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  1. How very Godard, then, that that film's companion piece, Letter to Jane, is arguably his wordiest movie, an extended breakdown of Jane Fonda's famous Hanoi photograph that consists entirely of staring at unchanging photographs while Godard and Jean-Pierre Gorin go on at length about them. I'm on board with the overall thesis, a bitter recrimination towards the West's tendency to make celebrity activism more about the celebrity than the activism*, but early in the film Godard…

  2. Directed by Jean-Luc Godard and Jean-Pierre Gorin • 1972 • France, Italy Starring Jane Fonda, Yves Montand. In 1972, newly radicalized Hollywood star Jane Fonda joined forces with cinematic innovator Jean-Luc Godard and collaborator Jean-Pierre Gorin in an unholy artistic alliance that resulted in TOUT VA BIEN (EVERYTHING’S ALL RIGHT).

  3. Dec 1, 1990 · Jean-Pierre Gorin believes that "there is only one thing to do with the sophist, and that is to beat the shit out of him." Those who know Jean—Pierre Gorin have come to delight in the occasional oratorical drubbings of the pious and sophistic which he executes with characteristic style—funny, splenetic, passionate, excremental and Gallic.

  4. Feb 19, 2018 · Working with Jean-Pierre Gorin under the collective moniker the Dziga Vertov Group, named for a Soviet filmmaker and theoretician, he produced a string of snooze-worthy, unwatchable Marxist lectures.

  5. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Jean-Pierre Gorin , né le 17 avril 1943 à Paris , est un réalisateur de cinéma français. Il est connu pour son travail avec Jean-Luc Godard au sein du Groupe Dziga Vertov . Biographie [modifier | modifier le code] Fils d'un célèbre pédiatre , Jean-Pierre Gorin a étudié en khâgne avec plusieurs maoïstes qui ont ensuite intégré l' École Normale supérieure rue d'Ulm: Robert Linhart , Étienne Balibar , Alain Badiou , Dominique ...

  6. Oct 18, 1979 · Editor: Jean-Pierre Gorin worked with New Wave filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard during the early 1970s. Gorin came to UCSD as film professor in the mid-1970s. The film Poto and Cabengo was a result of ...

  7. Directed by Jean-Pierre Gorin • 1980 • United States. Grace and Virginia are young San Diego twins who speak unlike anyone else. With little exposure to the outside world, the two girls have created a private form of communication that's an amalgam of the distinctive English dialects they hear at home. Jean-Pierre Gorin's polyphonic ...