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  1. The Ficus elastica’s family, Moraceae, is a family of shrubs, trees, and lianas; they are known for bleeding a latexy sap upon wounding, and exhibiting “foliar polymorphisms.” This means that their leaf shapes will be different for different stages of life, which is a unique and special feature, as most other plants exhibit the same leaf shapes throughout their lives.

  2. May 31, 2024 · 10. Yellow Gem. Botanical Name: Ficus altissima ‘Yellow Gem’. This bold and beautiful rubber plant has leathery, green-centered leaves with a golden-green hue at the borders. It is easy to grow and looks great in large planters. 11. Lemon Lime. Botanical Name: Ficus elastica ‘Lemon Lime’.

  3. 印度榕 ( 学名 : Ficus elastica ),又名 橡胶榕 , 印度尼西亞橡膠榕 或說 印度橡胶榕 , 印度橡膠樹 或 印度橡樹 ,屬於 雙子葉植物綱 蕁麻目 桑科 榕屬 榕亚属 常綠 喬木 。. 因為含有白色黏液的乳汁,所以成為早期 橡膠 的來源,但也易被人誤疑為 橡膠樹 的 ...

  4. Mar 13, 2021 · Le Ficus Elastica n’est pas très gourmand en eau et craint même l’excès d’arrosage. En période de croissance, arrosez le pot uniquement avec de l’eau à température ambiante. Attendez toujours que la terre soit sèche entre 2 arrosages. Réduisez les apports en hiver et ne laissez jamais d’eau stagner dans la coupelle.

  5. quick care guide for ficus elastica. Every week in summer; every two weeks in winter. Loves bright, indirect sun. Fertilize once a month in the summer only. Toxic to pets. Strong air purifier. Grow your Ficus Elastica (a.k.a. Rubber Plant) in soil that drains well, create moderate humidity and keep temperatures between 10°C to 29°C.

  6. Origen y características del Ficus elastica. Es un árbol conocido como gomero o árbol del caucho que crece silvestre en el nordeste de la India y en Indonesia. Su nombre científico es Ficus elastica, y puede llegar a medir un máximo de 30 metros de altura. El tronco maduro mide hasta 2 metros de diámetro, y presenta raíces capaces de ...

  7. A Ficus elastica is another name for a rubber tree plant. The tallest these trees can get is 50 feet (15 m). There are a few important things to remember about how to take care of a rubber tree plant, but it’s not as hard as you might think.