklace and had his closest friend and senior lieutenant, Mazikeen join him, owing John Constantine a favor for helping her leave Hell during their search for the necklace. After having Maze cut his wings off, he repaid that favor during the Anti-Monitor Crisis before the Multiverse was destroyed and later reborn, allowing the former King of Hell to continue his carefree life.

    Lucifer's life took a turn after he witnessed the murder of his friend Delilah. Feeling compelled to find the killer, he attached himself to Detective Chloe Decker, and ultimately solved the case with her. He manipulated his way into becoming a consultant for the LAPD, which gave him an outlet to punish evil doers on Earth instead of Hell. Lucifer also started seeking therapy from Linda Martin, temporarily becoming a lover. His relationship with the Detective becomes more intimate, after shockingly realizing that he becomes vulnerable in her pressence. He gets into conflict with Amenadiel, who seeks to bring him back to Hell, only for the brothers to team up to stop the corrupt cop, Malcolm Graham, after the latter resurrected him in a misguided attempt to do God's will. In an effort to protect Chloe, Lucifer was mortally wounded by Malcolm and before dying, makes a deal with God to protect Chloe in exchange for being a loyal son. Briefly returning to Hell, he is shown that his Mother escaped Her cell. His death is then reversed by God and after sending Malcolm back to Hell, he interprets what he saw as his part of the deal: return Goddess to Hell.

    After a long search for Goddess, they finally reunite, only for him to instead condemn Her to live among the Humans She despised as a loophole to punish Her so they could reconnect. Her presence eventually brought the attention of Uriel, forcing Lucifer to eradicate him with the Blade of Death to save Goddess and Chloe. Needing actual assistance from Linda because of this, he reveals his true self to her, causing her to distance herself from him, before eventually resuming their sessions. Lucifer and Chloe almost started a relationship before he discovered that God put her in his path for unknown reasons, causing him to break off any affection he has for her to protect her. When he learned his Mother's plan to return to Heaven to face God, he agreed to help reassemble the Flaming Sword, but his intention was to return Her home and have his parents fight it out as vengeance for their manipulations. However, realizing that their actions would culminate in a civil war, resulting in numerous of his siblings dead, he went against Goddess, and instead used the sword to cut through space itself, giving his Mother the opportunity to form Her own universe. This selfless act resulted in Lucifer unknowingly self-actualizing his wings back.

    With his wings returned and his Devil face gone, Lucifer believed that a master criminal known as The Sinnerman was behind it all and set out to punish him. He also started a friendship with Charlotte Richards after her experience in Hell left her broken. After a long chase and misdirection, Lucifer learned that the LAPD's new lieutenant was not only the Sinnerman, but the world's first murderer, Cain, but had nothing to do with his latest conundrum. This led Lucifer to think that God did it all to foil Cain's plans, so Lucifer set out to help get rid of his mark so he could finally die before deciding to dissolve it when it put Chloe in jeopardy. He soon grew jealous when Cain and Chloe started dating, and later became engaged, so decided to tell her how he felt, but backed out when the latter called it off. After Cain murdered Charlotte and Amenadiel regained his wings, Lucifer realized that all the changes to his body were his doing, believing he deserved what he got. Once Lucifer finally killed Cain, his Devil face returned, as he believed he was a monster once again for breaking God's number one rule of not killing Humans. just as Chloe witnessed it.

    Lucifer's relationship with Chloe took a turn after she initially betrayed him to send him back to Hell with the help of Father William Kinley. Though Chloe realized she was wrong, Lucifer couldn't bring himself to forgive her, and things only got worse when Eve showed up and the two resumed their former relationship. Lucifer and Chloe eventually reconciled and he returned to consulting for the LAPD. Unfortunately, because of Eve's influence, Lucifer started inflicting serious punishment on the guilty, before he realized what he was becoming and broke up with her to prevent a world ending prophecy. However, the prophecy came true when Demons started invading L.A., forcing Lucifer to return to Hell to keep them in line. Before leaving, Lucifer and Chloe admitted their feelings for each other and he resumed his rule over Hell.

