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  1. Aug 24, 2023 · This may help explain the emerging trend of treating an en-dash and a hyphen and a minus sign as identical. In my experience, however, en-dash, hyphens, and minus signs are all routinely denoted by the same symbol in typing on a computer, and are used interchangeably. The word "dash", unspecified, usually refers to an en-dash or a hyphen.

  2. Jun 16, 2020 · Two words are joined by a hyphen when the collocation occurs in a non-standard context. For instance, we speak of the front end (space, no hyphen) of a car when this acts a noun phrase: The front end of my Chrysler was dented. My Chrysler was hit on the front end. But when we use front end as an attributive, we hyphenate it: My Chrysler suffered a front-end collision. This lets the reader understand that we are speaking of a collision involving the front end rather than an "end collision ...

  3. Nov 19, 2017 · I believe this is a style issue rather than a question of grammar. That is, different publishers may have different preferences for when to use a hyphen. In the style I learned (for academic technical writing), a hyphen is used when combining words to make an attributive. For example, "a fifteen-foot boat" or "a two-year assignment". A hyphen is not used when using a measurement as a noun, as in "the boat was fifteen feet long" or "the assignment lasted two years". You can see that this ...

  4. Mar 14, 2014 · It was never at all common to hyphenate unchecked. A few decades ago maybe a quarter of all instances of reinstall were hyphenated, but hardly anyone bothers any more. The general tendency is for hyphens to gradually disappear in contexts where they're not actually necessary to disambiguate or enhance legibility. For those still soldiering on with MS Windows today, reinstallation is such a familiar word they don't need a hyphen to easily recognise the root component.

  5. Apr 2, 2019 · often when writing, people (at least in Britain), place a hyphen before the -ish suffix. There is a well known brand of ready made sauces in the UK, and they used to have TV ads featuring the same family.

  6. Mar 27, 2019 · For example, the ampersand symbol (&) means "and", and so is pronounced that way: eg "Smith & Jones" would be read as "Smith and Jones". You would not expect someone to pronounce the symbol as "ampersand" when encountering it in a text. The "slash" symbols (/ and \) are described by the terms "forward slash" and "backslash" but as mathematical ...

  7. Jun 27, 2015 · Thanks J.R but does grammar rules allow hyphen between compound adjectives if they appear after noun? There is no noun after easy going, so it should not be hyphenated. Right?

  8. Mar 16, 2016 · Names for these keys in what context? If you are telling someone to enter a certain character into the computer, you tell him the character. Like, "type a colon" or "press the colon key". The fact that there is different symbol generated by the shifted or unshifted version of this key is usually irrelevant.

  9. Apr 8, 2017 · The cultivation was performed in a 1000-L bioreactor. The cultivation was performed in a 1000 L bioreactor. Which is better? I find conflicting examples online. On Grammar Book I found this: According to The Chicago Manual of Style, hyphens are never used between the numeral and the abbreviation or symbol, even when they are in adjectival form.

  10. Aug 2, 2018 · A hyphen (-) is inserted in the middle of the word at the end of the line, and the rest of the word is moved to the next line. Hyphenation is often used with text in columns and when the text is fully justified, to allow dividing the text into lines of approximately even length.

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