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    • Aom Team
    • Tie a Necktie. Even in our casual culture where hoodies are appropriate attire for billionaire CEOs, every man should know how to tie a tie. Funerals, weddings, and job interviews are just a few occasions when a sharp necktie is appropriate, and you’ll be attending plenty of those during your adult life.
    • Build a Campfire. There’s a primordial link between men and fire. While it’s no longer necessary for our survival, man’s connection to fire still exists.
    • Hang a Picture. Being asked to hang a picture on the wall may be perhaps the world’s most common “honey-do.” While not necessarily an exact science, knowing some basics about wall hangings, and where to place prints on the wall, will ensure that your home has charm that will knock the socks off visiting dates and parents, and greatly please your main squeeze.
    • Shine Your Shoes. A pair of shoes with a mirror shine can add the finishing touch to a sharp get-up. And besides keeping your shoes in tip-top shape, the act of shoe shining is a satisfying, manly ritual that calms the mind.
    • Reading Discipline
    • Learn How to Dress Well
    • Become Better with Women
    • Invest in Your Financial Future
    • Cook Eggs Multiple Ways
    • Clean Properly
    • Learn to Budget
    • Play An Instrument
    • The Art of Conversation
    • Drive A Stick

    If I told you there was one thing you can do that: 1. relieves stress 2. improves your memory 3. allows you to get better sleep 4. increases your empathy 5. educates you 6. expands your vocabulary, and 7. entertainsyou You’d probably be interested in hearing about it, right? Well, you already know all about it—that thing is reading. And you should ...

    Every piece of clothing you decide to wear transmits something about you. Wearing an unironed shirt screams that you’re at best carefree, and at worst, lazy. If you’re here, you probably understand that you don’t want to be either of those things. First, learn how to dress for your body type. Then, dig into the unstylish things you should stop wear...

    If you master the majority of the skills described here, chances are that you will, by default, also become much better with women. It’s only natural. When that happens, the last thing you want is to be all spark and no fire. Developing yourself into a high-value-manwith dating skills will very quickly make you coveted by those with two X-chromosom...

    Speaking of reading, one of the best books I’ve read in the last year is Dave Ramsey’s bestseller, The Total Money Makeover. If you’re in any kind of debt, I strongly suggest you pick it up. It’ll be the best $20 or so that you spend this year. I don’t say this lightly—it totally transformed my approach to money. The first few chapters are all abou...

    Fried, scrambled, poached, or as an omelette, well prepared eggs make a tasty and quick meal. There is no better way to impress the lady in your life than with an impromptu breakfast. You get extra manliness points if you perfect the art of cracking an egg with one hand. While you’ll want to know how to make eggs the traditional way, an egg cooker ...

    Leaving your mark on the world as a man does not imply literally leaving pizza sauce stains on your sofa. Just as our hunter-gatherer ancestors knew the value of picking up scraps off the ground so as not to attract scavengers or other predators, so too should you be versed in the importance of cleaning properly. Start by propelling yourself into a...

    Okay, you covered your monthly internet service, Netflix subscription, and you even had some change left over for some snacks. Excellent. But was it all set out in your monthly budget? In order to live within your means, plan for the future, finance a major purpose (a new home, or that awesome man cave you’ve dreamed about) good money management sk...

    Even if you’re not musically inclined, knowing the basics of playing at least one instrument is a handy skill to have. Knocking out some basic chords on a guitar or notes on a piano goes a long way in establishing your “man of the world” mystique. Playing an instrument also boosts your coordination and concentration levels, among other health benef...

    Knowing how to hold a conversationcan be the difference between being remembered as ‘interesting,’ versus that ‘crazy idiot.’ Believe it or not, women prefer men that are interesting 99.9% of the time.

    One of the ultimate acts of manly multi-tasking—driving a stick requires proper coordination of your feet and hands. It also gives you “full control” over your car’s performance and efficiency. That’s right, YOU dictate when you want power for acceleration or efficiency for speed. It’s obviously ok to own an automatic car. But if a situation arises...

  1. Jun 12, 2024 · In today’s article, I'm going through the nine manly skills that all men need to master to truly call themselves a man. Have a Defensive Mindset | Be Able to Defend Yourself; REALLY Listen to Others; Understand What’s Actually Important In Your Life; Achieve Financial Maturity; Have Self-Reliance; Never Lose Your Curiosity

    • Active Listening Techniques. Active listening is all about full engagement in what the other person is saying. Perks? You build better relationships, solve problems effectively, and increase understanding.
    • Public Speaking and Storytelling. Fear public speaking? You’re not alone. But mastering this skill lets you communicate your ideas clearly and convincingly.
    • The Art of Small Talk. Small talk might seem trivial. But think about it this way – it’s the stepping stone to deeper conversations and creates a friendly environment.
    • Networking and Making Connections. Networking is all about forming meaningful relationships – it could be to advance your career, gain insights, or collaborate.
    • At Home. The modern man isn’t all about sport and the outdoors, you know. Domestic duties are an essential part of 21st-century masculinity. Indeed, whereas a bloke was once measured on the size of his muscles and testosterone levels, now he scores equal man-points for his sheet-folding ability (harder than it sounds).
    • For Style. Looking good is a man’s prerogative. Looking exceptional is a talent – a mix of nifty hacks, knowing your body, and understanding what to wear and when.
    • As A Partner. There’s more to being a great lover than having dynamite skills between the sheets (though, to be fair, that does help). It’s about being sensitive, considerate and emotionally nurturing – all skills a man needs if he’s going to find, and hold onto, a partner.
    • As A Man’s Man. We live in the age of reconstructed and reclaimed masculinity, but a man is a man, and the hunter-gatherer instinct is strong. Except in the modern world, being an alpha male isn’t about killing a deer with your bare hands, it’s about being the best physical specimen you can be and an absolute wizard with a toolkit.
  2. Feb 28, 2024 · Did you know that we can learn how to understand a man? With these 25 truths about men, you'll get a better idea about how men think.

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  4. Mar 1, 2024 · Turns out I have to work hard to achieve anything in life. Who knows where I’d be now, if I’d learnt that at 20. I have much more to learn, but these are the 10 lessons I wish I had learnt a little earlier in life. Check out our Lifestyle category for more actionable life lessons that you can apply today.