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Sep 29, 2012 · The MySQL syntax for RENAME TABLE statement is the following: RENAME TABLE <old_table_name> TO <new_table_name> In your query, you've used group which is one of the keywords in MySQL. Try to avoid MySQL keywords for names while creating tables, field names and so on.
I am trying to rename a column in MySQL community server 5.5.27 using this SQL expression: ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN old_col_name TO new_col_name; I also tried ALTER TABLE table_name RE...
Feb 8, 2013 · The difference is whether you want to change the column name, column definition or both. CHANGE. Can change a column name or definition, or both ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE a b BIGINT NOT NULL. MODIFY. Can change a column definition but not its name ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY b INT NOT NULL. RENAME COLUMN (from MySQL 8.0) Can change a column name but not ...
Aug 31, 2009 · To change column data type there are change method and modify method. ALTER TABLE student_info CHANGE roll_no roll_no VARCHAR(255); ALTER TABLE student_info MODIFY roll_no VARCHAR(255); To change the field name also use the change method. ALTER TABLE student_info CHANGE roll_no identity_no VARCHAR(255);
Aug 18, 2009 · Yes, you need to specificities the column type. Here is a magic command to get all the types. Using multi-line editing you can generate the command to update all columns at once starting here: SELECT table_schema , table_name , column_name , COLLATION_NAME , COLUMN_TYPE FROM information_schema.columns WHERE collation_name != 'utf8_general_ci' AND table_schema not in ('information_schema','mysql', 'performance_schema','sys');
DELIMITER // DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `rename_database`; CREATE PROCEDURE `rename_database` (IN `old_name` VARCHAR(20), IN `new_name` VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN DECLARE `current_table_name` VARCHAR(20); DECLARE `done` INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE `table_name_cursor` CURSOR FOR SELECT `table_name` FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE (`table_schema` = `old_name`); DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET `done` = 1; SET @sql_string = CONCAT('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `', `new_name ...
Jun 6, 2011 · Then you need to remove all existing databases to avoid table name inconsistency. We were on the step to set lower_case_table_names to 2, but this variable is read-only, so you can not update it using the script. So need to change it to the configure file (my.ini). For windows, it's available in the C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server X.X directory.
Aug 11, 2018 · [mysqld] lower_case_table_names=1 then start mysql service for first time. But anyway if you have started the server already,to solve your problem: 1.stop mysql: systemctl stop mysql 2.clean data directory or change the default, the following is for new installations , if you have data in your database BACK UP them beforehand. rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'your_database_name'; Now, to answer the original question, use this query: INSERT INTO table_name SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'your_database_name';
May 20, 2009 · SQL Server table name can be changed in two ways. Execute the below query, by using the system stored procedure sp_rename. EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.old_table_name','new_table_name'; Open SSMS and expand the database folder. Right-click on a table and click Rename. Enter a new name by over writing on existing name and then Go to the file menu and ...