    Becoming The Devil
    Visits to Earth
    Moving to Earth
    Anti-Monitor Crisis
    Some years later, Lucifer became aware of the Anti-Monitor Crisis impacting the Multiverse, but was indifferent toward the situation. As he was leaving Lux through the back with two women, he found Constantine and his two compatriots waiting for him. With Constantine here to collect on the favor he owed him, he had the ladies return to the bar so he could conduct his business. Enthusiastically greeting "Johnny," Lucifer was less then thrilled to see the warlock outside his bar on his Earth. Noticing Mia Smoak's beauty, Lucifer introduced himself as The Devil, though Mia didn't believe him, and used his mojo to discover what she truly desired. Learning that it was to save her father, Lucifer related with it being "daddy issues," just like him and his Father. Getting back on the topic of why they were here, Lucifer learned they need his help in retrieving Oliver Queen's soul from Purgatory. Shrugging off the urgency of the current Crisis, he agreed to aide the trio, only because of Constantine helping Maze get to Earth. Before providing his assistance, he locked eyes with John Diggle and noted his "tall, dark, annoyed by [him]," demeanor reminded him of Amenadiel. Diggle demanded he cut out his foolishness and help them which only made Lucifer become attracted to his demeanor towards him. Always living up to his deals, Lucifer gifted them a Purgatory Teleportation Card to use to save Oliver's soul. He, however, warned them that they only had a limited time within Purgatory and their souls would be destroyed if they didn't return to the mortal plane before the card of him playing a piano with his Devil face faded away. He bid "Constantyne" and his compatriots farewell, giving one last flirtatious look at Mia before returning to his activities as normal. After the Multiverse was destroyed, Lucifer returned to his life as normal once the Paragons and Spectre rebooted the Multiverse at the Dawn of Time; though Lucifer's history was altered so that he personally brought Maze to Earth. By 2016, Lucifer had settled into a hedonistic lifestyle in Los Angeles revolving around running Lux and making Faustian deals with various people in various industries in exchange for favors. But then one night he witnessed the murder of a close acquaintance. Lacking faith in the L.A.P.D., Lucifer inserted himself into the investigation, working with homicide detective Chloe Decker. After the case was solved, Lucifer decided to continue working with Chloe as an LAPD Civilian Consultant.

    Being the Devil and a Celestial Being who has been alive since the Dawn of Time, Lucifer's perspective of life is vast and as such, sees Human lives as ephemeral as memories and holds little value to them, considering from his point of view a human lifetime seems inconsequential (with notable exceptions). Therefore, he never runs when chasing his prey. Lucifer views his time on Earth as a vacation as much as a Human would consider a vacation to a wildlife park.

    Charming, eloquent and sophisticated, and fully aware of the fact, Lucifer carries himself with an air of supreme confidence, charisma, and egotism, even arrogance, which is due in part to his vast supernatural powers such as his Immortality, near-invulnerability, and knack for coaxing Humans to spill their hidden secrets to him. Because of this, Lucifer is always sure of success in whatever he does, regardless of whatever obstacles are in his way, and fears no consequences. On the rare occasions where he fails to get what he is after, Lucifer usually displays remarkable temper control, often viewing such happenings with amusement and curiosity rather than frustration. It takes a great personal betrayal, or attack on someone he cares about, such as Chloe Decker, to actually enrage Lucifer; when this happens, he can become ruthless and terrifying. When his anger is triggered, he will often have a vicious smile on his face, blazing red eyes, and sometimes, glimpses of his devil face shine through.

    As a Fallen Angel, Lucifer is completely out of step with the social norms and societal rules of humans - or, more likely, he simply chooses to ignore them. As a result, Lucifer tends to be brutally honest with every Human he comes across and enjoys acting inappropriately in any situation, regardless of the circumstances. Humans, who are unaware of his true identity, typically perceive Lucifer as sarcastic, rude, insensitive, completely inappropriate, arrogant, and incredibly irritating, even though they feel compelled to tell him their darkest secrets, due to his power over desire.

