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  1. Makoto appeared as the Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy in Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles Series. However, because he appeared in a Flashback Light sequence, it is unknown whether he and Hope's Peak Academy truly exist, because it was part of Team Danganronpa 's fabrication.

    • Overview
    • Appearance
    • Personality
    • Talents and Abilities
    • History
    • Relationships
    • Bonus Mode Guides

    Makoto Naegi (苗木 誠), is a student in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th, and a participant of the Killing School Life featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. His title is the Ultimate Lucky Student (超高校級の「幸運」lit. Super High School Level Good Luck).

    Years later, he is a participant of the Final Killing Game featured in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School with the Future Foundation Directors.

    At the beginning of the Killing School Life in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Makoto appears to be and believes himself to be a younger teenager, two years of his life having been removed from his memory. He is notably short compared to most of his classmates. He has spiky, desaturated brown hair with a prominent ahoge, and washed-out hazel eyes. He wears black jeans, a zipped-up dull green hoodie with a red stripe along the zipper, an open black jacket with gold buttons, and red sneakers with white toes.

    Makoto's hoodie has an image of a red gas mask in a circle printed on the back of the hood, and the zipper goes all the way up to the top of the hood. He wears a pin shaped like a four-pointed star overlaying a crescent moon; this is pinned to the lapel of his jacket.

    After joining the Future Foundation post-Killing School Life, Makoto is seen wearing a black suit. In Danganronpa: Another Episode, his hair is noticeably lighter, longer, spikier, and overall slightly more detailed. In Danganronpa 3, it appears that Makoto had cut his hair, as it is considerably shorter. He also looks more mature, though still has a bit round face for his adult age. After he becomes the headmaster of the new Hope's Peak Academy, he wears a black suit and a beige tie, as well as a dark blue sweater vest with a white shirt underneath.

    - Future Arc Appearance

    Makoto proclaims himself to be a very ordinary person, to the point that he seems a bit insecure about it. He does admit to having one distinguishing feature, that being his unique sense of optimism.

    Makoto is very kind, supportive and forgiving, though slightly naive at times. He is friendly, polite and a lot more down-to-earth compared to the other students. These qualities could be the reason he seems to successfully approach and befriend even his most antisocial classmates during Free Time.

    Junko refers to Makoto as an "herbivore man," which means that he is likely to be the passive one in a relationship, which is reinforced in some of his conversations with others. He is a bit jumpy at times and can be somewhat of a pushover. Despite these meeker qualities, he is capable of being a very determined and charismatic speaker.

    Makoto is a firm believer in hope, having a positive attitude about the future no matter how bad the situation is in the present. He is also a pacifist, as he tends to believe that violence isn't the answer. While he dislikes despair, believing it to be a corrupting and negative emotion which cannot benefit the world, he is very forgiving toward those who have fallen to despair, believing them to be victims of Junko and not inherently evil.

    It appears that the only person Makoto genuinely dislikes is Junko Enoshima, the True Ultimate Despair. He considers her his enemy, and blames Junko as well as her avatar, Monokuma, for the deaths of his friends during the Killing Game. However, even in her case, he felt that death wasn't necessary and tried to reason with her when she was preparing to execute herself. Junko refused to listen and executed herself anyway.

    Makoto is respected by many people as the Ultimate Hope, though he himself is very humble and even a bit embarrassed in regards to the title. In Danganronpa Zero, it's mentioned that he has incredible strength inside, despite often appearing weaker on the outside. During hard times, he is shown to have the power to provide hope for other people and ultimately affect their way of thinking, though this is not always the case as some people refuse to listen to him or simply do not accept his ideals.

    Ultimate Lucky StudentMakoto got his talent as the Ultimate Lucky Student by winning a lottery out of completely ordinary students, which led to him joining Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Lucky Student. In addition to this, he was caught up in a bizarre series of events on the day of his selection which ended up catching a jewel thief and burning the selection ticket. Following the fifth trial, just before Makoto's execution can be completed, Alter Ego suddenly appears and is able to prevent Makoto from dying by opening up a door on the floor. He is then rescued by Kyoko, going on to defeat Junko herself and survive the whole ordeal.

    Makoto's luck also comes into play during the events of the Final Killing Game, saving him from multiple dangerous situations. While his luck isn't nearly as powerful as his predecessor's or Izuru Kamukura's, his luck pattern is different from those two, and is difficult for Junko to analyze and predict. Thus, Junko predicted that he could possibly ruin her perfect layout plan, which ironically also made Junko allow him to live for the Killing School Life.

