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  1. Meet Johannes Brahms, the Janus-like face of Romanticism. Get to know all the great composers with BBC Music's insightful online guides

  2. Johannes Brahms, nemški skladatelj in pianist, * 7. maj 1833, Hamburg, Nemčija, † 3. april 1897, Dunaj, Avstrija. Brahms je odraščal kot sin kontrabasista , kasneje pa je navezal prijateljstvo s skladateljem Robertom Schumannom in tudi po njegovi smrti ostal v tesnih stikih z njegovo vdovo, pianistko Claro Wieck Schumann , ki je postala njegova zaupnica in svetovalka.

  3. Since 2015 it has been managed and updated by Thomas Quigley (Brahms Bibliographer, Vancouver, Canada). Thank you, Mary, for all your work on behalf of Brahms. Most recent update to the site was in February 2021.

  4. May 24, 2024 · Johannes Brahms's Variations on a Theme by Haydn, for orchestra, Opus 56a; from a 1953 recording by the Columbia Symphony Orchestra conducted by Bruno Walter. (more) By the 1870s Brahms was writing significant chamber works and was moving with great deliberation along the path to purely orchestral composition .

  5. Brahms sírja. A szülőháza Hamburgban (1943-ban lebombázták) Johannes Brahms, a 19. századbeli német zene kimagasló alkotója zenészcsaládba született Hamburgban, de élete legnagyobb részét Bécsben élte le. Kortársai kiváló pianistának ismerték el, és sokáig nem méltányolták eléggé alkotó munkásságát.

  6. Johannes Brahms ( Hamburg, 7. svibnja 1833. – Beč, 3. travnja 1897. ), njemački skladatelj, pijanist i dirigent . Sin kontrabasista i krojačice, koji su u Hamburgu uspjeli osigurati prosperitetan život. Nakon što je započeo karijeru u Hamburgu i Düsseldorfu, od 1863. godine živi i djeluje u Beču. Postigao je veliku slavu kao ...

  7. Johannes Brahms. Johannes Brahms (n. 7 mai 1833, Hamburg, Confederația Germană – d. 3 aprilie 1897, Viena, Austro-Ungaria) a fost un compozitor romantic german, care a trăit cea mai mare parte a vieții sale în Austria, la Viena . Brahms a fost considerat de către mulți „succesorul” lui Beethoven, iar prima sa simfonie a fost ...