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    • Afflictions deliver us from pride. Paul said God gave him his grievous thorn “to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations” 2 Corinthians 12:7.
    • Afflictions make us sympathetic, merciful, and slower to judge. If you’ve suffered the fury of depression, you won’t assume that others who are depressed are in sin.
    • Afflictions remind us of the brevity of this life and make us long for heaven, where our true treasure is. “When things go on much to our wish, our hearts are too prone to say, ‘It is good to be here!’”
    • Afflictions stir us to pray and keep us dependent on God. Too many days of continuous sunshine, and we can forget how much we need the Lord. But as thunderstorms make us run for shelter, so afflictions make us to run to our Refuge and Strength and cry out like David, “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.”
    • What Is Suffering?
    • Only Know You’Ve Been High When You’Re Feeling Low
    • Let The Pain Push You Forward
    • Suffering Can Teach You Humility and Grace
    • Suffering Can Help You Hone Your Willpower
    • Why Does This Sh*t Always Happen to Me?
    • Suffering Can Be Your Window onto A Brighter World
    • Suffering Can Deepen Your Faith and Spiritual Life
    • Suffering Can Increase Your Compassion For Others
    • Suffering Can Be A Valuable Reality Check

    The fact is that suffering is an inevitable part of life, from aging and death to heartbreak and disappointment. Physical suffering is pain, aging, deterioration, and injury. Emotional suffering is betrayal, sadness, loneliness, and feelings of inadequacy or blind rage. Where suffering becomes even harder, however, is in our minds and in the storie...

    The fact of the matter is that you aren’t going to be the first person in history who avoids any suffering. Sorry to break it to you. But suffering is the price of the ticket for this ride we call life. Even if you try to shut down whatever suffering you think is under your control it won’t work. For example, if you’ve been let down in love and put...

    Nothing is going to hit you as hard as life. And there’s going to be times that leave you literally on the floor. Being overly happy about that or full of toxic positivity is not the answer. You won’t get rich after bankruptcy by “thinking positive,” you’ll get it by digging down to the roots of how you approach money and your relationship with you...

    If you’ve struggled with asthma then you know how incredible it can feel to take a deep breath without any trouble. If you’ve experienced the worst heartbreak then you know how finding lasting and real love can make you feel. Suffering can take us lower than the rocks and reduce us to less than we ever thought possible. The suffering of war has red...

    What I mean is that even a flower growing up through the sidewalk crack has to struggle and feel the pain to bloom. Anything you accomplish has some pushback and life is a dynamic – and sometimes painful – process. Although some people may seek out suffering as part of a spiritual or religious path (which I discuss below), generally it is not a cho...

    One of the worst things about suffering can be the feeling that we’re all alone. We start to internalize the idea that suffering has come to us for a bigger reason or some kind of “guilt” or sin we have committed. This idea can be linked to religious systems and philosophies as well as an inbuilt tendency of sensitive people to blame themselves and...

    Suffering is generally something we categorize along with other undesirable and awful things in the corner of our minds. On one side you have victory, pleasure, love, and belonging, on the other you have defeat, pain, hate, and isolation. Who would want any of that negative stuff? We push away these painful and difficult experiences because they ca...

    Suffering can deepen our faith and spiritual experiences. All life suffers in the literal sense. Organisms feel cold and hungry, animals being hunted feel fear. Humans have consciousness of death and fear the unknown. Along the path of life, people respond in many ways to the unknown and their own inner life. The Syrian Christian hermit Saint Simeo...

    When we experience suffering – or even choose it as some monks and others have – we begin to deeply appreciate the immense hardship that many people around us are experiencing. We empathize more and we want to help, even if it is just to be there for them. Having compassion and empathy for others also involves starting by having compassion and empa...

    Instead of constantly hearing that “everything is going to be OK” or to “think positive,” suffering can be a painful reminder and reality check that no,not everything necessarily is going to be “fine” at least not in an immediate or literal way. Would you rather the truth or comforting lies? The problem is that even if you said comforting lies once...

  2. Sep 12, 2022 · Does Suffering Have Hidden Benefits? Some believe suffering has certain benefits, such as building character, increasing empathy for others, strengthening faith, and developing...

    • Suffering Accomplishes God’s Perfect Purposes. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
    • God’s Tool for the Advance of the Gospel. Philippians 1:12 Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.
    • Purification. Job 23:10 When he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. Psalm 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word. God uses suffering in countless different ways to increase our holiness and obedience.
    • Increased Power from God. 2 Corinthians 12:7 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.
  3. The Tibetan monk Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche discusses four benefits of suffering: wisdom, resilience, compassion, and a deep respect for reality. Wisdom emerges from the experience of suffering.

  4. Nov 29, 2021 · Does it make us better people, kinder and more resilient; does it give meaning to our lives? It would be nice if it did, particularly since so many of us have been suffering these days. Around...

  5. Nov 6, 2013 · 2. People, especially those who feed on offering pity, sympathy, misery, and suffering over another’s problems, lose interest in you and no longer spend time with you. 3. People, especially those who habitually think themselves the downtrodden of the earth, will be jealous, envious, displeased, and angered. 4.