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  1. Pendulum Reading 101. 434. A pendulum is a very potent and reliable tool for connecting to a higher guidance and getting right answers to any question. Although it only takes a few minutes to learn how to use a pendulum, it can take a bit of practice to master the art of pendulum dowsing for maximum pendulum reliability. WHAT IS A PENDULUM?

  2. May 8, 2019 · Pendulums promote healing with the process of Dowsing which seeks out invisible energies. This connects people to higher energies spiritually and can help locate any blocks in energy. ADAM GAULT / SPL / Getty Images. They are used as a form of reflection by asking questions to receive guidance, awareness, and understanding.

  3. Doing this sets the tone for your pendulum session and will provide a resting place for your conscious mind while you use your pendulum. Breathe. Slow steady breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth will calm and center you. Ground yourself. Visualize tree roots that connect your body to the earth.

  4. Jun 18, 2020 · When choosing a pendulum, use your intuition. Follow your gaze to the one that sparks energy in you. Feel it. A few things to test in the store are how the energy feels for you. These are optional, and if it already has a chain on it at the shop! Ways to test the pendulum: Stand firmly on the ground.

  5. May 6, 2024 · Start by holding the pendulum’s chain between your fingers, allowing the weight to dangle freely over the center of your pendulum mat. Ask your pendulum to show you a “yes” response, and observe its movement. Common responses include: Swinging towards the “Yes” section of the mat. Swinging towards the “No” section of the mat.

  6. A pendulum can give a simple “yes” or “no” answer to any question you ask. Therefore, the quality of the questions that you ask during a pendulum reading will have a significant impact on the quality of the answers that you obtain. It’s truly all in the language. Following are some tips on framing good questions for a pendulum reading.

  7. Feb 28, 2024 · Pendulum reading, also known as dowsing, is a form of divination that uses a suspended weight, or pendulum, to answer questions or find hidden objects. The pendulum is held in the hand and its movements are interpreted based on predetermined directions.