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  1. Q3. Search engine: Find the names of the animals you see in the picture and write in the space given. s d s u y h n c o w n e a b l i o n

  2. › justified › dashboardWorksheet (Printable)

    Worksheet (Printable) Class: 5 Subject: English Name of Lesson: Rip Van Winkle Date: Q1. Write the correct words for the given pictures. Use a coloured pen to underline the

  3. monthly planner class - iv january-2024 total available periods = 44 subject lesson description suggested no. of periods total no. of periods

  4. › justified › dashboardWorksheet (Printable)

    Q3. Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions that follow. 1. What is the poem about? a) A big laddoo and a big child b) A small laddoo

  5. Q4. Imagine you are Munna. Write a letter to your father telling him about your life at the hostel and how your elder brother, Bhaiya, guides and helps you with your studies.

  6. कार्य पत्रक -1 (Printable) ध्र्र् . व ि नांक :प्रश्न 1. नीचे विए गए वचत्र को ध्र्ान पूियक िेवखए । बॉक्स में विए गए िब्िों का प्रर्ोग करते हुए ...

  7. कार्यपत्रक-1(blackboard) कक्षा-3 विषर्-विन् पाठ: विर्य का िज़ा वuwाांक: प्रश्न-1. वम् पांविर्ों को पढ़कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर umविए:

  8. कार्य पत्रक -1 (Blackboard) कार्य-पत्रक -1 (Blackboard) अध्र्र्. व ि नांक :प्रश्न 1. उवित विकल्प िुनक . (. ) का विन्ह लगाइए :1. होली , दशहरा , दीपावली , ईद , ग ुरुपव ...

  9. कार्य-पत्रक-1 PRINT कक्षा :3 विषर् :गवित पाठ: रक्षाबंधन Raksha Bandhan विनांक: प्रश्न 1.वनम्नविवित प्रश्नों को हि कीविए। Solve the following questions. प्रश्न 2.र्वि एक पuकtट में 10 माकयर पtन हैं तो 7 पuकtट में वकतनt माकयर पtन होंगt?

  10. 1. Identify the correct net for each shape. 2. Try to draw the front, side and top view of the following shapes. 3. Look at the model of the house given below. Draw door and windows on the 3D picture of the house using the given floor map. 4. Three solids, when arranged one on the top of the other, look like this when seen from the top.