    Lucifer is openly pansexual and sexually promiscuous. He has had sex with billions of men and women over the centuries he has been on Earth since the beginning of Human civilization. Almost all Humans find him sexually attractive, which he sometimes uses to his advantage when he strikes deals with them. Lucifer was said to have had 92 sexual partners in eight weeks; Lucifer himself notes he has "tremendous stamina", stating he can have sex ten times a day. Lucifer even says whoever he sleeps with is thoroughly exhausted to the point they sleep well through the night; he is also creative with sexual techniques. Referring to the 92 people previously, Lucifer considers the number "a dry spell", suggesting sex primarily takes up his time when not assisting Chloe. To his horror, Goddess claims Lucifer inherited his sexually prolific tendencies from her.

    Deep down, under his confident exterior, Lucifer appears to be somewhat insecure, and has vast issues with rejection and abandonment. He is hurt and angry when Amenadiel calls him evil, and hints that all their siblings see him that way, and challenges him to fight. When Chloe shows him genuine sympathy and concern regarding the scars on his back, he briefly displays an uncharacteristic gentleness and emotional vulnerability when she tried to touch them. When Linda Martin started to theorize that God sent Lucifer to Hell because he was the only one God trusted with the job, Lucifer's distain for being blamed for all Humanity's sins as a result of his Father's decision came to the surface.

    Lucifer has a tenuous relationship with his Angelic kin as a result of his rebellion against God, but is completely unafraid of other Angels, such as Amenadiel, whom he treats with disdain and disinterest, despite the Angel's threats against him. During the bidding for religious artifacts, Lucifer and Amenadiel joked about St. Paul being too fat to fit in the chains shown at the auction, showing that they subconsciously care about each other, but immediately stopped when they realized they were getting along. After he killed his brother, Uriel, in order to prevent him from killing Chloe and their Mother, Lucifer was emotionally shattered. He also became very self-destructive, having no qualms about trying to force a sniper to kill him to punish himself for what he had done. This shows that despite being casted out of Heaven and strained relationship that came from it, Lucifer still loves his Angelic brothers and sisters dearly. This was also shown by the fact that he refused to let his Goddess return to Heaven, as he knew that there would be another war if She did and that more of his Angelic siblings would die. The true test of Lucifer's love for his siblings comes when he has a chance to eradicate his twin Michael, who he deeply despised for billions of years and had wreaked havoc on all of Lucifer's loved ones, chose to instead spare his life, not wanting anymore of his siblings to die.


