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  1. Gachon Media Global Campus : (13120) 1342 Seongnamdaero, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea TEL.+82-31-750-5114 Medical Campus :(21936) 191 Hambakmoero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea TEL.+82-32-820-4000

  2. Gachon University is an academic institute located in South Korea. The current structure of Gachon university is the result of a merger between four existing universities.

  3. Jul 31, 2016 · 가천대학교가 반도체교육의 중심에 선다. 가천대가 5일 교육부가 발표한 2024 반도체특성화 대학 지원사업에 선정됐다. 연기예술학과 박명성 초빙교수, 2026 여수세계섬박람회 총감독 위촉. 재단법인 2026여수세계섬박람회 조직위원회 (공동위원장 김영록 전남지사·정기명 여수시장·박수관 ㈜YC-TEC회장)는 지난 9일 전남 여수시청 시장실에서 ‘2026여수세계섬박람회’ 총감독으로 박명성교수를 위촉하고 위촉장을 수여했다. 가천대 신소재공학과, 산업통상자원부 ‘산업 혁신 인재성장지원 (해외연계) 사업’ 선정.

  4. Gachon University (President, Lee Gil-Yeo) is a comprehensive university newly launched in 2012 by integrating four universities including Gachon Medicine College, Kyungwon University, Gachon Gil University, and Kyungwon College.

  5. Jun 8, 2021 · Admission. Information on Recruitment for New Graduate School Students for the Fall of 2021. Online application for admission. 1. Recruitment process and number of students. Master's degree program (within quota): 00 students. Doctoral degree program (within quota): 00 students.

  6. Vision, Development Goals, Core Values. Gachon University aims to become a global prestigious university by 2025 through comprehensive innovation in education and research in line with the 4th industrial revolution, with the core values of challenge, creation, change, vision and development goal changing the world beyond the limits of the ...

  7. Gachon University raises and nurtures challenging talents full of knowledge and thinking, adventure and curiosity, leisure and positive mind. I want all of our students to be the first penguins to jump into the ice waters of the Antarctic.