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  1. Dec 18, 2017 · If one zero of the polynomial x2 -5x + k is 2, then the value of k will be: Q8. What should be subtracted from the polynomial x2 - 16x + 30 so that the resulting polynomial will have a root 15; Q9. If x - 2 is a factor of the polynomial x2 + ax + 2b and a + b = -2, then the values of a and b will be: Q10.

  2. Oct 29, 2013 · So we can try our methods to factor a polynomial of degree 3 over an integral domain: If it can be factored then there is a factor of degree 1, we call it z − u(x, y) and u(x, y) divides the constant term of p(z) which is x3 + y3. The latter is can be factored to (x + y)(x2 − xy + y2) We check each of the possible values (x + y), − (x + y ...

  3. Jun 30, 2015 · Pascal's (or Tartaglia's) Tetrahedron: the left outline is a binomial expansion of $(x+y)^3$, while the right outline is a binomial expansion of $(x+z)^3$ and the bottom outline is a binomial expansion of $(y+z)^3$.

  4. The solution set of the system of equations x+yz = 6;3x−2y+z =−5;x+3y−2z = 14 is (x,y,z) then x+y+z is equal to. View Solution.

  5. let's have a example: x\ge 0,y \ge 0,z\ge0, x+y+z=1, find max of x^2y+y^2z+z^2x you may think x=y=z=\dfrac{1}{3} is the point of max, but the real one is x=\dfrac{2 ...

  6. Proving by Truth Table. Two Boolean expressions are equal in all cases if and only if they have the same Truth Table. (You may use this to prove the expressions are equal unless I say otherwise). Example: Prove deMorgan’s Law: (x + y)’ = xy’ The Truth Table of (x + y)’ is equal to the Truth Table of xy’, so we know that (x + y ...

  7. (x + y + z) 3 − (2 xy) 3 − (2 yz) 3 − (2 zx) 3 Q. Factorise the expression , ( x + y + z ) 3x 3y 3z 3 into linear factors. View More