    •Archangel Physiology: As one of the oldest and most powerful Angels, Lucifer is extremely powerful and has their powers, as well as their weaknesses. He's noted to have once been the greatest of God's Angels even by Amenadiel himself, with Lucifer proving to surpass his older brother's might when he actually wanted to fight him, and even when Michael had established himself as God's right-hand, Lucifer was still more powerful than his twin brother. Lucifer is capable of performing certain supernatural magical abilities, as well as being able to use Celestial items or weapons, such as his Pentecostal Coin and the Blade of Death, which Humans are unable to handle safely. •Superhuman Strength: Lucifer, like all Angels, is incredibly strong, capable of exerting immense amounts of superhuman physical force and has vast levels of superhuman strength when he so desires, the full extent of which remains unknown but said to be among the strongest of God's Angels. He is able to effortlessly overpower Humans, notably able to send a large man flying back over 30 feet through a glass wall with a one-handed light mere push, easily bending metal bars and punching through brick walls, sending a large man flying back over 60 feet with a mere push, and to lift other men high off of the ground by the throat without any issue, or more recently to hold back a 6,000-pound accelerating SUV while injured, and in the proximity of Chloe Decker. Lucifer's strength was most prominently shown when he fought Amenadiel and Michael, both of whom are known to be some of the strongest Angels, as well as in his scuffles with two Demons and Dromos, with him easily defeating them, flinging one of them away with a single strike and powerfully knocking the other down before swiftly overpowering and beating Dromos to make him bleed. And despite being stalemated by Mazikeen when holding back and after having been previously attacked by her, he later on proved to be tremendously stronger than her in their recent fight in the Los Angeles Police Department, knocking her unconscious with a strike, easily defeating her. •Superhuman Speed: Like all Angels, Lucifer is extraordinarily fast. He is much faster than Humans, Demons, animals, and other beings. He can appear and disappear with a blink of an eye. It is unknown how fast he is while running, but he has shown to be able to move super humanly fast. •Superhuman Endurance: Lucifer is shown to be barely affected by injuries the pain of injuries that would have been extremely painful to a normal human, even when in the vicinity of the detective, including stabs and burns and even gunshots. One notable example is in "All About Eve", when he stabbed all the way through his shoulder with a pool cue, while he appeared to be in a little pain, he was seemingly more annoyed than anything else. •Superhuman Reflexes: Lucifer, like all Angels, possesses extraordinary superhuman reflexes. He is able to effortlessly catch knives thrown at him at vast superhuman speeds at very close range by Mazikeen, and easily block, dodge, or deflect incoming damage from experienced Human fighters, Demons, and Angels. •Superhuman Dexterity: Lucifer possesses a super humanly accurate aiming ability, on one occurrence being able to accurately throw a tire on a running man, hitting his head and knocking him out. He was also able to throw it with just enough strength to only knock him out, without further damaging him. •Immortality: Lucifer, like all Angels, is immortal, billions of years old, immune to age, disease and toxins, having lived since the beginning of creation. He has eternal youthful beauty and will live for all eternity without ever aging. He also cannot die of any natural cause. The only known things that can kill him are the Flaming Sword and Demon Daggers Forged In Hell. •Invulnerability: Lucifer, like all Angels, has a highly durable body, which can withstand a vast amount of physical damage, as such Lucifer can't be damaged in any way by Humans. Bullets and knives bounce harmlessly off of his body, as shown several times throughout the series. Lucifer described being shot with guns as being just a little pressure of that of a flick or a "nuisance". Eventually, being in proximity of Chloe Decker impaired this ability, rendering him mortal and vulnerable. However, this issue has been resolved, as such Lucifer can use his invulnerability without limitation anymore. •Accelerated Metabolism: While Lucifer can be affected by mind-altering substances, his tolerance for them is far higher than that of a Human. He's able to consume vast quantities of alcohol and drugs without negative effects. The effects also wear off much faster than with mortals, allowing him to sober up quickly after consumption has ended, as evidenced in Monster, where Lucifer complains that his "pesky supernatural metabolism keeps getting in the way" when he's trying to drown his emotions regarding Uriel. This ability seems to be impaired when Chloe Decker is in the vicinity, as seen in God Johnson, but not completely, as he still has difficulty getting drunk when Chloe is around. In season 4, he said that he can't be drunk on normal amounts of alcohol. •Regenerative Healing Factor: As witnessed numerous times throughout the show, Lucifer heals much faster than humans do. He can heal any injuries within minutes to hours. On one occasion, he stated, "at least I'm healing fast". •Temptation Inducement: Lucifer, being highly sexual, can easily make himself carnally irresistible to most women (and men), which he sometimes uses to his advantage when he strikes deals with them. However, some select few people, such as Chloe Decker, seem to be more resistant to this power, at least to an extent, as even she had some trouble hiding her attraction to Lucifer's naked body after first seeing it in Manly Whatnots, although this may not be a result of any powers that Lucifer may possess, but simple attraction. Ella, however, never viewed Lucifer in a carnal light, and said she loved him like a brother - perhaps a result of a lifetime of Azreal's influence on her. •Cosmic Awareness: During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Lucifer displayed some knowledge of the Multiverse and its existence due to the fact he told John Constantine that he wasn't happy seeing him again on "his" Earth. •Shape-Shifting: Lucifer is able to change his appearance into a form he refers to as his "Devil Form". That form varies on how strong his self-loathing is. It manifests as a red, monstrous, scarred, and burned-looking version of his normal appearance. Hairless and fiery, blazing, monstrous red eyes, which terrify mortals. He's able to push