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  1. Feb 16, 2024 · Get ready to twist your brain into philosophical pretzels with our collection of 101+ life riddles! Crack these conundrums, unravel the universe (or at least have a good chuckle) and show off your newfound wisdom. Answers included, so no existential crises here!

    • I am a journey that everyone takes, but the path is never the same. I have mountains to climb and valleys to explore. People try to control me, but I am ever-changing.
    • I can be long, and I can be short. I can be filled with joy or fraught with discomfort. You live me every day, but if you don’t pay attention, I can slip away.
    • You can find me in every heart, but never at the center of the storm. I’m not something you can touch, but I’m something you can feel. I bring warmth, connection, and bond humans together.
    • I’m like a garden that needs to be nurtured. If left unattended, I can wither away. If tended to, I can grow, blossom, and bear fruit. What am I?
    • I am free, yet priceless. You can’t own me, but you can use me. You can’t keep me, but you can spend me. What am I? Answer: Time.
    • The more of me you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? Answer: Footsteps.
    • I am rarely touched but often held. If you have wit, you’ll use me well. What am I? Answer: Tongue.
    • People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I? Answer: Plate.
    • Riddle 1
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    Answer: Confidence While there are plenty of those who lack the confidence to stand up for themselves and seize opportunities, there are also plenty of people out there who overestimate their abilities and bite off more than they can chew. To ensure a reasonable level of happiness in life and achieve as much as you can, you have to live between the...

    Answer: Adversity Steel is hardened by being exposed to the roaring fires of a furnace and then cooled down, and so too is the human spirit hardened by adversity. The rich and privileged lack it and often become spoiled, with a warped view of reality and a childish ignorance of the ways of the world. However, if a person faces numerous hardships wi...

    Answer: Knowledge Ah, to be young and foolish is a wonderful thing. You think you know everything, that you are indestructible and have life all figured out, then as you get older and wiser, and delve much deeper into certain subjects, you suddenly realize just how much more there is to know. It can take people an entire lifetime to truly master a ...

    Answer: Secret Some people fail to grasp the true importance of secrets. From a moral standpoint, they help you avoid lying, but at the same time allow you to protect your privacy and the privacy of those close to you. There is an urge to gossip and spread interesting information that we as humans are born with, but it has to be controlled. Little ...

    Answer: Respect One of the most misunderstood concepts out there, respect is asked for yet seldom given. Some even try to take it by force or buy it, but if you are unable to show others respect and treat them as equals you will never be able to truly earn their respect. People respect bravery, intelligence, skill, talent, compassion and physical a...

    Answer: Stop imagining it There is something to be said about the destructiveness of self-fulfilling prophecies that people regularly impose upon themselves. When every hint of trouble is immediately viewed as a disaster and any attempt at remedying a situation is brushed aside with “What’s the point? It will never work,” then what chance do we sta...

    Answer: Tomorrow Procrastination is born out of laziness and the fear of making changes, and it is the biggest dream killer out there. If you keep rescheduling important things for tomorrow, Monday or next month, you’ll stay in the same place as the world keeps moving on without you. Some 20-30 minutes here, an hour or two there, it’s not much time...

    Answer: Doubts and fears That old piece of advice given by our elders: “sleep on it”, is as simple as it is absolutely brilliant. At night before sleep we are at our most vulnerable, even if we have someone to hold tight. Those nagging doubts come creeping in, our insecurities and fears start eating away at our mind, and that self-critical voice ge...

    Answer: Your comfort zone The feeling of safety we get when we hide in our little comfort zone is a false one, and the lack of initiative will eventually lead to us feeling miserable. In order to improve we have to be willing to try new things, throw ourselves into uncomfortable situations and learn to cope with them over time. As we become comfort...

    Answer: Your heart Letting someone get close, reach in and touch our heart is an exhilarating and frightening experience at the same time. There are plenty of people out there, more than enough for everyone to find a great match. In fact, you may find a good match several times over, and just as your heart breaks it will also mend and be ready to b...

    • Hardest Riddles Ever. Riddle: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? Answer: An echo. Riddle: You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring.
    • Short, Hard Riddles. Riddle: I have only two words but thousands of letters. What am I? Answer: The post office. Riddle: What can travel all around the world while remaining stuck in a corner?
    • More Tricky Riddles for Adults. Riddle: Without a bridle or a saddle, across a thing I ride a-straddle. And those I ride, by help of me, though almost blind, are made to see.
    • Math Riddles for Adults. Riddle: When Billy's asked how old he is, he replies, "In two years I will be twice as old as I was five years ago." How old is he?
  2. Jan 24, 2024 · Explore our collection of life-themed riddles that promise to entertain, challenge, and enlighten, perfect for curious minds seeking a blend of fun and wisdom.

  3. Dec 29, 2023 · Here are 99 of the best riddles about life with answers to ponder: Existential Riddles. These riddles about life question our purpose and reason for being: 1. I am everyone, yet I am no one. I exist in all places, yet I exist nowhere. What am I? Answer: Consciousness. 2. I am given to all, and surrendered by all in the end.