    Ultimate HopeMakoto discovers his true talent as the Ultimate Hope during the sixth and final trial of the Killing School Life. Interestingly, unlike most other talents, Makoto being the Ultimate Hope isn't recognized by Hope's Peak Academy, but rather earned for defeating Junko, the True Ultimate Despair. Unlike Izuru Kamukura, who's Ultimate Hope comes from him being the embodiment of talent, Makoto's Ultimate Hope comes from his unusual amount of optimism and determination, which Makoto even comments on.

    As the Ultimate Hope, Makoto proves to have an immunity to Junko's tactics, built to make people fall into despair. Combined with his luck being difficult for Junko to analyze, causes her to leave him alive because defying her would be full of despair in its own right. Ultimately, Makoto’s talent aided him in defeating her by filling the other five remaining participants with hope, after they fell into despair over finding out about the state of the world they were in. Makoto is also able to convince others to act with hope simply by spreading his hope to them. When the surviving members of the game are filled with hope, they were persuaded to choose to leave the academy and go out and see what the world had in store for them. In addition, in Danganronpa IF, Makoto unwittingly convinced Mukuro Ikusaba, one of the Despair Sisters, to think of the world outside of Junko's plans to spread despair all over it.

    Makoto has even been encouraged by his own hope multiple times, thanks to his friends. After finding out that Kazuo Tengan has been murdered by Kyosuke Munakata, Makoto begins to break down over the fact that he’s been unable to stop people from killing each other. However, Aoi, along with Miaya Gekkogahara (controlled by Monaca Towa), were able to cheer him up, saying that he has given them hope and that they're willing to shoulder his burden. Later, Kyoko tells Makoto that he shouldn't give up on hope, and that she'll always be there for him if his power doesn’t prove to be enough. After her apparent death, Makoto was able to use his and Kyoko's hope in order to convince Kyosuke to join him and combine their hopes together.

    Makoto believes that hope is infectious. True to his words, Makoto's effort in defeating Junko, protecting the Remnants of Despair in the Neo World Program, and his firm ideals and optimism eventually become fruitful as he could overcome all despairs at the end of his adventure in Hope's Peak Series.

    Prior to the Tragedy

    Makoto lived a normal life with his parents and little sister, Komaru. They also had a dog during his childhood. Although sometimes he didn't get along with his sister, he had a close relationship with Komaru. The two watched TV and shared thoughts on manga together. In a typical day with Makoto and his family, his mother would always watch the same talk show at lunchtime, and his dad wouldn't shave his beard on Saturday when he didn't have work. In middle school, Makoto went to Blackroot Junior High with Sayaka Maizono, however he was in class 2 while Sayaka was in class 4. He found a lost crane and rescued it; this act of kindness caught her attention, and that was how she remembers him even years later. It's implied that Makoto had a crush on her, but they never talked due to them being in different social standards. Later, he went to Dusk High School. Makoto had normal school, normal friends, and a normal family. He was pretty much the textbook example of a normal high school student. Makoto was selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th through winning a random lottery, and on August 20, 2010 (2013 in the anime), Makoto visited a forum and looked up information about his future classmates.

