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  1. In Hindu philosophy, vidyā refers to the knowledge of the soul or spiritual knowledge; it refers to the study of the six schools of Hindu philosophy: Nyaya, Yoga, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Purvamimamsa and Uttaramimamsa.

  2. So important is vidya to Hindu religion and philosophy, that there’s even a goddess that personifies the concept and elevates it to divine status. Mahavidyã is the goddess personifying that kind of knowledge, vidya, which transcends intellectual cognition (jñana) and wisdom (prajñā).

  3. In the context of Hindu spiritual practices, a Vidyā can be defined as the worship of a God/Goddess. Literally Vidyā means learning; it is from the word-root “vid” - to know. Knowledge is called Veda and learning is called Vidyā.

  4. Dec 21, 2023 · What Does Vidya Mean? Vidya is a Sanskrit word that means “knowledge,” “clarity” or “higher learning.” The term is used to describe both intellectual knowledge obtained through study (apara vidya) and spiritual or higher knowledge (para vidya) that leads to enlightenment, which is the goal of yoga.

  5. May 17, 2024 · The sage Vasishtha explains the concepts of Vidya (knowledge) and Avidya (ignorance), stating that Prakriti, which is associated with creation and destruction, is Avidya, while Purusha, free from these attributes and transcending the principles, is Vidya.

  6. Dec 28, 2017 · It is a tradition of sages who for ages have been wandering among these peaks and on the plains of India without identifying themselves with any caste, creed, race, religion, guru, god, or established institution. More precisely, the Himalayan Tradition is the tradition of Sri Vidya.

  7. Apr 20, 2021 · Vidya primarily means "correct knowledge" in any field of science, learning, philosophy, or any factual knowledge that cannot be disputed or refuted. Its root is vid ( Sanskrit : विद्), which means "to reason upon", knower, finding, knowing, acquiring or understanding.