a mental image of this form into the minds of Humans to torture them, which is different from his physical manifestation of this form. He can also alter only his eyes to red, fiery orbs. His struggle with his feelings of guilt and self-hatred caused his Devil Form to change. This new form included sharp-pointed spinal spikes, a distortion of his torso, and Demon like wings. After taking the first steps towards forgiving himself, Lucifer only retained his Devil face. •Flight: Lucifer's Angel Wings allowed him to fly. He could fly as fast or faster than the speed of light in which he would seemingly disappear from the Human eye, in a similar manner, akin to teleportation. He used these wings not just for travel, but for combat purposes, such as when he shielded the unconscious Chloe from gunfire, flew her to safety, and to take down and disarm criminals coming at him. After receiving a message that Chloe had been kidnapped, Lucifer spread his wings and traveled there within seconds and later to Caleb Mayfield's grave with Amenadiel. Lucifer again used his wings for combat while fighting Michael in the air for a period of time. He flew with Chloe to Central Valley then swiftly to San Francisco in search for Mira Barnum and while fighting Vincent Le Mec's crew, flew on top of a crate to attack one of them. •Dimensional Travel: Lucifer is able to traverse interdimensional barriers and travel between Heaven, Hell, and Earth. Throughout the centuries, he would dimensionally travel from Hell to Earth to have fun before eventually returning once Amenadiel showed up. He can physically take Demons from Hell and bring them to Earth or take them from Earth to Hell, or vice versa. He traveled back to Hell to rule for eternity in order to protect Humanity from rogue Demons, before eventually traveling back to the mortal plane to deal with his twin. Due to his banishment from Heaven, Lucifer was unable to travel there. However, after breaking his banishment to save Chloe's life and being brought back after incineration, Lucifer was freely able to return to his former home. He traveled there to see if Dan had made it to Heaven and to return the Blade of Death to Azrael. His last time traveling between dimensions was to return to Hell for good in his mission to redeem the lost souls deserving of redemption and to insure a time-loop remained intact. •Healing: Lucifer is capable of channeling divine power to heal the injuries and harms of others. With his wings, he can instantly heal and cure any wound, injury, illness, disease, or sickness no matter what it is or how bad it is. He can instantly heal Humans, Demons, Angels, animals, and other beings. •Resurrection: Lucifer has the ability to resurrect the dead. He can do this by taking a soul and placing it in a deceased body. However, he has only limited control of this process; the soul will just land up in the closest, newest-deceased body, such as he did with Abel. •Spirit Communication: Lucifer, like all Angels, can communicate with Ghosts. He was able to interact with Dan after his soul was placed on Earth from Hell, without being able to physically touch him. •Celestial Communication: Lucifer can communicate with his Angelic siblings by praying to them. He frequently uses this ability to contact Amenadiel, such as to get him to slow time so he could prevent Nick Hofmeister from shooting Josh Bryant. He also communicated with both Uriel and Gabriel. •Desire Exhibition : Lucifer displays the ability to draw out people's hidden desires, akin to hypnosis, mind control, or telepathy, and by extension lower their inhibitions. In some instances, if he applies enough of this power, he can actively compel people to confess internal secrets, sins, and truths, but he usually doesn't. Lucifer must maintain eye contact for his power to work. However, when this ability goes out of control, eye contact is no longer necessary. •Telekinesis: Lucifer is sometimes shown levitating and spinning his Pentecostal Coin with hand or finger gestures. As he says himself, he can also "turn anything on", which is shown at various points when he turns cars, people, boats, and machinery on. •Demonic Lordship: Being the Devil and King of Hell, Lucifer has full and total control over all Demons. He was able to command Demons to bow before him and then force them to go back to Hell. In Hell, Lucifer has the power to command any or all Demons to do anything he wishes. •Incineration: Lucifer threatened to Incinerate Dromos, for disobeying his no possession rule. •Hell Loop Control: He has total power and control over Hell Loops. With a mere wave of his hand he can freeze the Hell loop he is in, rewind it, and even create as well as alter new ones from the memories of damned souls such as Lee Garner. However if the soul is broken and driven insane like in the case of Jimmy Barnes, control over the Hell Loop may be lost until the psyche is repaired. •Sound Manipulation: When Lucifer returned from heaven he spoke in a Divine voice. •Creation:Created a card that allowed Constantine, Diggle and Mia to go to Purgatory. •Reality Manipulation: Like all angels Lucifer could grant prayers and have no limitations to what he can achieve. •Astral Projection:Lucifer could project his devil face to humans without physically transforming it. •Power Transference: Through Self-Actualization Lucifer can bestow his powers onto another. As shown with how after sleeping with Chloe she acquired his 'Mojo', leading him to believe she had somehow stolen it. •Dimensional Creation: The showrunners of the show said that Lucifer created Hell. •Portal Creation: Lucifer created a card that could apport people to Purgatory. •Madness Manipulation: Lucifer's devil face can cause people to go insane. •Pain Manipulation: Lucifer caused Le Mec to feel guilty about Dan's murder. •Teleportation: Lucifer has shown to be able to appear and disappear even without the use of his wings. •Technology Manipulation: Lucifer has shown the ability to interfere with technology like cars. •Shockwave Generation: Lucifer has shown the ability to produce massive amount of shockwave in combat. •Pyrokinesis: Lucifer has shown to be able to ignite Azrael's Blade. •Voice Manipulation: Lucifer could change his voice to a demonic tone. •Weather Manipulation (Limited): Lucifer seems to have this ability as when he cried heavy rain could be heard in the background. •Thermokinesis: Lucifer seems to have this ability as when he transforms his face could be seen burning. •Broadway Force: Lucifer made people start dancing in Season 4x10. •Power Augmentation: Lucifer is the only one to be able to ignite the Flaming Sword without it being assembled.