    Makoto Naegi Secret File

    The day when Makoto was selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy seemed like an ordinary day at first. Makoto was going home from school and he was in a cheery mood thanks to the clear weather. He had a feeling that something good might happen to him. One thought occurred to him - maybe he should take the long way home. He thought about doing something different than usual. Makoto passed by a park, and saw a group of his friends trying to decide who to send to the convenience store in a game of rock-paper-scissors. They invited Makoto to join the game, and although Makoto would've usually refused it (he didn't know more than half of the people anyways), he felt that he might as well do something different in this case as well. Plus - there were about 10 people in the group. He didn't think losing was a big possibility. Yet he lost on the first round. Everyone except for him put out rock, while he played scissors. His friends were astonished at just how unlucky Makoto was, but sent him off to the convenience store to buy them snacks and drinks regardless. Ten minutes later, Makoto was struggling with the two heavy bags filled with the stuff he got from the convenience store. He tried to distract himself by thinking of the music show that'll be on TV tonight - featuring Sayaka Maizono. Yet as his mood began to improve, misfortune struck again. Both of the plastic bags tore open at the same time, spilling their contents all across the pavement. A few minutes passed and Makoto finished collecting all the cans and bags, but wondered for a moment, as he felt like the stuff he managed to gather was less than what he had started out with. He looked around and spotted an old man sitting on the bench. The old man slowly bent down and picked up a can of coffee that rolled to a stop at his feet, opened it up and drank it. That can of coffee belonged to Makoto - yet the old man said he felt that it was natural to drink it since it ended up right in front of him. Makoto was flabbergasted at this incredulous excuse, and revealed to the old man that he seemed to be having a very unlucky day, complaining that he didn't do anything bad enough to deserve this streak of misfortune. The old man laughed and told Makoto that he didn't believe in karma at all. He'd seen plenty of evil people be blessed with fortune, and plenty of kind people suffer all sorts of misfortune. In the end, he says, luck isn't something that a man can control, no matter how much talent one has or how hard one works. He suggests for Makoto to just accept things the way they are. After finishing their conversation, the old man returned the half-empty can of coffee back to Makoto and left, yet Makoto noticed that the old man had left his phone on the bench. He called out to the old man, who was already a distance away, but the old man seemed deaf to his calls. Makoto was conflicted - should he just ignore the phone and bring the snacks to the park, or should he leave those snacks and chase after the old man? He eventually decided on the latter, and rushed after the old man. His calls were once again drowned out - this time by the sound of a bus coming to a stop ahead. The old man immediately took off towards the bus station - Makoto panicked slightly and upped his own pace as well, and managed to hop into the bus after the old man in the nick of time. Makoto found the old man sitting in the back, and just as he was about to head there, his legs wobbled from the intense running and he lost his balance. Just before he crashed to the ground, he instinctively grabbed onto something. He heard the sound of something tearing and fell to the ground regardless. Makoto's sole consolation was that he managed to soften his fall somewhat by grabbing onto the mysterious object, but even that turned out to be simply a continuation of his misfortune. Makoto happened to tear open a bag, from which spilled dozens of precious jewelry. The owner of the bag, someone looking like your average salaryman, immediately took out a knife and demanded everyone to freeze. The man was named Jutarō Akafuku. He was a robber who had been blessed with fortune for as long as he was alive. He was just done robbing a small jewelry shop and it all went smoothly, until he was involved in Makoto's misfortune, which could not be overcome even with his unnatural luck. Makoto experienced a minor breakdown thanks to the series of incredibly unlucky events. And to think it all started from him taking a long way home - he couldn't even wrap his head around everything. Correctly identifying Makoto as the cause of his recent misfortune, Jutarō decided to take him hostage and got the driver out of his seat by threatening to slit Makoto's throat if he didn't comply. Jutarō sat Makoto down in the driver's seat and used him as a hostage. In the meanwhile, he ordered the passengers in the bus to gather the scattered pieces of jewelry for him, promising their safety if they cooperated. However, just as someone finished gathering all the pieces, the old man, who had been faking sleep up till that point, sprang up and tackled Jutarō, pinning him on the ground. The old man was a kendo master. At that precise instant, one thought ran through Makoto's mind particularly strongly - he must save the old man. Makoto feels willing to fight, but that was all for naught as the bus suddenly accelerated - Makoto had accidentally shifted the gears and stepped on the gas pedal. The bus lurched forward, throwing both Makoto and the old man off balance. The old man yelled at Makoto to step on the brakes, which Makoto did immediately, putting the bus to an abrupt stop that knocked him off balance once again. As Makoto was regaining his balance, his hand accidentally brushed over a button. It was a button to open the bus's door. Jutaro saw this as an opportunity and immediately hightailed it out of the bus. The old man was writhing on the ground in pain and shouted at Makoto to chase after the robber. Makoto couldn't believe that he'd ask someone of his stature to chase after a grown man - and capture him, no less. But for some reason, the entire bus seemed to be in agreement. Makoto sought out the bus driver for assistance - surely he would point out how ridiculous this situation was - but found the bus driver passed out. Left with no choice, Makoto jumped out of the bus, only to crash into a postman who took note of the bus's erratic movements and came over to check. Both of them fell over - Makoto lamenting his bad luck again before noticing Jutarō riding the motorcycle that once belonged to the postman. Jutarō threatened Makoto by saying that he'd hate him for the rest of his life if he ended up being arrested. Jutarō started the engine and accelerated, believing that he could escape successfully. The postman shouted at him, and Makoto simply stood there unmoving. He was tired of the streak of misfortune that seemed to follow him at every step and decided to give up and do nothing. He just wanted to go back to his normal daily life as an ordinary high school student. At that moment, the motorcycle that Jutarō was riding tipped over and threw the man across the street. The motorcycle spun wildly and hit a streetlamp before exploding in a shower of sparks and smoke, burning up the bag of letters that the postman had put on it. Makoto walked towards the accident site, unable to believe his eyes. What he found was a bent and broken can of juice - the cause for the motorcycle overturning, and one of that cans that Makoto accidentally spilled all over the streets just a while ago, and one that he wasn't able to locate when he searched for missing cans. It was a series of impossible coincidences caused by Makoto's bad luck. And this situation was merely a result of Makoto's overwhelmingly bad luck managing to defeat Jutarō's careful planning and luck. It rendered all sorts of talent and hard work futile. The letter addressed to that year's Ultimate Lucky Student burnt up in the accident. Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster, Jin Kirigiri, decided to hold the lottery again because he felt that the misfortune of having her admission letter burnt up disqualified her from being accepted as Ultimate Lucky Student. In fact, he already got the results of the draw - Makoto Naegi. Meanwhile, Makoto was returning home after a long period of questioning by the police (and of course, he missed Sayaka's performance on the TV that he was looking forward to). He was dead tired, yet his nerves were still on the edge as he was wary of more unfortunate things happening to him on the taxi ride home. Fortunately, he arrived home rather smoothly - only to be greeted by enthusiastic Komaru, who told him that a letter from Hope's Peak Academy had arrived for him, accepting him as this year's Ultimate Lucky Student. Makoto was overjoyed - he felt like all the misfortune that he'd experienced in the day had been overturned by this news, but little did he know that he was wrong.

