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    • Embracing Gratitude. Positive people make it a habit to count their blessings, no matter how small. They cultivate a sense of contentment by focusing on what they have rather than any lack.
    • Avoiding Negative Self-talk. They are conscious of their inner dialogue and refrain from being overly critical of themselves. Example: Instead of berating himself for a minor mistake, Tom reminded himself that everyone has off days.
    • Seeking Growth Opportunities. Positive people view failures as chances to grow, not as setbacks. Example: When Sarah’s business venture failed, she saw it as a learning experience and a stepping stone to her next venture.
    • Surrounding Themselves with Positive Influences. Positive people understand the impact of their social circle and choose to be around uplifting individuals.
    • They allow themselves to feel everything. There’s a fine line between considering yourself a generally glass-half-full type of person—and overdosing on sunshine, rainbows and butterflies.
    • They stay in the moment. If you’ve ever suffered from anxiety, you know the source of many anxious symptoms is fretting about things that may (or may not) happen in the future, like someone you love getting sick, losing your job or a car accident.
    • They focus on their abilities and unique value—not failure. Two truths exist simultaneously: You have impressive skills and yet, will sometimes fail. What sets optimistic people apart from pessimistic people is what they focus on: their strengths or their weaknesses, says Marla J. Albertie, M.Ed., a certified professional career, executive, and life coach.
    • They use positive reframing techniques. Think about the last time you had a blood-boiling conversation. Or when you and your partner couldn’t find a compromise for an important decision.
  1. 12 Habits of Positive People. 1. Positive people expect their plans to work out. Cultivate Positive Thinking as a Way of Life. They don’t let fears and worries let them down, and they don’t allow thoughts of failure to dominate their minds. In their mind’s eye, they see their plans and their goals as accomplished.

    • Remez Sasson
    • They practice gratitude. Ever had one of those days where nothing seemed to go right? You spill coffee on your shirt, miss the bus, and it feels like the universe is playing some cosmic joke on you.
    • They embrace the power of positive self-talk. This one might sound a bit corny. But don’t underestimate it! Let’s reflect on it: How many times have you caught yourself thinking, “I can’t do this,” or “I’m not good enough?”
    • They take daily walks. Sounds too simple, right? I know. But sometimes the simplest things pack the most punch. The truth is that walking isn’t just about moving from point A to point B. It’s a time when you can clear your head, reflect, and let’s face it, escape from the chaos that is life.
    • They prioritize sleep. Think sleep’s just for restoring energy? Think again. Here’s a quick fact: according to studies, poor sleep is linked to a negative mindset.
    • They go to a job they’re passionate about. If you wake up dreading the day and have to drag yourself out of bed to get to work, “it might be time to start looking for greener pastures,” says Ilya Pozin, Pluto TV’s chief growth officer and co-founder, in a LinkedIn blog post.
    • They try, and try again. Optimists constantly search for new solutions to old problems, thanks to their glass-half-full mentality. In one study, participants were given anagrams that were nearly impossible to solve; the most optimistic subjects tinkered for 50 to 100 percent longer than the pessimists.
    • They spend time with other optimists. Finding a cheery partner is the best way to become one, according to Prevention. In a yearlong study of more than 100 college-age couples at the University of Oregon, positive thinkers and their partners reported greater satisfaction in their relationships than optimist-free pairs did.
    • They pay a “gratitude visit” Taking the time to thank somebody can go a long way. When people were told to write and then personally deliver a letter of gratitude to someone who had been especially kind to them, but whom they had never thanked properly, they experienced a huge increase in happiness, according to a study at the University of Pennsylvania.
  2. Jan 4, 2024 · You will a happy tone for the day. Habit 2 – Start your day with a positive affirmation: Tell yourself something good. “I am strong.” “Today is a new chance.”. It fills your mind with positivity. Habit 3 – Limit exposure to negative news in the morning: The early news programming can wait. Begin your day with positivity.

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  4. Nov 10, 2022 · 10. Optimistic Thinkers Follow a Healthy Lifestyle. Optimism benefits your body, mind, and spirit, as positivity is good for your soul. Caring for your body by following a healthy lifestyle may prevent certain physical and mental diseases. It’s about proper food choices, daily exercise, and a positive outlook.