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  1. A number is called strong number if sum of the factorial of its digit is equal to number itself. For example: 145 since

  2. In general definition: Armstrong numbers are defined as integers for which the sum of each digit raised to the power of the total number of digits in the number equals the original number itself. Example 1: 153. Total digits in 153 is 3. And 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153. Example 2: 1634. Total digits in 1634 is 4.

  3. 1. Write a c program to check given number is perfect number or not. 2. Write a c program to check given number is Armstrong number or not. 3. Write a c program to check given number is prime number or not. 4. Write a c program to check given number is strong number or not. 5.

  4. C program examples | Interview Complete List C program to convert Roman number to decimal number Write a c program to find out the sum of series 1^2 + 2^2 + …. + n^2.

  5. An armstrong number is an n-digit number that is equal to the sum of the nth powers of its digits. Write a program that accepts an integer and determines if it is an armstrong number or not. Example: 153 is a 3- digit number so each digit should be raised to 3 and add the results. 1 3 ++ 5 3 + 33 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153 153 = 153

  6. Next perfect number is 28 since 1+ 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28. Some more perfect numbers: 496, 8128. 1. Write a c program to check given number is perfect number or not. 2. Write a c program to check given number is Armstrong number or not. 3. Write a c program to check given number is prime number or not. 4.

  7. C language interview questions solution for freshers beginners placement tricky good pointers answers explanation operators data types arrays structures functions recursion preprocessors looping file handling strings switch case if else printf advance linux objective mcq faq online written test prime numbers Armstrong Fibonacci series factorial palindrome code programs examples on c++ tutorials and pdf

  8. Check given number is prime number or not using c program; Write a c program to find out the sum of series 1 + 2 + …. + n. Check the given number is palindrome number or not using c program; Write a c program to check given number is strong number or not.

  9. A palindrome number is one that reads the same forward as backward. For instance, 121 is a palindrome number because its digits, when reversed, still form the same number, namely 121.

  10. Write a c program to check given number is strong number or not. Check given number is prime number or not using c program; Check the given number is palindrome number or not using c program; Write a c program to find out the sum of series 1^2 + 2^2 + …. + n^2. Write a c program to find out the sum of series 1 + 2 + …. + n.