    During the Tragedy

    Makoto lived in the Academy happily, spending his happy times together for around one year until The Tragedy occurred. During The Tragedy, Jin planned to seal the school building and let the students live forever inside the Academy in order to protect them from the destruction. His plan was agreed by Makoto and the rest of the class, and they sealed the building together and lived peacefully inside it for a year without knowing that the Ultimate Despair members were already in their midst. The True Ultimate Despair took away the Class 78th's school memories so they could participate in the Killing School Life.

    Komaru Naegi

    Komaru is Makoto's little sister. Being one of the closest people to him, Makoto loves her dearly, which is proved when she is chosen as Makoto's Captive. They are also slightly similar as siblings, as they both have the same ahoge. According to Komaru, the two watch TV together, as well as share thoughts on manga they share with each other. She's also mentioned that they did argue quite a bit, which is a rather common occurrence between siblings. When the Tragedy began, Makoto was separated from his sister and forced to participate in the Killing School Life. In an attempt to persuade the participants to kill someone, Monokuma gives them videos showing the people they cared about most get hurt or killed. In Makoto's video, Komaru and their parents were in their home congratulating him on getting into Hope's Peak Academy but suddenly disappear from their place on the couch, which has been destroyed as well as their home. Makoto was terrified, now believing that Komaru and their parents were dead, and was desperate to get out. However, when he learns Komaru is alive, he was greatly relieved and ecstatic to see his sister again. But he was a bit disappointed when she informs him that she would be staying in Towa City. Makoto is once again contacted by Komaru during the Final Killing Game. Makoto almost despairs when he learns from Komaru that one of his friends would die because of him, but Komaru reminds Makoto that he has to stay alive so he could pick her up. This gives Makoto hope, knowing that his sister and friends were supporting him, and proudly takes notice of Komaru's growth. Although Makoto does not get a chance to tell her, he swears that he will pick Komaru up after his battle ends. After the battle ends, Makoto supposedly reunites with his sister (although this is not shown on screen), who assists him and his fellow survivors in rebuilding Hope's Peak Academy.

    His Parents

    Before enrolling in Hope's Peak Academy, Makoto lived a normal life with his parents and Komaru. They are the people closest to him. This is proven when the mastermind selects them as his Captives, as well as when they are used in Killing Among Loved Ones in an attempt to motivate Makoto to kill. His parents' status is currently unknown. Class 78th:

