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  1. Today with numerous CT scan manufacturers around the world and with numerous makes and models of scanners constantly changing it is essentially impossible to provide a set of protocols for what would likely be 100 different scanners.

  2. General Electric Protocols. Tweet. CT Scan Protocols. Slice Counts- Dual Source, 64 slice.

  3. CT Scan Case Studies. Access over 315,000 CT Scans and the diagnosis that is identified for each case. The case studies range from CT Scans, MRI, and X-Rays, and are organized by anatomical region: Cardiac, Pancreas, Pediatric, Vascular, Gastrointestinal and more.

  4. - Possible solutions: faster scanners (4-16-64), cardiac gating, partial scan data reconstruction (half scan reconstruction) MDCT vs. MR vs. TEE - Alternative diagnosis best defined on CT study

  5. CT Enterography: Protocol - Some sites use 1350 ml given over 40 or 60 minutes - The more VoLumen the higher the chance of adverse reaction related to the sorbitol in the contrast

  6. CT Enterography: Protocol - Some sites use 1350 ml given over 40 or 60 minutes - The more VoLumen the higher the chance of adverse reaction related to the sorbitol in the contrast ; CT Enterography: Protocol - 450 ml pre-mixed bottles - Protocols involve the patient drinking either 900 ml or 1350 ml - Sequence is

  7. Abdominal Radiology (2022) 47:981–997. "Morphologically, CCA can show three main growth patterns: mass-forming, periductal-infiltrating, and intra- ductal-growing patterns. Mass-forming CCA manifests as a nodular mass invading into the hepatic parenchyma.

  8. Current advances in modern imaging technologies have promised a further increase in diagnostic efficacy of liver diseases. For example, complex internal anatomy of the liver and detailed morphological features of liver lesions can be reflected from CT-based 3D models.”u000b.

  9. Learning Medical Imaging, Cardiac CT to Contrast guides, Unique modules, Quiz of the month, Imaging pearls, Journal Club, Medical Illustrations, CME Courses|CTisus.

  10. "Multidetector CT with MPR allows improved visualization of the normal anatomy and anatomic variants as well as greater diagnostic accuracy in the evaluation of the female pelvis." Added Value of Multiplanar Reformation in the Multidetector CT Evaluation of the Female Pelvis: A Pictorial Review