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  1. Among the most notorious of Black Handers was Ignazio Saietta, known to residents of Manhattan’s “Little Italy” as Lupo (the “Wolf”); in 1920 he was finally apprehended by federal authorities for counterfeiting and was sent to prison for 30 years.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  2. Jul 19, 2024 · The Black Hand Mafia, also known as “La Mano Nera,” terrorized Italian-American communities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries through extortion and violence. Originating in Southern Italy, this criminal organization used fear to control and exploit immigrants.

    • David Schmit
  3. Founded in the 1900s, the Lupo Mano Nera gang was one of the first Italian criminal groups in New York. [15][16] Lupo was partner in many ventures with Morello, who was the original capo di tutti capi (boss of bosses), a title that would later be coveted by D'Aquila.

  4. Black Hand (Italian: Mano Nera) was a type of Italian extortion racket. Originally developed in the eighteenth century, Black Hand extortion was exported to the United States in the later nineteenth century with Italian immigrants.

    • Coming to America
    • Nicola Cappiello
    • Spread of The Black Hand
    • Mafia and The Black Hand
    • The Italian Vigilance Protective Association

    Dur­ing the last decade of the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry more than 650,000 Ital­ians migrat­ed to Amer­i­ca, with a fur­ther two mil­lion fol­low­ing over the next ten years. The major­i­ty came from Italy’s impov­er­ished south­ern regions, where half the adult pop­u­la­tion labored in unre­ward­ing agri­cul­tur­al jobs. They were drawn by Amer­i­ca’s...

    On August 3, 1903, wealthy Brook­lyn con­trac­tor Nico­la Cap­piel­lo received a let­ter demand­ing $1,000 or “your house will be dyna­mit­ed and your fam­i­ly killed” signed Mano Nera (Black Hand). The let­ter result­ed in the first Black Hand case to make the head­lines and marked the begin­ning of a new term applied to extor­tion and vio­lent cr...

    Reports of Black Hand cases spread rapid­ly, with news­pa­pers giv­ing con­flict­ing expla­na­tions of the out­break. Some reporters believed it was a “secret orga­ni­za­tion more dread­ed than the Mafia” or that it was an off­shoot of the Sicil­ian Mafia spread­ing through Amer­i­can cities. Oth­ers dis­put­ed the exis­tence of any soci­ety at all...

    Due to a sim­i­lar­i­ty in extor­tion meth­ods and the reluc­tance of vic­tims to give evi­dence, the police believed that Black Han­ders were close­ly aligned with the Mafia and quick­ly start­ed to refer to them as a “Soci­ety.”15St Joseph News Press Gazette (Dec 9, 1903) Brook­lyn Times Union (Nov 30, 1903) 4 Over time, the terms Black Hand and ...

    In 1907, a soci­ety called the “White Hand” was formed in Chica­go. Backed by the Unione Sicil­iana, the Ital­ian Cham­ber of Com­merce and the Ital­ian con­sul, it was the first sys­tem­atized effort by Ital­ians to defeat the Black Hand threats. How­ev­er, the soci­ety even­tu­al­ly faded away after its lead­er­ship faced extor­tion and death thr...

  5. Salvatrice Terranova married a wicked man named Ignazio Lupo, The Wolf” Saietta, who later in America, along with Joe Morello, Nick, and Vincent Terranova, formed the hated and much-feared Black Hand. Saietta and Morello had equal power in the organization for all practical purposes.

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  7. Oct 31, 2017 · The Mafia was much larger in size and power -- and was generally a lot more secretive than members of the so-called La Mano Nera. Huge waves of Italian immigrants crashed along the shores of America from around 1890 to 1900.