    Kyoko Kirigiri

    Their relationship during their school years is a bit unclear. After they were brainwashed, the two's bond began during the events of the first case. Kyoko is the one who tells Makoto that there was more to Sayaka's murder than what everyone had been led to believe. It is thanks to her words that he was able to solve the mystery of his late friend's death. She later comforts him about the events, saying that Sayaka was hesitating to carry out her planned deed to kill him and gave her (and subsequently him) the piece of evidence needed to solve the case. Since then, the two have been on good terms and she aids him in the debates during cases. Makoto refers to her as a friend and wishes that she would trust him as much as he trusts her to which she begins to try and believe in others. During the moments of the fifth trial, when Kyoko is suspected of the crime, Makoto finds a contradiction in her claim. However, he remains quiet, putting his faith in Kyoko. This later leads to him being found guilty of the crime in question. Makoto is forced to undergo a punishment, but is saved thanks to Alter Ego. She realizes that she was only concerned for herself rather than the safety of the only person that trusted her. Because of this, she risks her life to save him. She then showed him her scarred hands, which is a great sign of trust from her, as she states that she only shows her hands to people she considers as important as family. This is coupled with other subtle hints that indicate that she has romantic feelings for him. After joining Future Foundation, Kyoko becomes Makoto's leader. Makoto constantly makes sure Kyoko doesn't overdo her tasks and Kyoko, in return, states she'll use her powers to protect Makoto. Kyoko continues to admire his optimism, and Makoto, in turn, admires her 'cool' personality and considers her the person who has kept him alive. In Danganronpa 3, it becomes much more evident that the two have feelings for each other, especially notable in Makoto's shyer behavior and tendency to blush more often. During the collaboration game of Danganronpa 3 and Guns Girl Z, when Kyoko is accused of being so stoic that even Makoto can't find her cute, he then a bit shyly but firmly points out that he does in fact find her quite cute, which surprises her and makes her blush. During the killing game, when Makoto overhears Kyoko talking about him with Ryota Mitarai, Makoto blushes, embarrassed by Kyoko's small speech while Kyoko coughs awkwardly after realizing he heard her. At one point, Kyoko takes off her gloves and holds his hand to comfort him, and Makoto is also seen mimicking Kyoko's thinking posture at one point. In the Otomedia magazine, Makoto is asked who is the first person that comes to his mind when he thinks about autumn. He answers Kyoko, since she is cool, but also has a really warm and gentle side. He then nervously tries to explain that he doesn't mean that in a weird way and tries to change the topic by stating that coincidentally her birthday is in October. This makes it seem even more suspicious, and he defends himself by stating that of course he would remember his own friend's birthday... only to fail to name Yasuhiro's one when questioned and nervously laughing that he may have forgotten. Aoi also appears to be very much aware that the two like each other, grinning widely after Kyoko's speech and later looking at the two while smiling knowingly, seemingly supportive of them. However, Makoto ends up unintentionally triggering Kyoko's NG code in the Final Killing Game, as her NG code was passing the fourth time limit with him alive. Makoto was shocked and very much saddened by her supposed death, blaming himself for letting her die. However, her last words of encouragement to him seemed to give Makoto just a little bit of hope and her supposed death fueled him determination to bring an end to the Final Killing Game. Although he tried to act strong about Kyoko's demise, Makoto is seen crying about her when alone, while remembering his memories with her by his side. After he was brainwashed, he hallucinated the "ghosts" of Kyoko and Sayaka. When Makoto had a confrontation with Kyosuke it is insinuated by him that Makoto was in love with her. While trying to persuade him to help him, Makoto tearfully tells him that if Kyoko had fallen into despair, and he had no choice but to kill her, he would still be happy to have met her. After Mikan revived Kyoko, Makoto was very happy to see her. Makoto and Kyoko are last seen running the rebuilt Hope's Peak Academy together. In Danganronpa IF, Junko calls Kyoko "Mukuro's love rival" due to Mukuro's crush on Makoto, attempting to turn Mukuro against Kyoko. The story doesn't make clear if Kyoko was genuinely interested in Makoto or that was just one of many Junko's lies. In Danganronpa V3's bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Makoto talks to her trying to help solve her issues with her father. While the two are close, the conversation is presented as friendship rather than romance.

    The links below are a full transcript and in-depth guide for Makoto's routes in Ultimate Talent Development Plan and Danganronpa S Development Mode.

    Ultimate Talent

  2. r/danganronpa Danganronpa all major mainline characters elimination! Monokid and Kurokuma have been eliminated! Vote for the character you hate the most to get them out! The top 5 characters who were voted will be out. There are 79 characters left. Also please read the RULES before commenting.

  3. Played by: Kanata Hongo (stage), Shun Nishime (DR 3 The Stage) One of the protagonists of Danganronpa. Makoto was a student of Hope's Peak Academy's 78th class, known as the Ultimate Lucky Student for making it in after being randomly selected amongst thousands of other students.

  4. With Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School closing the Hope's Peak Academy story arc, Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony takes place in a new school, with a completely new cast of characters, acting as the start of a new arc rather than a direct sequel to the previous two main titles.

  5. › wiki › Makoto_NaegiMakoto Naegi - Wikipedia

    Makoto's role in the Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School was a source of positive reaction. Critics saw him as a tragic hero because the new cast suspect him of being a criminal and he is antagonized by multiple members from the Future Foundation.

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  7. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony [a] is a visual novel developed by Spike Chunsoft and Too Kyo Games and published by Square Enix. The game was released in Japan in January 2017 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, and in North America and Europe by Square Enix in September 2017. A Windows version was released worldwide on the same date.