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  1. › wiki › Two_WolvesTwo Wolves - Wikipedia

    The story of the Two Wolves is a memetic legend of unknown origin, commonly attributed to Cherokee or other indigenous American peoples in popular retelling. The legend is usually framed as a grandfather or elder passing wisdom to a young listener; the elder describes a battle between two wolves within one’s self, using the battle as a ...

    • The Shadow Wolf = The Shadow Self
    • The Perils of Avoiding The Shadow Wolf
    • Light Work and Shadow Work
    • Light Work
    • Shadow Work
    • Native Wisdom Or Urban Legend?

    What happens when we repress (or push out of consciousness) something that pisses us off? Eventually, it’s going to come back and bite us on the ass. We all instinctively know this. Think of it like a volcano. The more magma is withheld within the volcano, the more it rises to the surface due to the internal pressure. Sooner or later it’s going to ...

    In response to the question I’ve just posed, that’s where the two wolves story comes into the picture: it teaches us that avoiding our Shadows isn’t a smart idea. After all: “If I choose to feed only the light wolf … the shadow one will become ravenous and resentful. He will hide around every corner and wait for my defenses to lower, then attack.” ...

    So how do we feed both the light and shadow wolf within us? We need to pay attention to what the two wolves story advises: to feed both in the right way, at the right time. Does this mean we should go out and become ax-murderers because our family has angered us to feed the shadow wolf? No, of course not! Indulging your shadow wolf is not feeding i...

    Light work is learning how to feed our inner light wolf, the part of us that is naturally joyful, hopeful, empathetic, kind, honest, and loving. Light work involves learning how to love yourself and connect with your True Nature (Soul). Practices may include developing intuition, learning self-care, practicing gratitude, using positive affirmations...

    Shadow work, on the other hand, is learning how to feed our shadow wolf. When we practice shadow work we open ourselves to face, befriend, and integrate the painful shadows we find within us. Practices may include exploring negative core beliefs, doing inner child work, doing shamanic soul retrieval, connecting with our inner archetypes/parts, jour...

    While it’s hard to say what happened definitively, the original emphasis on “good” and “evil” (which is a Christian concept) gives us a very non-Native American vibe. Also, the whole emphasis on white = good, and black = evil (which I have removed from the story in this article and replaced with ‘light’ wolf and ‘shadow’ wolf instead) has been thou...

  2. Apr 23, 2020 · The Meaning of the Two Wolves Story. There’s a reason why I like the second version of the two wolves story better: it makes sense. It honors what the Taoists refer to as the yin yang – or the sacred balance of life. The Buddhists also refer to this as the Middle Way (a path that embraces being both human and divine).

  3. The story of two wolves is a Cherokee Indian legend illustrating the most important battle of our lives―the one between good and bad within us. Here is how the story goes: An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

    • You have the power to choose your feelings. When you’re going through a tough time, it’s easy to think to yourself, “Why is this happening to me?”
    • Your personal development journey is infinite. The battle is eternal in the two wolves story. Neither wolf will ever completely vanish–just like neither your positive nor your negative emotions or behaviors will ever completely go away.
    • The Importance of Practicing Gratitude. When you complain, speak negatively about yourself, fixate on your bad habits, or stay focused on any mistakes you have made in life, you’re feeding the bad wolf.
  4. Oct 9, 2020 · With the title of the book being Two Wolves, wolves are of course a key motif. Not only is there the obvious parallel to be drawn between the ‘two wolves’ epigraph and Ben’s own dilemmas, but there are also more subtle uses of wolf, dog and animal symbolism.

  5. Nature, survival and fear. Ben’s story is one of survival – at first on the run from police with his parents, but later his story becomes one of actual life-or-death survival in the wilderness. Having grown up in the suburbs, being confronted with the wilderness and Nature is one of Ben’s greatest fears. Yet in forcing him to face his ...