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      • In a long-distance relationship, it’s common to feel like you never get enough time to talk with your partner. If this sounds familiar, try to focus your energy on making the most out of communication. As you think of things to share throughout the day, jot them down so you remember them later.
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  2. Feb 4, 2021 · Conflict is inevitable in any partnership — and long-distance couples aren’t immune to the occasional disagreement. But when you try to address these issues with your partner, pay attention to how they respond. Are they committed to talking through them? Or do they routinely brush off your concerns?

    • Different Expectations with Communication
    • Falling Into A Routine
    • Nothing to Talk About
    • Talking Too Much
    • Getting Stuck on The Surface
    • Not Expressing Feelings & Emotions
    • Lack of Physical Touch
    • No End Date in Sight
    • Unsupportive Friends & Family
    • Difficult Time Zones

    This is one of the major reasons why long distance relationships don’t workout. Between different schedules and time zones. Long distance communication requires extra special attention and conversations. Even with regular relationships, it’s rare that two couples have the exact same needs and expectations when it comes to communication. Some may be...

    Routines can be an extremely important part of long distance relationships. Carving out time every day for catch-ups, weekly date nights, and even visits can help make the distance feel more manageable. But studies have also shown that couples who try new things and make an effort to keep things fresh are more satisfied overallthan couples who stic...

    There is something to be said about being able to sit in silence with your partner, contently scrolling through your feed of memes and food pics while they play video games. Where you both feel comforted just knowing that you’re together (virtually). We maintained connection during times we’d typically be alone by propping up our phones and just be...

    Doesn’t everyone rave about how the biggest benefit of a long distance relationship is that it forces you to communicate? Is it even possibleto talk too much when you’re in a LDR? Yeah, it really is. Spending hours and hours every single day messaging, on the phone or video calls breeds an intensity creates the problem of moving you along too fast....

    Sometimes you’ll need to listen while your partner tells you, word for word, exactly what was said between their coworker and boss before they quit that morning. Sometimes your partner will need to listen while you tell them exactly what happened in the two-hour finale of your favorite show last night. It comes with the territory. While completely ...

    For long distance couples, there are many factors working against you while apart. Physical separation, financial stressors, time zones, the list goes on! These external struggles can put pressure on you and your partner to avoid talking about internal emotional struggles that you both may be experiencing. Bottling up your emotions or putting on a ...

    Arguably the most difficult part of a long distance relationship, unfortunately, it’s impossible to completely fix this problem. The reality is, being apart results in a lot less physical contact than in a regular relationship. It’s not just about intimacy either, although that’s definitelypart of it. Studies have shown that physical contact, in ge...

    Even when the distance grew from 200+ miles to 3,000+ miles to 7,000+ miles, even when the end date seemed impossibly far off, there was still a day to countdown to. We always knew it was temporary, but that’s not the case for all couples. Sometimes uncertainty can be exciting, like when you’re reading a thrilling page-turner or watching a shocking...

    Sound familiar? If your loved ones are anything like mine, you’ve probably found yourself repeating the same phrases again and again. All the curiosity and questions come from a place of love and personal investment in your happiness. But, it can still be frustrating to hear opinions from people who don’t truly understand your situation or try to r...

    It doesn’t matter if you’re three hours apart or thirteen, being in different time zones can make scheduling calls, let alone date nights, a logistical nightmare. The peak of our international long distance relationship, from Paris to Hawaii, put us exactly twelve hours apart. That actually made it easier to find time to video chat, as we could alw...

    • Communication is key. Each person needs to be able to articulate their needs and desires and feel heard and respected, especially regarding expectations of frequency for talking, messaging, and visiting.
    • Trust is built on good communication, and at the same time, effective communication is built on trust. For couples to function well at a distance, each person needs and deserves to be able to count on a comfortable rhythm of communication that enables them to feel cared for and loved.
    • Emotional reliability is an important building block of trust and communication. This involves each person being accountable and truly showing up, both literally and figuratively.
    • Long-distance relationships benefit from a healthy balance of planning, flexibility, and spontaneity. When couples communicate clearly about a framework for seeing each other that feels sustainable, they can more easily make plans with each other and socially with other couples, and they also know when they will have time for themselves and with their friends.
    • Sweat The Small Stuff. If something has hurt your feelings or is bothering you (especially if a similar thing has happened more than once), be direct and bring it up.
    • If Something Feels “Off” Ask Them About It. Similarly, if your partner seems flat or distant and you don’t know why, ask them what’s going on and whether there’s something they’d like to talk about.
    • Get In Front Of The Camera. Whenever you can (and especially when you want to have a serious discussion or you’re having an argument), login to Skype or FaceTime and turn on that video!
    • Be Direct. It can feel hard and scary, especially for us conflict avoiders, but the direct approach really is the best and most healthy way to handle an argument in a relationship.
  3. Mar 8, 2023 · Long-distance relationships take work but it's possible to maintain a happy and healthy love life from afar, according to this expert advice.

    • Samantha Vincenty
  4. Dec 14, 2021 · When you first begin a long-distance relationship, decide how often you want to talk, beyond quick text messages throughout the day. You might both agree you want to talk frequently but...

  5. From missed calls to changes in affection, here are some signs your long-distance relationship isn't working and might not be as healthy as you think.