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  1. Thomas Müntzer (magyarosan: Münzer Tamás) (Stolberg, 1488/1489 – Mülhausen, 1525. május 27. ) német vértanú , radikális reformátor , forradalmár, apokaliptikus prédikátor, aki részt vett az 1524–25-ös türingiai parasztháborúban . [2]

  2. Dec 12, 2018 · Müntzer’s theological ideas strongly diverged from those of Luther, in particular in regard to the notions of sola fide and sola Scriptura.Through the study of German mystics such as Meister Eckhart, and Johannes Tauler and the Theologia Deutsch, Müntzer underlined the importance of man’s active role (through a path of tribulation) in finding true faith and undermined the role of Scripture as a source of revelation.

  3. Feb 20, 2024 · The title of Drummond’s book is the same as that of the gleeful obituary Luther wrote while Müntzer’s head was still on public display. Drummond’s other leading contemporary source is, faute de mieux, Philipp Melanchthon’s The History of Thomas Müntzer, the Fomenter of the Thuringian Tumult: A Most Useful Lesson.

  4. Jun 5, 2012 · 1 Thomas Müntzer, The Prague Protest; 2 Thomas Müntzer, Sermon to the Princes (or An Exposition of the Second Chapter of Daniel) 3 Andreas Karlstadt, Letter from the Community of Orlamunde to the People of Allstedt; 4 Conrad Grebel, Letter to Thomas Müntzer; 5 Andreas Karlstadt, Whether One Should Proceed Slowly; 6 Thomas Müntzer, A Highly ...

  5. Um 1513 wurde Müntzer in der Diözese Halberstadt zum Priester geweiht und war zunächst in Braunschweig an der Michaeliskirche tätig. Da dieses Amt seinen Lebensunterhalt nicht deckte, nahm er 1515/16 das Amt eines Präfekten im Kanonissenstift Frose bei Aschersleben an. Dort errichtete er eine kleine Privatschule, in der begüterte Bürgersöhne unterrichtet wurden.

  6. Feb 14, 2022 · The Vindication and Refutation of Thomas Müntzer (l. c. 1489-1525) is a 1524 open letter to Jesus Christ, Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546), and the Christian community charging Luther with hypocrisy, betraying...

  7. (c. 1490–1525). A fiery preacher, Thomas Müntzer became a leading radical reformer during the Protestant Reformation in Germany. He was a strong ally of the poor and a key figure in the Peasants’ War of 1524–25. Müntzer was born sometime before 1490 in Stolberg, Thuringia (now in Germany). Very little is known of his childhood and youth.