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  1. I'm working on making a menu in python that needs to: Print out a menu with numbered options. Let the user enter a numbered option. Depending on the option number the user picks, run a function specific to that action. For now, your function can just print out that it's being run. If the user enters in something invalid, it tells the user they ...

  2. May 29, 2023 · import pickle L=[] def write(): f=open("samp1.dat","ab") while True: n=input("enter name:") r=int(input("enter rollno:")) c=i...

  3. Aug 23, 2014 · For menu-driven programming, how is the best way to write the Quit function, so that the Quit terminates the program only in one response. Here is my code, please edit if possible: print("\\nMenu\\...

  4. Apr 24, 2022 · I'm trying to complete my menu driven program; however, I can't get this code to function properly. the goal is to get information from my previous code then get the evaluated output here. It keeps asking to execute my previous function before the menu pops up. get_list is the previous function that gets the list of numbers from the user.

  5. Apr 20, 2022 · Add a menu to a console application to manage activities. 2. Run a selected function. 3. Clear the output. 4. Display the menu again or exit if done is selected. """. Display a menu where the key identifies the name of a function.

  6. Oct 22, 2020 · This is the approach that I came up with to do a menu. I want the menu to close if one option is exectued and the user wants to exit. So I wrote this. def name_added(): print("\nName added\n") print("\nBack to menu?\n""\nY[ ]N[ ]") backmen = input("") if backmen == "Y": interface = True elif backmen == "N": interface = False

  7. Mar 15, 2021 · 1. you can simulate a switch statement using the following function definition: def switch(v): yield lambda *c: v in c. You can use it in C-style: x = 3. for case in switch(x): if case(1): # do something. break.

  8. Dec 2, 2019 · There has to be a menu with the following choices: add a number, remove number (enter placeholder), show list. Each time choice is made program should ask if we want to re-run the script. Tried loops, functions and it just doesn't seem to work with me. See the code below. Thank you in advance!

  9. May 4, 2022 · First define your functions once at the top of the program, you are currently defining functions (eg. addition) inside if statements; put all your main code in a 'forever' (while True:) loop so that each time through the loop it prints out the menu, accepts input, and displays the results then returns to the top of the loop to do it all over again

  10. Write a menu-driven Python program which includes the following; A function which takes a file name from the user and creates a file of the same name. The function should then use a while loop to process the file and allow the user to input a number of integers which are to be written to the file.

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