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  1. Linux/Unix Tutorial - This Linux tutorial has been written to somplify the Linux learning for the beginners to advanced Linux Enthusiasts, Linux System Administrators, Bash Shell Script Programmers and other tech enthusiasts willing to learn and practice Linux.

  2. Unix Online Terminal - Online Unix Compiler - The best online Unix compiler and editor which allows you to write Unix Code, Compile and Execute it online from your browser itself. You can create Unix Project using Unix version GNU Bash v4.4. You can also Edit, Save, Compile, Run and Share Unix Code online.

  3. Shell Scripting Tutorial - A shell script is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix/Linux shell which could be one of the following:

  4. Getting Started with Linux - Let's start from very begining and the first step of Linux is to boot the system to make it live which allows users to interact with it. So let's start with System Bootup.

  5. Unix / Linux - File Permission / Access Modes - In this chapter, we will discuss in detail about file permission and access modes in Unix. File ownership is an important component of Unix that provides a secure method for storing files.

  6. Unix / Linux - Shell Basic Operators. Previous. Next. There are various operators supported by each shell. We will discuss in detail about Bourne shell (default shell) in this chapter. We will now discuss the following operators −. Arithmetic Operators. Relational Operators. Boolean Operators.

  7. Unix / Linux - Useful Commands. This quick guide lists commands, including a syntax and a brief description. For more detail, use −.

  8. Unix i About the Tutorial Unix is a computer Operating System which is capable of handling activities from multiple users at the same time. The development of Unix started around 1969 at AT&T Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. This tutorial gives a very good understanding on Unix. Audience

  9. Editing files using the screen-oriented text editor vi is one of the best ways. This editor enables you to edit lines in context with other lines in the file. An improved version of the vi editor which is called the VIM has also been made available now. Here, VIM stands for Vi IM proved.

  10. Unix / Linux - File System Basics - A file system is a logical collection of files on a partition or disk. A partition is a container for information and can span an entire hard drive if desired.