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  1. Jun 9, 2020 · Our task is to find the minimum number of bracket reversal needed to make an expression balanced. The reversal is to convert the parenthesis of type ‘ { ‘ into ‘ } ’ and vice-versa. If the expression cannot be converted into balanced expression, simply return “-1”. Example: 1. {{}} => 0 number of reversal needed as the expression is ...

  2. Feb 4, 2021 · The idea for this approach is to consider every bracket and then recursively count the number of reversals. We will have only two cases: either a bracket remains the same or converted to another. If we get a valid string, we will count the cost and update the minimum cost so far. Algorithm:

  3. The minimum number of operations in transforming ‘STR’ to either of the two valid strings is 1.So, the total cost is 1. For the second test case: Given ‘STR’ is already valid so the minimum number of operations required is 0. So, the total cost is 0. Sample Input 2: 3 {}}{}} {{{{ {{{}} Sample Output 2: 1 2 -1

  4. The expression follows 0 or more closed brackets followed by 0 or more opened brackets. Now we can easily calculate how many reversals we need to convert the expression into a balanced one. Let n be the number of closed brackets, and m be the number of open brackets. According to this, we will need [n / 2] + [m / 2] reversals.

  5. Feb 3, 2021 · In the end, we return our required answer. Here is the algorithm : We declare ‘minSwaps’ and ‘count’ for storing the resultant answer and for counting the difference of open and closed brackets, respectively. We run a loop for ‘i’ = ’0’ to ‘N’: If the current character is ‘ (‘: ‘count ++’. Else: ‘count--’.

  6. Apr 13, 2023 · Given a directed tree with V vertices and V-1 edges, we need to choose such a root (from given nodes from where we can reach to every other node) with a minimum number of edge reversal. Examples: In above tree, if we choose node 3 as our. root then we need to reverse minimum number. of 3 edges to reach every other node,

  7. Free Data Structures and Algorithms BootCamp Supreme Batch with CertificatesA comprehensive program that covers the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms. It includes lectures and exercises to help students design and implement

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