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  2. Sep 28, 2022 · Learn how to recognize a true friend by their actions and qualities. A true friend is someone you can rely on, respect, trust, and enjoy being with.

    • Friends who are empathetic. Being empathetic is the ability to actively try and take yourself out of your own shoes and put yourself in someone else’s.
    • Friends who are selfless. Our friends who are the most happy and positive are the ones who are grounded, who care, and who do not always think about themselves.
    • Friends who are trustworthy. Being trustworthy is a trait that is essential for understanding that the deepest relationships are the ones in which we can confide in each other.
    • Friends with shared interests. Whether this pertains to hobbies, sports, goals, education, values, or religion, we often prefer spending time with people who enjoy the same things as we do.
    • Supportive. Whether it's a cheering squad on the big day or a comforting shoulder during tough times, a supportive friend is there, enriching the friendship with strength and encouragement.
    • Loyalty. Loyalty is about standing up for each other, being there in times of need, and never betraying trust. This quality strengthens the bond and wraps you in a comforting blanket of security.
    • Honesty. Honesty lets you see each other without distortions. A sincere friend doesn't sugarcoat the truth or hide behind fake compliments. It’s this transparency that builds a genuine relationship.
    • Empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share a friend's feelings. It's putting yourself in their shoes and offering support. Empathetic friends make us feel seen, offering a safe space to communicate.
    • A. Morningstar
    • They’re Kind. You’d think this was a given for any type of human interaction, but kindness is often overlooked. We’ve likely experienced that “bend over backwards” kind of kindness that, to be honest, makes people a little uncomfortable.
    • They’re Honest. Another of the main qualities of a good friend is that they will let you know when they’re hurt by you, confused by you, see you being foolish, and can tell when you’re hiding.
    • They’re Individual. A sense of identity creates amazing bonds. Good friends aren’t trying to become you, they’re fully-realized unto themselves. Their sense of individuality plays off your own, and even enhances areas in both of you that may have gone unnoticed before.
    • They’re Adventurous. Boredom is the absence of stimulation, be it mental, emotional, or physical stimulation. Good friends satisfy all three of those areas; they’re adventurous in that they like to do things, think things, feel things, and share in those things with you.
    • They live with integrity. A friend with integrity acts in alignment with their values and commitments. They have strong moral principles and will speak or act when someone violates these principles.
    • You can trust them. A good close friend is honest and speaks from the heart with good intentions. They tell you what you need to hear in a respectful and loving manner, so it doesn’t feel hurtful.
    • “Dependability” is their middle name. There’s no time for fair-weather and flaky friends. A good friend respects this, trying their best to show up, keep promises, and do what they say they’ll do.
    • They’re loyal. While blind loyalty is never great, since it might cause you to overlook red flags and toxic traits, great friends are generally loyal to their people — unless these people aren’t great friends back.
  3. Apr 5, 2021 · Learn what makes someone a true friend and how to recognize the qualities of a real friend. Find out the 11 characteristics of a true friend, such as trustworthiness, support, acceptance, listening, and loyalty.

  4. Dec 2, 2023 · 32 Traits of a Good Friend. The characteristics of a friend can appear across all types of personalities. A bubbly extrovert and a soft-spoken introvert may both possess characteristics that make them good friends. Finding someone whose personality represents a good match for you is the first step.