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  1. code-runner.terminalRoot: For Windows system, replaces the Windows style drive letter in the command with a Unix style root when using a custom shell as the terminal, like Bash or Cgywin. Example: Setting this to /mnt/ will replace C:\path with /mnt/c/path (Default is "" )

  2. Run code for JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, Lua, Groovy, Scala, VBScript, PowerShell. Note: This extension is for VS. For VS Code users, please use Code Runner for VS Code.

  3. vscode-runner. A CodeRunner for VsCode which can run multiple programming languages which includes: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, C#, VBScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Scala, Swift, R, Visual Basic .NET, Objective-C, Rust, Kotlin, Dart, and Haskell.

  4. Extension for Visual Studio Code - Compile, run and debug single or multiple C/C++ files with ease.

  5. VS Code can show a prompt where you can type in the arguments before executing the batch file. Ways to run the batch file with arguments: Command: "Batch Runner: Run with Arguments" (batch-runner.execBatchFileArgs) In the context menu when right clicking a batch file, select "Run with Arguments".

  6. Extension for Visual Studio Code - Verilog HDL Language Support for Visual Studio Code.

  7. dry-runner extension is a tool that allows you to compile and run C,C++, Python, Java, PHP, Javascript, TypeScript, Dart, Kotlin,Batch script, Shell script and much more in vs code, with integreted terminal.

  8. A simple extension to run code snippet or shell script regardless of the programming language/file, by clicking the "Run Code" button in the editor title menu or by pressing f10.

  9. exe Runner. Easily run .exe files in the Visual Studio Code terminal. Uses a compatibility layer, such as wine, on non-Windows platforms. Features. Run the current .exe file by clicking the button right of the tab bar; Run any .exe files from their file, editor tab, and editor context menus; Run the current .exe with the command Run Executable

  10. run. VSCode extension to run executables directly from the Explorer. Features. This extension provides different ways of running files: Run in Terminal: Creates a new Terminal, and starts the executable file. On Windows, only allows starting .exe files. There are no file type limitations for other platforms.