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Jun 13, 2012 · 80. If you want to get this out of your table using SQL, take a look at the following functions that will help you: SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX. You can use those to trim your entries. A possible query will look like this (where col is the name of the column that contains your image directories: SELECT SUBSTRING(col, LEN(SUBSTRING(col, 0, LEN(col ...
Dec 2, 2011 · Create a computed column that is the string in reverse order. Then what were the right (least significant) three characters is now the left (most significant) three characters. You then index that column and look for WHERE LEFT(reversed,3) = REVERSE('190'). (I'm bored, can you tell?)
Apr 10, 2009 · @ImranRizvi has a great answer for counting strings of any size. It can even be enhanced further to also allow you to count spaces or substrings with leading/trailing spaces by replacing LEN with DATALENGTH like this: (DATALENGTH(@string) - DATALENGTH(REPLACE(@string, @substring, '')))/DATALENGTH(@substring) –
Jan 4, 2012 · SQL Server ships with the function PARSENAME that can extract up to 4 elements in a dot separated string, from the right : SELECT PARSENAME('1234.5437.43278.532', 2) as third_element --43278 You could use this function to retrieve the 2nd to the 5th element of the file name, by selecting from the second element to the end of the filename, without the extension.
Jun 28, 2013 · You don't need wildcards in the REPLACE - it just finds the string you enter for the second argument, so the following should work: UPDATE SET Value = REPLACE(Value, '123', '') WHERE ID <=4. If the column to replace is type text or ntext you need to cast it to nvarchar. UPDATE
Oct 5, 2012 · The format is roughly ABC-1D23-4F34. I want to copy and insert the first 3 letters, the ABC, into a new column. Lets call these columns [full_id] and [ref_id] From reading it looks like substring is able to do this but I am doing something wrong here. INSERT INTO [ref_id] SUBSTRING([full_id], 1, 3) FROM db.Name. Thank you for the help.
Feb 7, 2018 · I have a column OFFSTARTIME with a datetime datatype. Currently data is appearing as. 1900-01-01 08:00:00.000. I want to show only. 08:00:00. For that I have tried the following query: SUBSTRING(CAST(OFFSTARTIME AS VARCHAR(19)), 12, 19) but it's showing an output of. 0 8:00AM.
May 31, 2023 · If you are using Oracle Database then you can achieve this using a contains query. Contains queries are faster than like queries. If you need all of the words. SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE CONTAINS(Column1,'word1 and word2 and word3', 1) > 0. If you need any of the words.
121. You can use Replace function as; REPLACE ('Your String with cityname here', 'cityname', 'xyz') --Results. 'Your String with xyz here'. If you apply this to a table column where stringColumnName, cityName both are columns of YourTable. SELECT REPLACE(stringColumnName, cityName, '') FROM YourTable. Or if you want to remove 'cityName' string ...
Aug 15, 2016 · When we have 0 or a negative value in the start parameter then the character index starts with 2 so the index of character 'a' is 2 and the index of character 'b' is 3. SELECT SUBSTRING('ab,', 0, LEN('ab,')) -- is equivalent to. SELECT SUBSTRING('ab,', 0, 3) -- so 0 + 3 = 3 so o/p will be upto index 3 i.e. ab.