    •Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Despite usually convincing his enemies not to fight him, Lucifer is shown multiple times to be an extremely skilled and highly experienced fighter. When dealing with Humans, Lucifer easily toys with them, using their moves against one another and defeating multiple people at the same time with ease, but he can be deadly efficient when he stops playing, as shown in his final fight with Cain, where he initially and casually fended off his assault before getting serious once he was struck by Cain in the shoulder and easily defeated him. His skill is most prominently shown in his fights with other Celestials of great fighting skill, being able to gain the upper hand over his oldest brother Amenadiel, who is one of the most powerful Angels, who was known as God's finest warrior. Lucifer defeated his twin brother Michael and beat down Mazikeen despite holding back and having been struck multiple times by her, he vastly overpowered her and easily defeated her when he actually intended to win the fight. •Flaming Sword Wielder: Lucifer managed to assemble the Flaming Sword with the help of Goddess and Amenadiel in Season 2. The primary component of the sword, Azrael's Blade, is capable of completely eradicating any being from existence. The blade is so powerful that it can even cut through dimensions when in its final form, as Lucifer demonstrated when he helped Goddess get a universe of her own. After Michael recovered Azrael's Blade with the help of Gabriel, he reassembled the Flaming Sword and tried using it to forcibly claim the position of Sovereign of Heaven, as well as kill Lucifer. When Michael was eventually defeated, Lucifer assembled the sword, making him the current wielder of the weapon. •Genius-Level Intellect: As an Archangel Lucifer is a genius by earthly standards as he is naturally more intelligent than normal humans. Due to this, Lucifer has successfully ran his own nightclub for several years, has gained vast wealth and fortune and is one of the most brilliant strategists in the universe, with only his twin brother Michael and his father God being able to outsmart him. •Master Manipulator: He has a keen ability to understand the mental and emotional weaknesses, desires, and needs of people and determine how best to use them to his advantage. Lucifer used his Pentecostal Coin to convince Malcolm Graham not to kill him. Using his reputation of not lying, Lucifer tricks people by not saying what he will do. This makes Lucifer extremely unpredictable, even to Chloe, who knows him very well. His experience as the King of Hell has made him capable of psychologically bringing Hell to a living soul with a mere whisper to their ear and causing them to torture themselves with their own guilt as he had done to Vincent Le Mec in vengeance for Daniel's death, however, he cannot take away the pain as it stems from their own guilt. •Therapy: Thanks to his sessions with Linda, Lucifer started understanding himself and therefore the concept of self-actualization; making him aware of how guilt affected people deep down. In "Til Death Do Us Part", Lucifer showed early signs of being good at it as he remembered much of how Linda described his own behavior. In "Buckets of Baggage" and "Yabba Dabba Do Me" Lucifer showed the ability to help even those whom he had no emotional or positive attachment to. This ultimately culminates in "Partners 'Til the End", where he helped Rory not turn into a monster like he did and realized his calling was to help the damned release their guilt. •Skilled Impersonator of Michael: Lucifer has demonstrated the ability to impersonate his twin brother Michael in a convincing manner, so much so that he was able to fool Ibriel and Raziel with the façade, albeit for a short time. Like his brother did with him, Lucifer was able to mimic Michael's mannerisms, accent, as well as attitude. •Skilled Detective: Although still not as experienced as Chloe, Lucifer has become a skilled detective in his own right. He was able to notice that Rose's sub-dermal implants were Latin for "children of the goat", something even Chloe couldn't do. In "Spoiler Alert", when Chloe was kidnapped, Lucifer was able to call upon his own detective skills to solve the "Whisper Killer" case, impressing Ella Lopez with his ability. After the case was over, Chloe was impressed to hear that Lucifer caught a serial killer all on his own. •Omnilingualism: Lucifer has the ability to speak and understand all Human languages on Earth: In "Quid Pro Ho", he fluently converses in Mandarin Chinese; in "Til Death Do Us Part", he converses in Korean; and in "Our Mojo", he converses in Tagalog. However, by his own admission, this ability does not extend to reading languages as he found speaking in tongues was more useful than reading books. •Exceptional Talent in the Arts: Lucifer has shown to be a remarkably talented singer. He sings many times in his club Lux and also in his penthouse above Lux. His repertoire includes "Sinnerman", "All Along the Watchtower", "Devil May Care", "Eternal Flame", "Luck Be a Lady", "I Will Survive" along with Axara, "Creep", "Someone to Watch Over Me" along with Lilith, "Wicked Game", "Another One Bites The Dust", along with Ella, Daniel and Chloe, "Every Breath You Take" along with JJ's mother (Debbie Gibson), "I Dreamed A Dream" along with God, "It's So Hard To Say Goodbye" along with Ella, "Bridge Over Troubled Water" with Aurora Morningstar and "You Got It". In addition to singing, Lucifer is also a notable piano player, stating even that all the greatest pianists of all time were his pupils, such as Mozart, Liberace, and Elton John. His drawing abilities, however, are not on par with his musical ability, as many of his drawings have been shown to be stick figures. •Escapologist: Lucifer displays an uncanny ability to get in and out of cars and closed spaces - with one notable unexplained exception in "The Sinnerman" - or get out of ropes and handcuffs. It is unclear if this ability is a mystical power or ordinary skill, however, it was shown he can get into and out of places seemingly without using the physical entrances, even when his wings were cut off. •Faustian Deals: Lucifer frequently offers people deals with an unspecified favor to be paid back later. He can easily figure out exactly what he has to and can do to keep up his end of the bargain, such as making an introduction or opening some doors.

