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    In Hindu philosophy, svapna is a state of consciousness when a person is dreaming or is asleep. In this state, he or she cannot perceive the external universe with the senses. This state may contain the conscious activities of memory or imagination.

  2. Dec 21, 2023 · Svapna is a Sanskrit term referring to a state of being asleep and dreaming while also being conscious, or simply a state of dreaming. It is one of the four main states of consciousness, together with jagrat (waking), sushupti (deep sleep) and turiya (witness consciousness), as defined in the Upanishads and other yogic texts. Advertisement.

    • In Hinduism
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    Purana and Itihasa

    Svapna (स्वप्न).—(dream) General information. One of the four states of mind. (See full article at Story of Svapnafrom the Puranic encyclopaedia by Vettam Mani) Svapna (स्वप्न).—Dreams, bad and good; ceremonies must be performed for bad ones; after a bad dream, one must try to sleep for sometime; after a good dream one must try to be awake lest it should be followed by a bad one for the latter will generally come true. Dream had in the first of the four divisions of the night will come true i...


    Svapna (स्वप्न, “dream”) refers to one of the twenty-one sandhyantara, or “distinct characteristics of segments (sandhi)” according to the Nāṭyaśāstra chapter 21. The segments are divisions of the plot (itivṛtta or vastu) of a dramatic play (nāṭaka) and consist of sixty-four limbs, known collectively as the sandhyaṅga.


    Svapna (स्वप्न) refers to a “dream” according to the Kathāsaritsāgara, chapter 46. Accordingly, as Suvāsakumāra said to Sūryaprabha and his companions: “... dreams are of many kinds, the rich-sensed, the true-sensed and the senseless. A dream which quickly reveals its meaning is called rich-sensed, a dream in which a propitious god gives a command is called true-sensed, and one which is brought about by deep meditation and anxiety they call senseless. For a man under the influence of sleep, w...


    Svapna (स्वप्न, “dream”) refers to one of the ten comparisons (upamāna) according to the 2nd century Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra chapter 11. These upamānas represent a quality of the Bodhisattvas accompanying the Buddha at Rājagṛha on the Gṛdhrakūṭaparvata. They accepted that dharmas are like a dream (svapna). There is no reality in a dream but nevertheless we believe in the reality of the things seen in a dream. After waking up, we recognize the falsity of the dream and we smile at ourselves. I...

    Tibetan Buddhism

    Svapna (स्वप्न) or Svapnadarśana refers to the “Yoga of the dream state” and represents one of Nāropa’s Six Dharmas (ṣaḍdharma) in Tibetan Buddhist Tantric practices .—In the Yoga of dreaming (rmi lam, *svapna), the Yogi learns to remain aware during the states of dreaming (i.e. to lucid dream) and uses this skill to practice Yoga in the dream.

    General definition

    Svapna (स्वप्न) refers to “dreams” and represents one of the eight divisions of Nimittaśāstra (“science of omens”), possibly corresponding to “the eight divisions of the science of omens” (aṣṭādhikaraṇīgrantha), according to chapter 2.6 [ajitanātha-caritra] of Hemacandra’s 11th century Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra: an ancient Sanskrit epic poem narrating the history and legends of sixty-three illustrious persons in Jainism.—(Cf. Uttarādhyayana with Kamalasaṃyama’s commentary 31. 19, pp. 506-7)...

    Marathi-English dictionary

    svapna (स्वप्न).—n m (S) Dreaming or a dream; the state of dreaming or the visions appearing. Pr. manīṃ vasē tēṃ svapnīṃ disēṃ. svapna nasaṇēṃ g. of s. (Not to be even a dream of it.) To have no existence; to be chimerical. svapna pāhūna jāgā hōṇēṃ To learn from experience or observation; to acquire knowledge or prudence from results or occurrences. svapnācēṃ bhākīta sāṅgaṇēṃ To interpret a vision or dream. svapnīṃ nāhīṃ Not even in a dream, i. e. not at all; as hyāsīṃ svapnīṃ nāhīṃ mṛtyu ||....

    Sanskrit dictionary

    Svapna (स्वप्न).—[svap-bhāve nak] 1) Sleeping, sleep; अकाले बोधितो भ्रात्रा प्रियस्वप्नो वृथा भवान् (akāle bodhito bhrātrā priyasvapno vṛthā bhavān)R.12.81;7.61;12.7; Ku. 2.8. 2) A dream, dreaming; स्वप्नेन्द्रजालसदृशः खलु जीवलोकः (svapnendrajālasadṛśaḥ khalu jīvalokaḥ) Śānti.2.2; स्वप्नो नु भाया नु मतिभ्रमो नु (svapno nu bhāyā nu matibhramo nu)Ś.6.1; R.1.6. 3)Sloth, indolence, sleepiness; Manusmṛti 9.13;12.33. 4) The state of ignorance (?); भावाद्वैतं क्रियाद्वैतं तथात्मनः । वर्तयन् स्वानुभू...

    Hindi dictionary

    Svapna (स्वप्न) [Also spelled swapn]:—(nm) a dream; ~[kara] causing dreams; ~[darśī] a dreamer, dreamy; a dream-visionary; ~, [divā] day-dreaming; ~[darśī, divā] a day-dreamer; ~[doṣa] emission, pollution nocturna; ~[draṣṭā] see ~[darśī; ~pūrṇa] full of dreams; ~[maya] dreamy; -[loka] dreamland, dream-world; ~[vat] like a dream; unreal; ~[śīla] visionary; dreamy; —[dekhanā] to dream; to visualize; to imagine; —[meṃ nahīṃ] not even in dream, never, under no circumstances.

  3. Oct 12, 2021 · The phenomenon of svapna (dream) in Hinduism has myriad philosophical, spiritual, mystical, and religious connotations. The mysterious formation of dreams has always intrigued the minds of great thinkers and philosophers in India since the ancient times, especially their sources and their relation to sense experiences.

  4. Feb 8, 2022 · Through svapna-yoga, or the art of paying conscious attention to our sleep and dreams, we can turn all this time spent sleeping into an active part of our daily yoga practice, or sādhanā. At the same time, we can cure ourselves of common sleep problems such as restlessness, insomnia, sleepwalking or sleep-talking, and waking up tired.

  5. Jul 27, 2021 · Saivism terms this state as Susam āhitam, which means ‘absolutely aware, full of awareness.’. The dreaming state is called Svapna, (the absence of worldly activity) by worldly people because the outer objective world is absent in this state.

  6. People also ask

  7. svapna dekhi—after dreaming Antya 1.43 svapna diya—appearing in a dream Madhya 9.246 svapna-aupamyena—by the analogy of a dream SB 9.19.27-28 svapna-avabodhasya—regulated sleep and wakefulness Bg 6.17 svapna-bhanga—breaking of the dream Adi 5.197 svapna-silasya—of one who sleeps too much Bg 6.16