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The distance between Indore and Ujjain is 79 km. The road distance is 56.9 km. How do I travel from Indore to Ujjain without a car? The best way to get from Indore to Ujjain without a car is to train which takes 1h 10m and costs ₹130 - ₹950. How long does it take to get from Indore to Ujjain?
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Via this route, the Indore to Ujjain distance is approximately 55 KM and takes just above an hour to travel. Before you travel, always check for traffic updates and use live maps to get real-time information on the road conditions between Indore to Ujjain. Here’s a basic road map for Indore to Ujjain on this route:
Indore to Ujjain - Multiple Options To Reach By Train, Bus, Cab. Ujjain is approximately 50+ kms from Indore. The fastest way to reach Ujjain from Indore is by Train. It takes approximately 2 hours. The cheapest way to reach Ujjain from Indore is by Bus which would take approximately 2 hours.
How far is it from Ujjain to Indore? The distance between Ujjain and Indore is 62 km. The road distance is 56.9 km. How do I travel from Ujjain to Indore without a car? The best way to get from Ujjain to Indore without a car is to train which takes 1h 35m and costs ₹130 - ₹800. How long does it take to get from Ujjain to Indore?
The Distance between Indore to Ujjain by road is 55KM. The aerial distance from Indore to Ujjain is 52KM.
Driving distance from Indore to Ujjain is 61 kilometers (38 miles). Indore, Bhopal, India ↔ Ujjain, Bhopal, India = 32 miles = 52 km. Indore is located in India with (22.7179,75.8333) coordinates and Ujjain is located in India with (23.1824,75.7764) coordinates.
Shows the distance in kilometres between Indore and Ujjain and displays the route on an interactive map. Worldwide distance calculator with air line, route planner, travel duration and flight distances.
The distance between Indore Airport (IDR) and Ujjain is 89 km. The road distance is 57.3 km. Get driving directions
Distance: 31.98 mi (51.46 km) The shortest distance (air line) between Ujjain and Indore is 31.98 mi (51.46 km). Driving route: -- (- ) The shortest route between Ujjain and Indore is according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. . Half of the trip is reached in . Bearing: 169.67° (S)