    •God: As mentioned by Lucifer's mother, God is capable of destroying him. Originally, Goddess was capable of annihilating Lucifer, too. Lucifer himself was afraid of facing his mother after she escaped Hell. However, with her powers severely reduced due to her similarly fallen state, she was not able to accomplish such a feat and Lucifer was initially not afraid of his mother, but as she regained her powers, Lucifer quickly became concerned, fearing as his mother's powers are returning, he and Amenadiel would soon be unable to contain her, which was proven by how Goddess was able to toss both him and Amenadiel through the room rather easily.

    •Celestial Beings: Celestial Beings can harm one another, and Lucifer is no exception. He seems particularly susceptible to harm when fighting his fellow Archangels: Amenadiel was able to beat him to a bloody pulp when Lucifer was not resisting, and even when Lucifer was fighting back, Amenadiel was still able to deliver considerable physical damage to Lucifer. Likewise, Michael was able to physically hurt him to where he showed visible pain with his attacks. Uriel, another angel but not an Archangel, was also able to cause Lucifer pain, although he was unable to inflict noteworthy damage.

    •Demon Daggers Forged In Hell: While Lucifer only says they can "prick" him in "#TeamLucifer", it is shown in "Take Me Back to Hell" that these blades can cause fatal injury to an Angel (and a Demon). Lucifer later confirms that he is no exception and that these blades can kill him too. However, they would kill him by sending him back to Hell, and he wouldn't be trapped there or permanently killed.

    •Flaming Sword: The Blade of Death, which is also a part of the Flaming Sword, is said to be able to completely eradicate Angels. The Angel would be permanently gone, no Heaven nor Hell, and couldn't be resurrected.

