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  1. NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016. +91 8800440559

  2. Jul 26, 2022 · Learn what the learning outcomes are and how to write them using the proper verbs. Discover types and examples of learning outcomes and their difference to objectives.

  3. Sep 9, 2023 · Learning outcomes are statements that describe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should have after completing a learning activity or program. Learning outcomes are critical in the educational setting because they guide the design of curriculum, instruction, and assessment methods.

    • Publication Team
    • Foreword
    • Preamble
    • Learning Outcomes at the Secondary Stage: Salient Features
    • Learning Outcomes: Points to be Considered for Children with Special Needs (CWSN)
    • परिचय
    • भाषा को सीखना-ससखाना
    • पाठ्यक्रम संं ब धी अपेक्ाएँ —
    • कक्ा 9
    • कक्ा 10
    • समावेश्ाी सशक्ण व्यवस्ा के सलए कुछ् सुझाव
    • Introduction
    • Curricular Expectations
    • Class IX
    • Class X
    • Suggested Pedagogical Processes in an Inclusive Setup
    • परिचय:
    • पाठ्यचयाया-प्रतयाशाः
    • संस्कृतभधाषधाव्गमस्य प्वतफलधावन
    • कक्ा 10
    • समाि ेश्रीवशक्णवयिस्ा या: कृ्े का व िचि मागयादशयाक् त्िावि
    • Science
    • Curricular Expectations
    • Class IX
    • Class X
    • using the data given,
    • Suggested Pedagogical Processes in an Inclusive Setup
    • Introduction
    • Curricular Expectations
    • Class IX
    • and problem-solving skills, for example,
    • Class X
    • interlinkages within Social
    • Suggested Pedagogical Processes in an Inclusive Setup
    • Introduction
    • Curricular Expectations
    • analyses

    Head, Publication Division Chief Editor Chief Production Oficer Chief Business Manager : Anup Kumar Rajput : Shveta Uppal : Arun Chitkara : Bibash Kumar Das Production Assistant : Rajesh Pippal

    Children learn in a variety of ways such as listening, reading, playing, interacting and doing. This learning leads to change in their behaviour. This change, when observed and assessed, is often termed as learning outcome. The very process of learning which leads to development of competencies, is continuous and spiral. It does not happen in a lin...

    The Sustainable Development Goal-4 (SDG-4) of the United Nations observes that education is the force multiplier which enables self-reliance, boosts economic growth by enhancing skills and improves people’s lives by opening up opportunities for better livelihood. The SDG-4 emphasised on achieving universal quality education. India has made remar...

    As stated earlier, learning outcomes for the secondary stage is a continuum of the learning outcomes for the elementary stage. Continuum in the sense that the document indicates how teaching-learning in school needs to take into consideration all types and categories of learners (e.g., disadvantaged groups, learning disabilities, learners with spec...

    yy Additional time and a suitable mode for the successful completion of tests yy Modification of the curriculum because it presents specific dificulties for them yy Provision of adapted, modified, or alternative activities in different content areas yy Accessible texts and materials to suit their ages and levels of learning yy Respect for home lang...

    नवीं कक्षा में दषाखिल होने वषाले खवद्षार्थी की भषाषषा, शैली और खवचषार बोध एक ऐसषा आधषार बन च ुकषा होतषा है खक अब उसे उसके भषाखषक दषायरे के खवसतषार और वैचषाररक समखृ धि के खल ए जरूरी संसषाधन मुहैयषा करषाए जषाने की आवश्यकतषा होती है। मषाध्यखमक सतर तक आते-आते खवद्षार्थी खकशोर हो चुकषा होतषा है और उसमें सुनने, बोलने, पढ़ने, खलिने एवं समझने के स ...

    इस संदभया में हम यही कहेंगे खक अपनी बषात दसरों तक पह ु ँचषाने के एक मषाध्यम के रूप में हम भ षाषषा को पहचषानते और समझते रहे हैं, इसीखलए हम सब यही पररभषाषषा पढ़ते हुए बडे हुए खक भ षाषषा अखभव्यख त कषा मषाध्यम है; यषानी भषाषषा के ज़ररए ही हम कुछ कहते और खलिते हैं और खक सी के द्षारषा कहे और खलिे को सुनते और पढ़ते हैं, इसीखलए भषाषषा के चषार कौश...

    खव द्षार्थी अगले सतरों पर अपनी रुखच और आवश्यकतषा के अनुरूप खहंदी की पढ़षाई कर सकेंगे त र्षा खहंदी में बोलने और खलिने में सक्म हो सकेंगे। अपनी भ षाषषा-दक्तषा के चलते उच्चतर मषाध्यखमक सतर पर खवज्षान, सषामषाखजक खवज्षान और अन् य पषाठ्यरिमों के सषार् सहज संबधितषा (अंं त ससंबध) सर्षाखपत कर सकेंगे। दै खनक व्यवहषार, आवेदन पत्र खलिने, अलग-अलग खकसम के...

