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  1. Grave of Yves Montand and Simone Signoret. burial plot reference. 44. 0 references. image of grave. Père-Lachaise - Division 44 - Montand-Signoret 03.jpg 3,840 × ...

  2. Simone Signoret era la filla gran d'André Kaminker (1888-1961), un jueu d'origen polonès, i de Georgette Signoret (1896-1984), una francesa procedent de la Provença. Neix a l'Alemanya renana, llavors ocupada pels francesos després de la Primera Guerra Mundial (el seu pare era oficial de l'exèrcit). Simone tenia dos germans petits, Alain i ...

  3. Simone Signoret's real name is Simone-Henriette-Charlotte Kaminker. She was born in Wiesbaden, Germany, in 1921 to French parents, and had two younger brothers. Her father, a linguist, took the family to Neuilly, just outside Paris, where the girl Simone enjoyed a comfortable, happy childhood.

  4. Oct 31, 2023 · Simone Signoret was born on March 25, 1921, in Wiesbaden, Germany, to a French-Jewish father and a Catholic mother. Her father was a pioneering interpreter who worked in the League of Nations, and her mother was a teacher. She had two younger brothers. Her family moved to Paris when she was a child, and she grew up in an intellectual atmosphere.

  5. Actrita franceza Simone Signoret, pe numele real Henriette Charlotte Simone Kaminker, nascuta pe 25 martie 1921, a fost fiica unui lingvist evreu de origine poloneza (André Kaminker (1888-1961) si a sotiei acestuia Georgette Signoret, de origine franceza, avand si doi frati mai mici: Alain si Jean-Pierre. S-a nascut in Germania (Wiesbaden).In timpul ocupatiei naziste a Frantei a avut relatii stranse cu grupul de actori si scriitori care se impotriveau regimului si si-a luat numele de fata ...

  6. Simone Signoretová. Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. Simone Signoretová, nepřechýleně Simone Signoret, rodným jménem Henriette Charlotte Simone Kaminker ( 25. března 1921, Wiesbaden – 30. září 1985, Autheuil-Authouillet, Eure) byla francouzská filmová herečka, držitelka mnoha filmových cen.

  7. Sep 29, 2015 · 1985 - Simone Signoret, one of France’s best-known actresses, died after suffering from cancer. She was 64. Her daughter, Catherine Allegret, said Signoret died at 7.30am (local time) in her ...