    •Self-Actualization: At the end of season 3, it is shown that like all beings in creation, Angels are also subject to free will and self-judgment as mortals are. This manifests as psychosomatic changes in Angels, which can affect both their appearances and their powers. The changes Lucifer has exhibited through Self-Actualization are:

    1.His devil face to appearing for the first time because he felt like he was a monster for his initial rebellion against his father and his subsequent banishment from Heaven filling him with self-hatred.

    In his Human Form, Lucifer is a tall, sexy, magnetic, charismatic, devilishly-handsome, incredibly charming, dark-haired man with a model-like face and a muscular body. Lucifer often sports expensive dark suits. He also has a distinctive RP English accent, which people usually find "very charming." However, no matter which visage Lucifer adopts, even his Human one, he cannot hide the visible marks on his back from where Lucifer's immense, Angelic wings used to be before they were severed. However, upon regaining his wings, the scars disappeared.

    Lucifer's Devil appearance consists of terrifying, monstrous red skin, blazing, fiery-red eyes, gold teeth, and fingernail claws. He becomes hairless and appears to be burned and scarred, with the shape of the skull being more distinct and many scar-like markings on the forehead. It usually terrifies anyone who sees it, but it has less of an effect on those who have actually been to Hell, such as Malcolm Graham. Lucifer first gained his Devil Face because of his self-hatred, and judged himself a monster causing him to gain a horrifying and monstrous appearance. God Himself was shocked by Lucifer's Devil Face and suggested that it was how Lucifer saw himself. After feeling good about himself for the first time, he lost his "Devil Face" as he felt he no longer felt like a monster. He however, regained it after killing Cain. Once he killed Cain and began dating Eve, his wings took a demonic bat form.

    After coming to the realization he hated himself, Lucifer gradually started to take on his Devil form permanently. Eventually, his wings sprang out and wouldn't go back in. Much like his face, his entire body looks like charred flesh on bone, razor-sharp tip on his massive monstrous wings, and extremely loud sonic roar and voice. The very sight of this enormous, terrifying, devilish form and his king of hell voice scared a large group of demons into bowing to Lucifer's commands and immediately returning to Hell.

    After Lucifer decided to return to Hell to protect those he loved and admitted his love for Chloe and vice versa, his wings regained their angelic look. He, however, still retained his "Devil Face", but had control on when he used it. This also extended to his wings and his entire body to incite fear in the demons, though he's only used his Devil face for the sake of appearances.


    •Solid lines denote blood relationships

    •Dashed lines denote romantic relationships

    •† denote deceased individuals

    •Out of all the main characters in the show, Lucifer is the only one who made an appearance in every single episode.

    •Lucifer is a fallen archangel in Jewish and Christian traditions.

    •Lucifer has only killed twice in the series, Uriel and Cain. Both have been in order to protect Chloe.

    •Lucifer is based on his comic book counterpart, who originally appeared in DC Comics's Vertigo imprint under the Sandman title. He later starred in his own self-titled series.

    •Lucifer is the second most powerful character from DC Comics, only next to The Presence (God of the DC Universe) and followed by his twin brother Michael Demiurgos.

    •In the comics, Lucifer's hair is blond, while in the TV series it is black. This is later lampshaded in "#TeamLucifer", where a Satanist remarked that he was supposed to be blond, only for Lucifer to respond that he "gets that all the time."

  3. Lucifer is an American urban fantasy television series developed by Tom Kapinos that premiered on Fox on January 25, 2016. It is based on the DC Comics character. It is acted by Tom Ellis as ...

    • 6 min
    • 1.7M
    • W For Wonder
  4. Resting Devil Face" is the eleventh episode of the fifth season of Lucifer. Lucifer's father - you know, God - decides to experience life as a regular human. Meanwhile, a boxer dies under mysterious circumstances. In a moment that truly highlights the improved relationship between the celestial...

  5. Mazikeen of the Lilim, usually also known by her nickname Maze, is a central character in Lucifer, serving as the secondary antagonist of Season 3, a major antagonist in the first half of Season 5, and as a major character for the rest of the series. She is a demon from Hell who holds the form...

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