    क ल्पनषाशीलतषा और सजनशीलत षा को खवकखसत करने वषाली ग खतखवखधयों, जैसे— अखभनय, भूखमकषा खनवषायाह (रोल-प्ले), क खवतषा पषाठ, सजन षात्म क लेिन, खवखभन्न खसर्खतयों में संवषाद आ खद के आयोजन हों तर्षा उनकी तैयषारी से संं ब खधत खसरिप्टि (प टिकर्षा) लेि न और ररपोटिया लेि न के अवसर सुलभ हों। अपने म षाहौल और समषाज के बषारे में सकूल तर्षा खवखभन्न पत्र-प खत्र...

    अपने म षाहौल और समषाज के बषारे में सकूल तर्षा खवखभन्न पत्र-प खत्रकषाओ में अपनी र षा य देने के अवसर हों। कक्षा में भ षाषषा-सषाखहत्य की खवखवध छखवयों/खवधषाओ के अ ंंं तरस बधों को समझते हुए उनके पररवतयानशील सवरूप पर च चषाया हो, जैसे— आत्मकर्षा, जीवनी, संसमरण, कखवतषा, कह षानी, खनबंध आखद। भ षाषषा-सषाखहत्य के सषामषाखजक-सषांृ स कखतक-सौंदयषायात्मक पक्ों...

    कक्षा में सभी बच्चों के ख लए पषाठ्यचयषाया समषान रहती है एवं कक्षा-गखतखवखधयों में सभी बच् चों की प्रखतभषाखगतषा होनी चषाखहए। खवखश्टि आवश्यकतषा वषाले बच्चों के ख लए पषाठ्यचयषाया में कई ब षार रूपषान्तरों की आवश्यकतषा होती है। खदए गए सीिने के प्रखतफल समषावेशी खशक् ण व्यवसर्षा के खलए हैं, परंु त कक्षा में एेसे भी बच्चे होते हैं, ख जनकी कुछ खवशेष ...

    The Learning Outcomes for Classes IX and X are a continuation of the Learning Outcomes for the Elementary Stage. As we know the process of learning progresses in a continuum. The content and teaching-learning strategies vary in terms of complexity and variety as learners enter the secondary stage of education. The focus from familiar and concrete c...

    At this stage learners are expected to: develop an understanding of what they hear in formal and informal settings. develop an ability to speak fluently and accurately in a variety of situations meaningfully. understand the verbal and non-verbal clues used by the speaker. develop an ability to read with comprehension and not merely decode. develop ...

    ask questions on the texts read in the class and during discussions; be patient and respectful and take turns while listening to others and expressing their views. share experiences of language used outside the classroom as in the market, post ofice, etc., and share their experiences such as journeys, visits, hobbies, etc. understand different regi...

    issues, situations; and if there is a problem, work on the solutions. appreciate nuances and shades of literary meanings in a variety of poems like lyric, ballad, ode, limerick, elegy, etc., and the literary devices like onomatopoeic sounds, symbols, metaphors, alliteration, etc., understand comparisons, allusions, poet’s or writer’s point of view,...

    The curriculum of teaching-learning languages is same for all learners in the classroom. Hence, all learners get opportunities to actively participate in the teaching-learning process. There may be some students who have learning dificulties in language, visual-spatial or mixed processing problems. They may require additional teaching support and s...

    विशि वे समुपलब्धासु भधाषधासुं स स्कृतभधाषधा प्धाचीनतमधा। ऋगि वेदधादधारभ्य इदधानीं ्यधाि त् भ धाषवे्यं अबधा्गत्यधा प्िहमधानधा ित्ततवे । संस्कृतसधावहत्यवे विद्यमधानधानधां सधावहत्य-दर्तन-ज्धान-विज् धानधादीनधामध्य्यनस्य प्धासंवग्तधा अद्यधावप असंर्यतधां भजतवे। अस्यधााः भधाषधा्यधा: अध्य्यनवेन न ्वेि लं भधारती्य-सधांस्कृवत्परमपरधा्यधााः, सुसमद्ध...

    ि्यं जधानीमाः ्यत्ि न म्क्षधा्यधााः छधातधााः िष्तत्यं ्यधाित्ंं स स्कृत पवठतिधा अस्यधां ्क्षधा्यधां सम धागतधा:। तवे संस्कृतभधाषधासंरचन्यधा सि रूपधावदवभशच सधामधान्यत्यधा पररवचतधााः सवनत। अवसमन् स तरवे भधाषधा्यधााः चतुु ष ्त ्ौ रलवेषु दक्षतधा्यधााः अवभिद्ध ्यवे छधातवेभ्याः ्धावशचत् अपवेक्षधााः वक्र्यनतवे— दैन वनदनजीिन वे प््युज्यमधान...

