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  1. Sep 26, 2023 · The surya namaskar is a set of 12 exercises or poses (asanas) done together in the morning. It is known as the "Sun Salutation" because it is a way of starting the day with the sun. If you have a dog or a cat, you have probably seen their early morning stretch; the surya namaskar is very much like that and is derived from the art of Yoga.

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  2. Benefits of Surya Namaskar for Children; Benefits of Surya Namaskar for Women; For centuries, people from all civilizations have offered prayers to the sun – the ultimate source of life and energy. One such practice is the yogic sequence of Surya Namaskar. Let’s get to know the importance and benefits of Surya Namaskar for a healthy lifestyle.

  3. Jun 12, 2023 · For the Hindus, the sun is the “eye of the world” ( loka chakshus ), seeing and uniting all selves in itself, an image of and a pathway to the divine. One of the means of honoring the sun is through the dynamic asana sequence Surya Namaskar (better known as Sun Salutation). The Sanskrit word namaskar stems from namas, which means “to bow ...

  4. The term Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation comes from Surya which means Sun and Namaskar which means to bow down. The Sun is the primary source of energy for planet Earth and when one is in tune with its cycles, it is believed that we are in good physical health, filled with energy and vitality, and can fully enjoy overall well-being. These are the main reasons why this traditional sequence of postures called Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) is practiced so widely. Sun Salutation (Surya ...

  5. Surya. Surya is a document OCR toolkit that does: OCR in 90+ languages that benchmarks favorably vs cloud services. Line-level text detection in any language. Layout analysis (table, image, header, etc detection) Reading order detection. It works on a range of documents (see usage and benchmarks for more details).

  6. Jun 27, 2024 · Surya, in Hinduism, both the Sun and the Sun god. He is the mythological father of many notable sons, including Manu, Yama, the Ashvins, Karna, and Sugriva. One of the most splendid temples dedicated to Surya is the 13th-century Surya Deula (‘Sun Temple’) at Kornak, in Odisha.

  7. The Surya Namaskar is among the primary yogic practices. It is hugely popular among yoga practitioners even today. The practice of Surya Namaskar is meant to channel the energy of the cosmos - the sun, in particular - into the body of the yogi. In line with this, Surya Namaskar is to be ideally practised in the early mornings.

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