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  1. Jan 9, 2018 · Bharatendu Harishchandra’s contributions to the development of Hindi carved for him a place in the eyes of posterity. In 1757, on the eve of the historic Battle of Plassey, a merchant called Amir Chand threw in an alarming demand at Robert Clive’s table. “Omichund", as the English knew him, had served the East India Company, assisting in ...

  2. Sep 10, 2018 · A-. A+. New Delhi: Called the ‘father of modern Hindi literature’, Bharatendu Harishchandra was born in Varanasi on 9 September 1850. He was the son of poet Gopal Chandra. Bharatendu (literally meaning ‘moon of India’) is best known for his sharp commentary on the social and economic state of colonial India.

  3. Bharatendu Harishchandra, the father of modern Hindi literature, was born on September 9, 1850 into the Agarwal caste in Kashi. His father Babu Gopal Chandra was also a poet. His ancestors were landlords in Bengal. But his childhood was deprived of his parents’ love due to the death of his parents in childhood.

  4. Bharatendu Harishchandra - Famous Poetry. 1. गंगा-वर्णन - भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र. नव उज्ज्वल जलधार हार हीरक सी सोहति।. बिच-बिच छहरति बूंद मध्य मुक्ता मनि पोहति ...

  5. भारतेंदु के बारे में विशेष तथ्य – Bhartendu Harishchandra ka Jivan Parichay. 1. ये हिन्दी गद्य साहित्य के जन्मदाता माने जाते हैं।. 2. इनके द्वारा हिन्दी लेखकों की ...

  6. Bharatendu Harishchandra, the father of modern Hindi literature, was born on September 9, 1850, into the Agarwal caste in Kashi. His father Babu Gopal Chandra was also a poet. His ancestors were landlords in Bengal.

  7. Bharatendu Harishchandra ka jivan parichay. भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र का जन्म (९ सितंबर १८५०-७ जनवरी१८८५ ) काशी में हुआ। उनके पिता गोपाल चंद्र एक अच्छे कवि थे और ...