    ् वितधाशलरो्धादीनधां पधाठनं रुवच्रविव्वभ: ्य्धा— भ धािधानुंि रूप सस रग धा्यनवेन खण्धानि्यधावदविव्नधा ् रणी्यम् । गीत धानधां पधाठनंि सस रं ्ु् ्यधा्त त । त्धा च ् दधावचत् व्य वकतगतरूपवेण ् दधावचचच समूहधातम्मनुिधाचनं ्धार्यवेत् । व ्यधा्रणवन्यमधानधां ् णठस्ी् रणम् अ्धारव्य तिधा अन वे्रोदधाहरणमधाध्यमवेन बरो्नं ्धा्य्तम् । ्यवेन छधातधा: सि्यमवे...

    व ्यधा्रणवन्यमधानधां ् णठस्ी् रणम् अ्धारव्य तिधा अन वे्रोदधाहरणमधाध्यमवेन बरो्नं ्धा रणी्यम् । ्यवे न छधातधा: स ि्यमवेि वनण्त्यप्य्तनतं गचछवे्यु: । सदैि गद्य-पद्य-नधा््धादीनधां प धाठवेषु समधागतधानधामुदधाहरणधानधाम् उललवेखं ्कृ तिधा तवेषधांं ज् धान सम परोषणी्यम् । ्धा र्रोपपदविभकतीनधां वरक्षणधात् प्धा्् प्त्यवे्रोदधाहरणधावन त धादृरधान्यनवे्धा...

    उपरर वलवखतधावन वरक्षणप्वतफलधावन समधािवेरीसंस्कृतवरक्षणधा्य एि सवनत, परं ्क्षधासु एत धादृरधााः अवप अन्य्धा सक्षमधााः छधातधा: भिवनत ्यवेषधाम्ि आ श्य् तधा विवरषधा भिवत । तवेषधाम् आ ि श्य्तधा प्पूत्त्यवे तधादृरधााः ्क्षधाप्वि््याः वक्र्यधा्लधापधाश्च वनमधा्ततव्यधााः ्यै: तवे पधाठ्ं् ्यधा रधान अ ि गनतुं सम्धा्ताः भि नतु । वरक्ष्ाः छधातधाणधा...

    is the outcome of human endeavour to build conceptual models to understand the world. It is a dynamic, expanding body of knowledge, covering newer domains of experience everyday. The scientific knowledge is generated through several interconnected processes such as observation, looking for regularities and patterns, making hypotheses, devising qual...

    At this stage learners are expected to: develop understanding of concepts, principles, theories, and laws governing the physical world, consistent with the stage of cognitive development. develop ability to acquire and processes of science, such as use the methods and observing, questioning, planning investigations, hypothesising, collecting, analy...

    present their observations/ ideas/ learning through flow charts/ concept maps/ graphs and ICT tools. gather data for calculating different physical quantities, such as distance, displacement, velocity, which can be shared and discussed in groups or with peers. Rubrics can be used to assess the conversion of units and reporting results. collect and ...

    study how chemical equations are balanced using simple mathematical skills. Discussion may be conducted on the significance of balancing of chemical equations. get familiar with New Cartesian Sign Convention using illustrated cards and may be given ample opportunities to apply the sign convention in various situations of y and animals, extraction o...

    such as, number of atoms in reactants and products to balance a chemical equation, resistance of a system of resistors, power of a lens, y electric power, etc. uses chart for extraction of metals from ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc. analyses and interprets data, graphs, and figures, such as, melting and boiling points of substances t...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

    plays a big role in the presentation of how multimedia or puppetry analyses how the different parts of our At this level the focus is to prepare the students to understand the roots of theatre which are observation, reflection, creative expression, problem solving, etc. They may also acquire the basics of theatre skills, and simultaneously be sensi...

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  4. 2 days ago · Having clearly articulated learning outcomes can make designing a course, assessing student learning progress, and facilitating learning activities easier and more effective. Learning outcomes can also help students regulate their learning and develop effective study strategies.

  5. Oct 16, 2023 · 16/10/2023. Share this article. Whether you are an educator, a trainer, or a student, understanding learning outcomes is important for successful learning experiences. In this blog post, we will look at various types of learning outcomes, from knowledge-based to skill-based.

  6. Aug 23, 2023 · Learning outcomes are an articulation of what a participant will learn during a course or program. These measurable statements define the skills and knowledge a learner will acquire and be able to demonstrate by the end of the learning process. Clear, understandable, and actionable learning examples are the foundation to creating and marketing ...