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May 23, 2017 · Lastly you need to flush the users; i.e., force MySQL to read the user's privileges again.-- DELETE ALL RECIPE drop schema <database_name>; -- Same as `drop database <database_name>` drop user <a_user_name>; -- You may need to add a hostname e.g `drop user bob@localhost` FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Good luck!
Feb 13, 2014 · If you want to delete your database from phpmyAdmin or mySQl. Simply go to SQL command and write command "drop DATABASE databasename;" Example: drop DATABASE rainbowonlineshopping; Then click on "Go" Button. Your Database will be deleted and you get information like this
Mar 28, 2018 · Deleting duplicates on MySQL tables is a common issue, that usually comes with specific needs. In case anyone is interested, here (Remove duplicate rows in MySQL) I explain how to use a temporary table to delete MySQL duplicates in a reliable and fast way, also valid to handle big data sources (with examples for different use cases).
Aug 8, 2013 · I use the pylons and sqlalchemy. I constantly update the schema files and delete and recreate the database so that new schema can be made. Every time I do this by opening the MySql Query Browser and login and delete the database/schema. How do I delete the MySQL db/schema thorough linux shell commands in Ubuntu Linux?
Mar 10, 2014 · Method 2. Bash Approach. Inspired by Sukhjinder's answer, but tuned for better compatibility.This approach requests database names in raw format, does its bash magic, then feeds the code back to MYSQL.
Dec 20, 2012 · It is worth mentioning that MySQL 8.0.23 and above supports Invisible Columns. CREATE TABLE tbl_Country( CountryId INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, IsDeleted bit, PRIMARY KEY (CountryId) ); INSERT INTO tbl_Country VALUES (1, 1), (2,0); ALTER TABLE tbl_Country ALTER COLUMN IsDeleted SET INVISIBLE; SELECT * FROM tbl_Country; CountryId 1 2 ALTER TABLE tbl_Country DROP COLUMN IsDeleted;
close the safe update mode. Edit -> Preferences -> SQL Editor -> SQL Editor remove Forbid UPDATE and DELETE statements without a WHERE clause (safe updates) . BTW you can use TRUNCATE TABLE tablename; to delete all the records .
Is a DDL(Data Definition Language), you can delete all data and clean identity. If you want to use this, you need DDL privileges in table. DDL statements example: CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, etc. DELETE FROM table_name / DELETE FROM table_name WHERE 1=1 (is the same) Is a DML(Data Manipulation Language), you can delete all data.
Mar 1, 2010 · The accepted answer is not always correct. If you configure binary logging on MySQL, you can rollback the database to any previous point you still have a snapshot and binlog for. 7.5 Point-in-Time (Incremental) Recovery Using the Binary Log is a good starting point for learning about this facility.
Jan 11, 2011 · Keep the only names which you want to delete from the list. Dont forget to remove your working db's from the list. Add DROP DATABASE in front of those names. That's it simple. Copy & Paste all of those in your workbench. You can execute all of them in one shot.