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  1. A unique blend of lime and a hint of mint - Limonata is a zesty makeover of the traditional fresh-lime soda with an added twist of mint which will give you Double the Chill! Take a sip and stimulate your senses with that paradise-like feeling!

  2. Mar 5, 2023 · Italian limonata is an easy Italian mocktail recipe similar to classic lemonade but made with sparkling water instead of still. In Italy, we often drink limonata from a can, like a typical soft drink.

  3. Immerse yourself in our modern and minimalistic ambiance while savoring authentic Italian cuisine and refreshing drinks. Let Limonata's captivating story transport you to a world where timeless elegance and coastal charm intertwine, creating unforgettable moments and cherished memories.

  4. Jul 27, 2022 · Limonata is a refreshing, citrusy and bubbly Italian lemonade made with fresh lemons and sparkling water. This traditional Italian Limonata is the most delicious, fragrant and flavorful lemonade I have ever tried.

  5. Sep 25, 2023 · Limonata is Italy’s answer to lemonade, made with bubbly, effervescent sparkling water instead of still water, which makes it so much more fun! 🛒 ingredients lemon simple syrup - lemon simple syrup is the secret ingredient in this lemon soda!

  6. Italian limonata (lemonade) requires only a few simple ingredients of lemon juice, sugar, water and basil. I like the crisp clean taste that the basil brings to this summertime favorite.

  7. Bisleri POP Limonata is a stirring drink with the zingy taste of lime. It trips you with its tang and dunks you straight into a pool of chill. Kick back and escape into your very own paradise in a bottle.

  8. Jul 19, 2021 · Peel the lemons and grate the rinds. Put the grated rinds in a saucepan with the water and sugar. Squeeze the peeled lemons and put the juice together with the leftover pieces in a glass bowl and set aside. Bring the mixture in the saucepan to a boil and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Reduce the heat and continue to boil gently for 5 minutes.

  9. La semplice limonata è quella fatta con tre ingredienti freschi: nessuna cottura di sciroppi vari, il risultato è veloce, delizioso e rinfrescante, un piacere per il palato e in estate non c'è...

  10. Sanpellegrino Limonata is a sparkling lemon beverage with the authentic flavor of southern Italy’s lemons. Learn more about its taste and serving tips!